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Int J Appl  Earth Obs Geoinformation 64 (2018) 1–11

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Research Paper

A comparative analysis of pixel- and object-based detection of landslides MARK

from very high-resolution images

Ren N. Keyporta, Thomas Oommena, , Tapas R. Marthab, K.S. Sajinkumara,c, John S. Gierkea
Department of Geological & Mining Engineering & Sciences, Michigan Technological University,1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931, USA
National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Hyderabad 500 037, India
Department of Geology, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram 695 581, Kerala, India


Keywords: A comparative analysis of landslides detected by pixel-based and object-oriented analysis (OOA) methods was
Unsupervised classification performed using very high-resolution (VHR) remotely sensed aerial images for the San Juan La Laguna,
Object-Oriented analysis Guatemala, which witnessed widespread devastation during the 2005 Hurricane Stan. A 3-band orthophoto of
Segment optimization 0.5 m spatial resolution together with a 115 field-based landslide inventory were used for the analysis. A binary
Landslide mapping
reference was assigned with a zero value for landslide and unity for non-landslide pixels. The pixel-based
Lake atitlán
analysis was performed using unsupervised classification, which resulted in 11 different trial classes. Detection
of landslides using OOA includes 2-step K-means clustering to eliminate regions based on brightness; elimination
of false positives using object properties such as rectangular fit, compactness, length/width ratio, mean differ-
ence of objects, and slope angle. Both overall accuracy and F-score for OOA methods outperformed pixel-based
unsupervised classification methods in both landslide and non-landslide classes. The overall accuracy for OOA
and pixel-based unsupervised classification was 96.5% and 94.3%, respectively, whereas the best F-score for
landslide identification for OOA and pixel-based unsupervised methods: were 84.3% and 77.9%,
respectively.Results indicate that the OOA is able to identify the majority of landslides with a few false positive
when compared to pixel-based unsupervised classification.

1. Introduction of OOA methods for detection of landslides, particularly with medium

and low resolution remotely sensed data. The OOA begins with image
Historical collections of high-resolution remote sensing data pro- segmentation, which is a grouping of nearby pixels based on a homo-
vides us valuable opportunities to analyze natural hazard events to geneity factor. These objects, or segments, can be analyzed further
advance our understanding of the hazard and to minimize its effects using spatial, textural, contextual, geometric, and spectral character-
(Oommen et al., 2013; Bialas et al., 2016), and help in creating an in- istics. The additional processing eliminates false positives that are
ventory. Traditionally, remote sensing data have been analyzed using usually missed by pixel-based classification alone (O'Neil-Dunne, 2013;
pixel-based classification methods for studying natural hazards, espe- Bialas et al., 2016).
cially landslides. The pixel-based methods rely solely on spectral Several studies have assessed the effectiveness of OOA and pixel-
characteristics of the analyzed image which significantly limits the based methods (Whiteside and Ahmad, 2005; Yan et al., 2006; Oruc
potential for identification of spatially contiguous areas; often resulting et al., 2004; Chang et al., 2012; Bialas et al., 2016). However, none of
in a speckled appearance in the classification product with many small these studies assessed the effectiveness of landslide detection with very
regions or single pixels classified as hazard events (Sahoo et al., 2007; high-resolution (0.5 m spatial resolution) remotely sensed data.
Stumpf et al., 2011).
A new solution gaining popularity in the field of image processing 2. Study area
for landslide studies is Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA). Studies by
Barlow et al. (2012), Van Den Eeckhaut et al. (2012), Martha and Kerle San Juan La Laguna (14.695°N, 91.287°W) is a community of ap-
(2010), Lahousse et al. (2011), Martha (2011), Stumpf and Kerle proximately 10,000 residents located on the shores of Lake Atitlán in
(2011), Chang et al. (2012), Blaschke et al. (2014), Moosavi et al. south central Guatemala (Fig. 1a–c). Lake Atitlán is a steep-sided cal-
(2014), Wu et al. (2014), and Dou et al. (2015) highlighted advantages dera lake (Fig. 1d). Three post-caldera active andesitic strato-volcanoes

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T. Oommen).
Received 6 June 2017; Received in revised form 28 August 2017; Accepted 31 August 2017
0303-2434/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R.N. Keyport et al. Int J Appl  Earth Obs Geoinformation 64 (2018) 1–11

Fig. 1. Location of San Juan La Laguna study area on western shore of Lake Atitlán, Guatemala (a) Map of Guatemala showing the location (white arrow) of Lake Atitlán (b) Lake Atitlán
and study area (c) Actual study area and reference image used for processing (d) Terrestrial photograph showing San Juan (Photograph faces the south).

