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 Pre order - root L R

 Post order - L R root

 Walkie talkie is half duplex
 SRAMs are used as Caches
 Stack organised computer uses zero addressing

 TAT = Completion time - Arrival time

 Waiting time = TAT - BT

 Binary tree is where each node has atmost 2 children

 Binary search tree is arranged BT where left subtree of root node has values
less than the root node, and right has values more than root node

 Complete binary tree is where each node has 2 subnodes except possibly the
leaf nodes which are left oriented.

 RAD – Business modelling  Data modelling  Process modelling 

Application generation  Testing

 Spiral – Identify Objectives  Risk analysis and prototyping  Coding 


 AVL tree is a self-balancing Binary Search Tree (BST) where the difference
between heights of left and right subtrees cannot be more than one for all
nodes. The height of an AVL tree is always O(Logn) where n is the number of
nodes in the tree.

 De morgan’s theorem

 Singular matrix is a matrix whose determinant is zero


 These three letters stand for confidentiality, integrity, and availability,

otherwise known as the CIA Triad

IaaS – infrastructure as a service

PaaS – Platform as a service
SaaS – Software as a service
 OCCI – Open cloud computing interface

 Only stack is essential to implement recursion.

 Lexical Analysis - It helps you to convert a sequence of characters into a

sequence of tokens. If the lexical analyzer detects that the token is invalid, it
generates an error.

 Compiler design phases

Ex-OR gate

A ex or B is AB’ + A’B

 Sequential access is used to access cassette tape

Algorithms that use dynamic programming

 0-1 knapsack
 Longest common subsequence
 Matrix chain multiplication
 Single source bellman ford
 All pair shortest path – Floyd warshall

 In Compiler, keywords are recognized during lexical analysis

 Cyclomatic Complexity of module = Number of decision points + 1
 Dynamic memory is difficult to interface with processor because dynamic memory
 Digital multiplex is AND – OR

 Dijkstra algo is based on GREEDY approach

Class A – 0 to 127
Class B – 128 to 191
Class C – 192 to 223
Class D – 224 to 239 (multicast)
Class E – 240 to 255 (Reserved)

Any address starting with 127 is loopback address ( for testing network cards)
Baud rate is symbols per second.

 First element to come out of stack goes on right of operator

 Lossless dependency preserving decomposition into 3NF is always possible
 Any relation with 2 attributes is in BCNF
 To do binary A-B , find 1’s complement of B and then add to A, if any carry, add it to
the result.

Here T(0) = 1 is given

 B-tree is a self balancing search tree , The main idea of using B-Trees is to
reduce the number of disk accesses. 

 Since the height of the B-tree is low so total disk accesses for most of the
operations are reduced significantly compared to balanced Binary Search
Trees like AVL Tree, Red-Black Tree, ..etc.

 Time complexity of search, insert, delete in b tree is O(log n)

 M keys, Ceil(m/2) children in a m way b tree , root can have min 2 children, all leaf at
same level, creation process is bottom up

 No of child pointers = num of keys + 1 in b tree

B+ tree

 Data pointers are stored only at the leaf nodes

 Leaf nodes are linked
 Search is faster than B tree
 Insertion, deletion easier
FIFO is non-preemptive
Round robin and multi level is preemptive

 Leaf nodes doesn’t necessarily have to be of lowest level, they can be at

upper levels too.
 Number of graphs that can be made from n vertices are 2^n(n-1)/2

 The lower bound for an algorithm is denoted by the symbol Ω

Implied Addressing refers to the instruction which comprises only the OPCODE

without an OPERAND. Some Instructions that use Implied Addressing is HALT,

Hamilonian Circuit – A simple circuit in a graph   that passes through every
vertex exactly once is called a Hamiltonian circuit.
So the sum of the degrees of all the vertexes is twice the number of edges.

LISP and Prolog are interpreted languages

No. of cyclic permutations of n objects =(n−1)!=(n−1)! 

Soln = 6C4 X ((4-1)!/2)

Answer = D , ALL

Hash tables suffer from O(n) worst time complexity 

Hash table average case time complexity is O(1)

Most common access method is sequential

The Master Boot Record (MBR) is the information in the first sector of any hard disk
or diskette that identifies how and where an operating system is located so that it can
be boot (loaded) into the computer's main storage or random access memory.

Infix to Prefix using Stack

1) Reverse the expression, keep the brackets as is

2) Higher precedence operator will just go into the stack, eg - +*
3) If precedence of operators is same, then check associativity , if it is left to right
then just keep it on the stack, eg - +*/
4) If incoming operator is same as operator on top of stack, apply same rule as
Step 3
5) If incoming operator precedence is lower , simply keep popping items until
precedence matches or is higher, eg - +*/+  ++. (* and / popped out)
6) at end, pop out all operators and append in the resulting expression
7) reverse the result

Infix to Postfix using Stack

1) if precedence of incoming operator is same as top of stack, check

associativity if left to right, then pop else just push on stack, eg -> +-  - (+
popped out)
2) if precedence of incoming operator is higher than existing then just push it on
stack, eg - +*
3) If precedence of incoming operator is lower than top of stack, then pop until
precedence is higher than TOS, eg - *+  + (* popped out)
4) At the end, pop all items out
Standard deviation is square root of variance

Exponential distribution
rate = α > 0

Mean = 1/alpha, variance =

Normal distribution

Uniform distribution
Mean = (b-a)/2

Mean = var =

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