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Summer I

Graded HW #1
Daniel Salamanca

1. Backbox Linux Target Audience:

Backbox Linux is a very young project designed for penetration testing, vulnerability
assessment and management. Target audience are most likely for security engineers and
penetration testers. For example, is used for data recovery as well as forensic security.

2. The Linux derived from Backbox:

Backbox is built on Ubuntu core system.

3. Backbox example applications:

o Web Application
o Mobile
o System & Network
o Wireless Network
o IoT & Embedded
o Automotive
o Red Team Simulation
o Social Engineering
o Threat Intelligence

4. What makes it unique when compared to other distributions

Blackbox Linux has been developed to offer the maximum possible performance with the
lowest consumption of resources. It uses by default a fully versatile and customizable
XFCE desktop that allows its users to configure both the desktop and any other aspect of
the system from the launchers and services to the startups options of this distribution
without too much complication. Moreover, backbox Linux is designed to keep the order of
all your tools. Unlike other distributions whose order can be chaotic, this system has a
menu in which all the applications and tools are perfectly ordered and cataloged, allowing
them to be easily located in seconds. However, BackBox is different from competitors in
backup verification, fully customizable files retention, working with passwords vaults, and
inmmutable data storage support.
Cited sites:, Wikipedia,

Extra Credit:

Photo 1

Photo 2

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