() form the southern margin with San Pedro being the closest to San culminating in the destruction of communities and the loss of hundreds
Juan La Laguna (Newhall et al., 1987). A major eruption in the Atitlán of lives in nearby Panabaj. The destruction significantly affected the
III complex occurred 84,000 years BP resulted in the creation of Lake fragile state of the predominantly subsistence farming community.
Atitlán. Quaternary tephra units cover most of the highlands with Despite the enormous toll on the local population, very little scientific
thicknesses exceeding ∼15 m, and unconsolidated Quaternary ash de- effort was expended in mapping landslides (Luna, 2007; Cobin et al.,
posits have filled most of the basins of western Guatemalan highlands 2017). Without a comprehensive record, the evidence may soon be
and in places are thicker than 200 m (Newhall et al., 1987). covered by vegetation and forgotten, leading to a future reoccurrence.
The geomorphology of the Atitlán caldera is related to the volcanic The steepness of the terrain and the larger number of landslides
activity of the area and the different geologic units reflect various make field-based mapping a daunting task. We propose and evaluate
eruptive stages of the volcanoes and landscape dynamics of the sedi- herein the object-oriented approach to identify landslides. The perfor-
ments (Luna, 2007). The topographic elevations increase from 300 m mance of this approach is compared to the more conventional pixel-
on the surrounding coastal plain to 1562 m at Lake Atitlán and 3535 m based approach.
at the summit of Volcano Atitlán (Fig. 1b–d). The volcanic events have
produced a steep sided and often unstable crater rim with intermittent 3. Data and methodology
deep canyons ranging in depth between 200 and 500 m. Downhill of the
rim are located several villages that are susceptible to landslides and A detailed schematic of the method followed in this study is pre-
lahars. At San Juan La Laguna, slopes might be as steep as 80° and are sented in Fig. 2. A field-based inventory of landslide initiation points
covered with a thin layer of clay and organic rich soil. This thin veneer, was created by the Instituto Nacional de Sismologia, Vulcanologia,
of approximately one meter of soil, creates a very unstable setting, Meterologia, e Hidrologia (INSIVUMEH) after Hurricane Stan (Geoló-
which in the event of a heavy rainfall is likely to fail (Luna, 2007; Smith gicos del Mundo (GM), 2009; Supplementary material-Appendix A).
et al., 2015; Kern et al., 2016). This inventory together with the remotely sensed high-resolution or-
On 4 October 2005, Hurricane Stan provided the heavy rainfall thophotos taken shortly after the event in early 2006 was highly ben-
(297.5 mm) needed to mobilize significant sections of the crater rim. eficial in identifying landslide locations. The multi-spectral (red, green,
Thousands of landslides occurred along the steep crater walls and blue bands) orthophotos (GM, 2009) with 0.5 m spatial resolution

R.N. Keyport et al. Int J Appl  Earth Obs Geoinformation 64 (2018) 1–11

Fig. 2. Process flow chart of methods used in OOA and unsupervised classification. Key processing steps are grouped with examples of data result.

