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“The Passion of the Christ”

All the biblical stories fascinate us since these stories have the understanding of evolution of
man’s world and its ancient history. We have stories to tell and miracles for imagination, for
more than that it is hard to portray the character of God’s only son before us and till what
extent it should be effecting and making common people to take in their faith, is the major
question. Though it is hard but not impossible since we have the best example of the movie
‘The Passion of The Christ’ where director Mel Gibson portrayed the character of Christ and
it is wonderfully played by Jim Caviezel.
The movie is based on the life and happenings of Jesus Christ and revolves around 12 hours
incidents till his execution.
How Roman Catholic Church fruited itself during the time of great oblivion of religious faith
and when world had no more concern to its people.
The film primarily covers the final twelve hours of Jesus' life, beginning with the Agony in
the Garden of Gethsemane, the insomnia and grievance of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the
brutal scourge and crucifixion, ending with a brief depiction of his resurrection.
The movie was so fascinating and perfect in its portrayal that it received three nominations of
Academy Awards and still remains as the highest- Grossing film of Christian film of all time.
The movie has its sequel to be released in future and it is under the process of making and
titled as “The Resurrection of the Christ.”
The movie comes under the genre of historical and mythical and finds its source in Old and
New Testaments both. Most of the language of the film is in archaic form with the blend of
Latin, Hebrew and Aramaic (Jewish dialect).
A must watch movie to know how it started with Jesus Christ and how it ended the day of his

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