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© Kindergarten Kiosk
Art by: kmpdoodles, scrappindoodles & Kelly Medina Studios - MyGrafico &Kiosk
lettering delights
© Kindergarten
Objective: Fluently naming upper and lowercase alphabet letters.
Common Core: RF.K.1. Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print:
Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Rationale: Alphabet automaticity is an early indicator of future reading success.
Materials: Make 10 copies of the card back (page 2) and then copy pages 3-12 on the reverse side. Laminate
and cut to make a deck of alphabet playing cards. Gather an elf hat for each player to add to the fun!
•Seat students around a table and place the shuffled deck in front of the teacher (child) who will be the dealer
for each round. Santa’s elves have been very busy making toys and they need a short break! Pass out the
elf hats if desired at this time. We will be the elves as we play a game called The Elf Dance!

•To play we will quickly name upper and lowercase letters as they are dealt from the deck. Model to the
students by taking the top card from the deck and laying it face up as close to center of the group as is
comfortable for the dealer. (Make sure that struggling students will be looking at the letters straight on if

•As each card is played, together, we will state each letter’s name. Demonstrate with about 3-4 cards. As
we play we must also watch for the busy Christmas Elves. There are six of them hiding in the deck.

• When the card turned over is an elf, if you are the first player to jump up and do an elf dance while singing, “I am a little elf, tra - la
- la”, you will not only win the elf card but every card in the deck that is also laying face-up in the pile. After the elf dance and
collection of cards, the dealer quickly returns to turning cards at a rapid pace.

• When all of the cards have been played, the player with the most collected cards wins the round. We will then quickly reshuffle the
cards and the next player around the table will be the new dealer.

• Continue to play additional rounds as time allows. Remember to keep the pace of the game fast but constantly watch for correct letter
naming, adjusting the pace of the game for struggling students.

• At the end of the game declare that it is time for the elves to get back to work and collect all hats.

• * For independent practice ask students to complete the Elf Dance worksheet.

© Kindergarten Kiosk
© Kindergarten Kiosk

© Kindergarten Kiosk
J K L © Kindergarten Kiosk

© Kindergarten Kiosk

V WX© Kindergarten Kiosk

Y Z a

b c d
© Kindergarten Kiosk
e f g
h i j
© Kindergarten Kiosk
k l m
n o p
© Kindergarten Kiosk
q r s

t u v
© Kindergarten Kiosk
w x y

z © Kindergarten Kiosk
© Kindergarten Kiosk
Name: __________________________________________________

The Elf Dance

Directions: Help little elf find his way to his elf friend. Please circle the letters a-z from left to right until you
reach the “z”. NOTE: Keep your pencil on the paper drawing under the letters as you go. avrbsgicostud

a h k i c b e r c o d w r q e f y k j
c g o p c m h d e o i e j s l k e c z l e
n d m o t y u n c w d o e q c n m p e
t u i q d o p c r d e i g s o b h z e t o
w d u e w w w v o o c y t w c i p
z q d k x o l m b c y x c c t o z

© Kindergarten Kiosk

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