provide a detailed information of the region and were used in this study classification, respectively.
to create a complete landslide inventory of the San Juan La Laguna OOA is a more complex method of image classification that allows
region. Additionally, 10 m elevation contours available from IN- far greater flexibility in the parameterization of inputs. A variety of
SIVUMEH were used to develop a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to approaches using OOA have been examined in previous studies
represent the topographic features of the region. Slope, flow accumu- (Espindola et al. 2006; Boesch and Wang, 2008; Martha, 2011; Stumpf
lation, and curvature layers were derived from the DEM. These datasets and Kerle, 2011; Lu et al., 2011; Lahousse et al., 2011; Wu et al., 2014;
provided the basis to test OOA and unsupervised pixel-based classifi- Shruthi et al., 2015). For this study, we utilized a trial-and-error ap-
cation methods for automatic landslide detection and determine the proach to identify the best OOA. For the OOA, the red, green, and blue
limitations of each method. spectral bands of the 0.5 m spatial resolution orthophotos were used.
The extent of the region was chosen to represent a broad range of Several segmentation algorithms available in eCognition were eval-
physical features including developed land such as roads, buildings, and uated and the multi-resolution segmentation provided the best result.
farmland, as well as natural features such as rivers, lakeshore, and a The scale factor 44 for the multi-resolution segmentation was de-
variety of other terrains. The selection of a broad range of physical termined through trial-and-error.
features was intentional to test the robustness of the method. The pixel- Potential landslide locations were then mapped using a brightness
based unsupervised classification was performed in Erdas Imagine threshold derived iteratively from the segmented objects. The iterative
whereas OOA was performed in Trimble’s eCognition Developer soft- comparison resulted in identifying the lower brightness threshold of
ware. 140 for the landslide objects, which was utilized for the eCognition
The 0.5 m resolution data available for this region were processed Feature Extraction Tool. K-means clustering was conducted using in-
based on its spectral properties for pixel-based unsupervised classifi- creasing numbers of centers until a value close to 140 was attained,
cation. Parameter selection is very limited in the unsupervised classi- which resulted in four cluster centers. All image objects with a mean
fication with the primary variable being the number of classes. The brightness of less than 140 were eliminated from the candidate pool.
reference image was classified using a range of class values from 4 to 14 Elimination of false positives was necessary since only the bright-
unsupervised classes resulting in 11 output images. In each of these 11 ness threshold did not fully eliminate objects other than landslides, such
unsupervised classification images, the brightest class best represented as farmland, roads, buildings, beaches, and rivers. The elimination of
the landslide because of the outcropping of the underlying felsic clay these false positives were conducted with the use of existing knowledge
deposited by ash fall from the nearby volcanoes. Thus, the fresh land- of the region gained through field-work and spatial characteristics of
slides generally appear in stark contrast to surrounding vegetation. the objects derived by segmentation. It is much easier to identify spa-
Each of these 11 images derived from unsupervised classification were tially consistent objects, such as those mentioned above, than to define
then compared to a reference dataset, which is discussed in the vali- the characteristics of erratic and inconsistent landslide objects. For this
dation and accuracy assessment section. Fig. 3a–b shows the 4 and 14 reason, false positive elimination is preferred over in-depth landslide
class unsupervised classification results to demonstrate over and under- characterization (Martha, 2011).

R.N. Keyport et al. Int J Appl  Earth Obs Geoinformation 64 (2018) 1–11

Fig. 3. Under-classified and over-classified results of landslide identification. Blue pixels identify potential landslide candidates (a) Under-classified result with four pixel classes; pixel
extent exceeds boundaries of landslide regions (b) Over-classified result with 14 pixel classes is clearly missing significant portions of landslide extent near landslide boundaries. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

The urban area of San Juan La Laguna exhibited the highest number roads and road networks. The mean difference of an object to its
of false positives because of its many high-brightness features (e.g., neighbors was also useful in the elimination of developed and barren
roads and roofs). Fortunately, these features are urban structures lands. A 2-step K-means clustering was used in the derivation of rec-
having geometric and contextual properties, which are different from tangular fit, compactness, length/width, and mean difference false
most landslides. Hence, geometric features, like rectangular fit, were positive elimination thresholds. A large portion of the remaining false
used in the identification of rooftops, parking lots, and roads whereas positives are comprised mostly of low-lying farmlands and open spaces
compactness was used to delineate farmland. Compactness together concentrated near and within the city and do not exist on the steep
with length/width ratio are useful in the identification of individual slopes near San Juan La Laguna that are most susceptible to landslides.

R.N. Keyport et al. Int J Appl  Earth Obs Geoinformation 64 (2018) 1–11

Fig. 4. OOA result with segmentation scale factor 44. All colored objects indicate regions identified as potential landslides based on initial brightness threshold. False positives were then
eliminated with thresholds described in Table 1 and are colored based on this parameter.

