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Remaining part of “my dad’s mystic power”

Written by c.v ramana i.e his dairy piece

Edited by c.chaitanya kiran
Drdicated to sri “dakshinamoorthy” whom I wished to
pray , decorate like this

Gurave sarva vidyanam bishaje bhava roginam nidaye

sarva vidyanam sri dakshinamoorthaye namaha
I salute to dakshinamoorthy swami who is preceptor of studies, healer of diseases and core of all studies
While doing master’s own adjustment say MASTERS own

For 10 seconds. Rest 10 seconds in this way , do 10 adjustments in the time of 3 munites . after rest of 5
munites thus for a set of 20 adjustments you will take 11 munites so you are permitted to do 5 sets of 20
adjustments for a day at any convenient hour time giving an interval of 15 minuites between any 2 sets
of 20 each . you will able to finish 3,000 for a month and you are required to complete 12,000 of
MASTERS own adjustment

Invocation : pray wake we get for my share that deposit of the working of 1,000 adjustment per munite
out of “MASTERS own adjustment”

Note : to be done before the 2nd thousand

Adjustment : “Highest root below of models peculiarity , in cowet foot , vertical signs, fan airs”

{this is not given to female mediun’s}

NO =1
Started doing no =1 by forming half symbol is mooladhara for 3,00 numbers is left
and 3,ooo numbers in right

M . course

If any complaints in body it will be adjusted


Special advice to the medium

{1} practice name should not be discussed

{2} no answer should be given for such

{3} other bhavas should not take to discussion

To take only the bhavas given

For feaver & heat

To repeat morning and evening . when much heat






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