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Hello dear students, welcome to the English class once again, let's go today to work
our listening and writing skills. This activity is a dictation, so listen carefully and
write what are you listening in the audio.

Play the .mp3 files (they are large so be patient).

 Just listen. I will speak, quite quickly, in a natural voice.

 Listen and write I will speak more slowly.

 Listen to the first file again


augustaug06l.mp3 augustaug06w.mp3



bingoapr06l.mp3 bingoapr06w.mp3


1. August was named after the Roman emperor Augustus. His has 31 days because
Augustus wanted has many days is July, which was named after Julius Cesar. In a
leap year august begins on the same day of the week has February. In the UK there
is a bank holiday on the last Monday in august. Traditionalistic many divinizes
close on bank holidays.
2. BINGO is a popular game played for money in the UK. BINGO nights are held in
church halls clubs and pubs all over the country. To play the game you have to buy
one or more cards with numbers printed on them. The game is run by to call out is
topics to cold out the numbers and check winning ticket. The call out we usually say
ice down to indicates that he or she is about to stop. They them call the numbers at
say a random leigh selected either by an electronic random number generator RNG.
By during contest for my bag o ball using balls in the mechanic rough maquine the
numbers a call out clearly for example 45, 55 or 2 and 3, 23 some numbers hand in
given nick names, for example, 2 fat lady’s, which listed number 88, plays crosaud
the numbers on the call as they a call out. The first played to more of old the
numbers shads BINGO and is the winner, is the winner.

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