To further eliminate false positive features, slope was selected as the epitomizes the challenges of working with historical data from a remote
parameter. Fig. 4 displays all landslide candidates as colored objects region. To add to the challenges of this dataset, the accuracy of each
with each false positive colored differently based on its respective point was low enough to render some points outside of the actual
parameter of elimination. landslide boundary. This is likely due to the steep terrain and low po-
The elimination of false positives did not provide perfect identifi- sitional accuracy of landslide data collected using hand-held GPS. A few
cation of all landslide candidates nor eliminate all false positives. reference points that were visually outside the boundary of landslides
Ambiguity in the dataset and variability of the spectral characteristics were adjusted to the closest landslide boundary. These instances were
of the landslides made some identification by OOA and unsupervised easily distinguishable in the orthophotos. A total of 115 landslide in-
classification impossible. In particular, shadowed regions containing itiation points were identified within the study area, each composed of
landslides were not identified in either OOA or pixel-based un- a single pixel. Fig. 6 shows a small portion of the study area with
supervised classification because of the vast difference in brightness corrected initiation points.
value caused by the shadows. Fig. 5 shows three landslides hidden by a The non-landslide validation dataset was created by the selection of
shadow which resulted in missed identification. Table 1 outlines each 900 random points across the image. The random points were gener-
parameter that was used for false positive elimination. ated using ArcGIS random point generator tool with a condition of each
random point being at least 3 m away from the landslide point. The 3 m
4. Accuracy assessment and results buffer for the non-landslide point was used based on the average size of
the landslide feature. All the 900 random points were carefully verified
Assessment of the performance of unsupervised pixel-based classi- using high-resolution image to ensure that they are not within the
fication and OOA methods of landslide detection required the creation landslide boundary. Those points that were within the apparent land-
of a validation dataset to compare the results of each method. This slide boundary were removed from the dataset to avoid false classifi-
consisted of the ground truth dataset provided by INSIVUMEH and a cation. Since the full extent of the landslides could not be confirmed
randomly generated group of 900 data points associated with non- due to lack of ground truth, these boundaries had to be inferred based
landslide cases (Supplementary material-Appendix A). on spectral continuity of the region identified based on the initiation
The ground truth dataset represents the initiation point of landslides points in the high-resolution image. This method proved successful for
that occurred after Hurricane Stan in October 2005 collected through all but one data point, which was located in a drainage channel beneath
field-based GPS survey. This approach represents each landslide to only several landslide initiation points. Since the exposed channel has the
one verifiable point, which limits the validation potential and same spectral characteristics as the associated landslides, it is

R.N. Keyport et al. Int J Appl  Earth Obs Geoinformation 64 (2018) 1–11

Fig. 5. Landslide events missed because of concealment by shadows are denoted by white arrows. These events have no spectral variation from the shadow region and could not be
identified using only a single spectral image.

Table 1 negative data points to calculate the accuracy of each method.

Parameter selection for OOA of landslide cases at scale 44. Object character types re- From these data, an accuracy assessment was conducted in R soft-
mained the same, but values varied for other scale factors tested. The first target was the ware, which calculated overall accuracy, precision, recall, and F-score
selection of landslide candidates. The following five eliminated false positives based on
object character derived using the listed method.
of each classified dataset based on the standard equations (Oommen
et al., 2010; Supplementary material-Appendix B). Overall accuracy is
Target Property Object Character Method the arithmetic mean of the correctly identified landslide and non-
landslide location. Precision refers to the number of actual landslides
Landslides Spectral (RGB) Mean Brightness > 138 K-means
relative to all the points identified as landslides. Higher precision in-
Rooftops Object Rectangular fit > 0.87 Existing dicates that landslides were correctly mapped than non-landslides.
Geometry Knowledge Recall is the percentage of all landslide events that were properly
Barren Lands Spectral (Blue) Mean difference > 100 K-means identified. A high recall value indicates that most of the landslide
events were mapped. F-score is the harmonic mean of the landslide and
Farmland Object Compactness > 4.5 K-means
Geometry clustering non-landslide validation datasets and is important because the non-
Roads Object Length/width > 6 K-means landslide cases far outnumbers the landslide cases. By using precision
Geometry clustering and recall, no extra-weight is given to the higher number of non-
Developed land Slope Mean Slope < 9° Existing landslide events (Oommen et al., 2010). The results from the OOA and
the 11 different pixel-based unsupervised classification are presented in
Figs. 7 and 8.
impossible to interpret from the reference image the toe of the land- Overall accuracy maxima were obtained at unsupervised classifi-
slide, and the channel border. Therefore, this point was removed from cation levels of 9, 12 and 13 with a value of 94.3%, while the maximum
the validation dataset. This resulted in a data set of 894 non-landslide overall accuracy for OOA method was 96.5% (Figs. 7 and 8). Overall
reference pixels. accuracy does not provide a complete picture of the accuracy of the
The landslide and non-landslide validation datasets were combined methods, as it does not account for the fact that the number of non-
and a binary reference was assigned with null value for a landslide and landslide reference points outnumbers the number of landslide points
unity for non-landslide pixels. Extraction of values to these data was by nearly a factor of eight in the validation set. This leads to data
then done in ArcMap for each of the 11 unsupervised classifications and skewed toward non-landslide identification. It is important to evaluate
the landslide shape file created by OOA. Each produced a file of 1009 the precision, recall, and F-score of predicting landslide and non-land-
pixels consisting of true positive, true negative, false positive, and false slide classes to determine the strengths and weaknesses of each method

R.N. Keyport et al. Int J Appl  Earth Obs Geoinformation 64 (2018) 1–11

Fig. 6. Zoomed map indicating landslide initiation points that were corrected due to inaccuracy in data collection. Green indicates the original location of the initiation point and red is
the corrected location which falls definitively within the indicated landslide. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)

and to fully understand the quality of the result. When examining the
recall values of landslide identification, it appears that unsupervised
classification with four classes outperformed the best OOA by 14%. The
downfall of this is that four-class unsupervised classification had by far
the highest false positive identification, which resulted in having the
lowest overall accuracy and F-score. These results indicate that the
pixel-based unsupervised classification is identifying a much higher
percentage of the study area as landslides than actual.
The more preferable way of examining the result is with the use of
F-score. This provides a balanced view of the accuracy of how well each
test detects both landslide and non-landslide cases because it takes into
account the number of samples of each dataset using precision and
recall. F-score for OOA methods outperformed all pixel-based un-
supervised classification methods in both landslide and non-landslide
cases. The best F-score for landslide identification for OOA and un-
supervised methods were 84.3% and 77.9%, respectively. This differ-
ence highlights the effect of the low precision values achieved by un-
supervised classification. Precision values of 57% to 71% for pixel-
based and 87% for OOA demonstrate the poor false positive removal of
unsupervised classification.
Although methods and spatial resolution of data varied in previous
Fig. 7. Overall accuracy of OOA and unsupervised classification results. OOA scale factor studies, the overall accuracy results for pixel-based and object-oriented
(44) is plotted in green square. Class 4–14 indicate unsupervised classification levels as approaches varied from 38% to 4% improvement (Bialas et al., 2016).
indicated by number. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, The results from this study were most similar to those in Chang et al.
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) (2012) which also examined pixel- and object-based mapping ap-
proaches for landslides. The result of this study fit well within this range
validating the effectiveness of the methods performed.
When mapping the landslides, it is important to capture the

R.N. Keyport et al. Int J Appl  Earth Obs Geoinformation 64 (2018) 1–11

Fig. 8. Precision recall, and F-score plots for

comparison of landslide and non-landslide
identification results. OOA scale factor (44)
is plotted in green square. Class 4–14 in-
dicate unsupervised classification levels as
indicated by number. (For interpretation of
the references to colour in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)

geometry besides the location. The geometry of a subset of the land- 5. Discussion
slides was carefully mapped manually using the high-resolution image.
The manually mapped landslide geometry was then compared to the The mapping of landslides at San Juan La Laguna by pixel-based
landslides mapped using OOA (Fig. 9a–c). In Fig. 9, the manually unsupervised classification and OOA proved moderately successful with
mapped landslides are in blue, and the OOA mapped landslides are in very high-resolution images. Despite data limitations, overall ac-
the red. It is observed from Fig. 9 that in general the red lines overlay on curacies of 96.5% and 94.3% were obtained using OOA and un-
top of the blue lines and have a very good agreement between the supervised classification methods, respectively. After confidence in-
manual and OOA mapped landslides. Figs. 9b–c show zoomed locations terval testing, it was determined that the improvement in overall
from the study area. It is evident from the zoomed image that though in accuracy was not statistically significant. The overall accuracy is
general there is good agreement between manual and OOA mapped skewed toward non-landslide identification and does not accurately
landslides, the OOA analysis seems to fail to map the entirety of the represent the effectiveness of the methods. The highest F-score values
landslides especially closer to the vegetated region. Besides, it is ob- for landslide identification were 84.3% and 77.9% for OOA and pixel-
served in Fig. 9c that in some cases the OOA mapped landslides are based unsupervised classification, respectively. This difference of 6.4%
subdivided into smaller objects compared to a single landslide as as- more accurately represents the success of OOA methods than overall
signed manually. accuracy.
Also, we evaluated how well the OOA mapped landslides compare The low precision values for landslide identification using pixel-
to the landslide type. The landslide type was assigned based on a slope based unsupervised classification highlight the greatest weakness of this
threshold of 30° as observed in the field. Slopes greater than 30° being method. False positive removal is limited to pixel values rather than
rock fall and slopes between 15 and 30° being debris flow. Fig. 10 shows object characteristics, making the removal much more challenging
the comparison OOA mapped landslide with rock fall and debris flow when little is known of the study area and landslide characteristics.
within a subset of the study area. It is observed from Fig. 10 that in Large urban areas create a unique challenge in the processing of re-
general, the OOA mapped landslide boundaries have better agreement motely sensed data and should be analyzed cautiously on a case-by-case
with rock fall compared to the debris flow. The OOA mapped landslides basis. This is especially true when dealing with high-resolution images
seem to be incomplete or entirely miss the boundary of debris flow where individual buildings and small structures may be assigned their
whereas the extent of the rock fall is mapped well by the OOA analysis. own image objects. A potential solution would be the use of multiple

R.N. Keyport et al. Int J Appl  Earth Obs Geoinformation 64 (2018) 1–11

Fig. 9. Comparison of the manually and OOA mapped landslide geometries. a) Comparison of the subset of the study area, b) and c) Zoomed areas from Fig. 9a shown as green and yellow
box. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

segmentation values optimized for the varying dominant regions of the with OOA mapped showed generally good agreement. The comparison
image. of the landslide type demonstrated that the OOA method mapped rock
The greatest limitation for both methods is the inability to confirm falls better than the debris flows.
the extent of landslides where no ground truth data are available. A
completed landslide inventory of this region would require significant
assumption of landslide extent, especially where landslides intersect 6. Conclusion
drainage channels, which are spectrally and texturally similar. Despite
these setbacks, OOA was able to identify the majority of the landslides A comparative analysis of landslides detected by pixel-based and
with a few false positive cases using a high-resolution orthophoto and OOA methods was performed using very high-resolution (VHR) re-
DEM. The comparison of the geometry of manually mapped landslides motely sensed aerial images for the San Juan La Laguna, Guatemala,
which witnessed widespread devastation during the 2005 Hurricane

R.N. Keyport et al. Int J Appl  Earth Obs Geoinformation 64 (2018) 1–11

Fig. 10. Comparison of the landslide type (rock fall and debris flow) with the OOA mapped landslides.

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This work is partially supported by the National Science Foundation Espindola, G.M., Camara, G., Reis, I.A., Bins, L.S., Monteiro, A.M., 2006. Parameter se-
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Grant No. 0530109. The work of Patrice Cobin during her Peace Corps GM (Geológicos del Mundo), 2009. Guidance for the development of susceptibility maps:
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tection using object-oriented methods. Geomorphology 116, 24–36.
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the Martha, T.R., 2011. Detection of Landslides By Object-Oriented Image Analysis Thesis
online version, at (unpublished). University of Twente, The Netherlands.
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