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· Listen and identify these thinqs used ~
_i_n_t_h_e-generation and transfer of Electricity

, e•


A. Boiling water produces
B. High voltage electricity is transferred by
C. The electricity 1s finally transferred to homes and offices where it is used by machines connected to an
D. A is a place where electricity 1s generated.
E. A turbine turns the shaft of an which generates the electncity.
F. Heat is used to create
G. When the electricity arrives at its destination 1t passes through a again to lower the voltage for safe use.
H. The source of energy is normally burnt to produce
l. Steam 1s used to turn the blades of a
J. A changes the electricity to high voltage for efficient transfer. b. Now listen and hear
K.A provides the power to generate the electricity. if you were correa.
The sentences in Exercise 2 tell us how Electricity
-, . -.t. .e. . n. .d. . e-,----b~u-t they are not in the correct sequence. ~
Listen and complete the table below with the correct sequence V
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Listenand complete tne table below with 1
he actions that descnbe the purpose of each ítem
er plant generates -~- ~ electncity
rce of energy heat
-- - boiling water

- g water steam
the blades of a turbme
- mine the shaft of an electrical generator
edrical generator electrioty
the voltage of electricity
_ ead power cables electricity
ectrical socket machines to electricity
listen to the conversation
and hear rhe different ways we can ask and answrr
about the purpose of machines. Complete the ~
miss1ng sentences V
at is the -~=~-
of a turbine?
e use a turbine to the shaft of an electrical generator.

ny do we an electrical socket 7
electrical socket 1s ~---' to connect machines to electricity.

at do we use a transformer 7

ransformer the voltage of electrioty

A batte~ 1s a device that stores energy The batte~ stores chem1cal energy until ~e Read the
want to use it and then the energy 1s converted to electrical energy. mere are two types
of batte~, prima~ and secondary. Prima~ batteries can only be used once. These are text about Batteries and
called d1sposable batteries because when they are empty we throw them away. The most
popular types of primary battenes are made from Z1nc.Carbon or AIKaline. )econda~
answer the questions below
battenes can be used many times. When they are empty they can be recharged, so we Are these statements True or false r (T) (n
call tnese batteries rechargeable. )econda~
1. Dispo)able batterie) are seconda~ t~pe batteries.
batteries can be made from nicKei- ""
cadm1um, nicKel-zinc, nicKel metal nydnde 1

or l1th1um-ion. Batteries come in many

s1zes. )orne
important area of research and development as engineers
are tiny, designed to power small dev1ces
t~ to improve batte~ power and l1f espan. In the future
l1Ke hearing aids, others are huge and can
batteries capable of powering cars for long distances will
provide enough energy to power a
replace the need for gasol1ne, and batteries capable of
submanne. Batte~ technology 1s an
stonng large amounts of solar, wind and wave power will
maKe these clean energy 2. ( Disposable batteries can be
sources more access1ble. recharged.

3. ( Seconda~ batteries can be made

from nicKel-zinc.
4. Batterie) var~ in )ize depending on
tne device tne~ pe

5. ( Rechargeable batteries can be

used only once.

6. ( We throw away used prima~


Consumption Distribution Total
The amount of e ectnoty we use 1s called consumption We consume
perperson Consumption
kWh FACTORY OFFICE HOME GWh/yr electnoty in our homes, offices and factones by usmg lights, heating, air-
conditionmg and other machines Richer countnes consume more electnoty
Untted States
than poorer countries In the United States where the average mcome s
Mex1co $47,000 each person uses 39.25 kWh (k1lowatts per hour) each day, but in
Mex1co w1th an average mcome of $14,000 dollars each person consumes 6
1 36 kWh daily In Eth1op1a a person with an average nome of $824 uses only
China 0.12 kWh da1ly. The way a country uses electricity also depends on 1ts wealth
In the United
States 24% of electnoty s used by faetones, 35% by offices and 36% by
b. Now answerthe 6. Which country consumes the lowest amount of electrioty?
1. Which country has the highest total consumption?
2. Which country has the highest factory usage?
3. Which country has the lowest consumption per head?
4. Which country has the lowest home usage?
5. Which country has the least office consumption?
GWhJyr, but poorer China consumes 3 5 m1lhon GWh/yr, second only to the
people in the1r homes. In
United States
Mexico the usage 1s 61 % in
factones, 10% in offices and
23% at home. In China a
fast developing naon
where the average income 1s
half that of Mexico, 67% of
electrioty 1s used in fadones,
5% m off1ces and only 15%
in the home. The total
consumpt1on of a country 1s
not only dependent on its
wealth, but also the see of
1ts economy The US, as a
country, consumes 4 5
million GWh/yr (Giga watts
per hour per year), wh1le
Mex1co uses 0.25 milhon


lf we consume less electric1ty we save money and at the same time use less of the planet's energy resources When we save energy by using less 1t 1s called
energy ronsevsucn for example turning off a light when we are not in the room. When we save energy by us1ng more eíñoent machines 1t 1s called energy
effic1ency, for example usmg a radio that s solar powered Most governments now have energy pohoes to reduce the amount of electnc1ty used in the1r
cconnes because spendmg less on electric1ty means that more money can be spent on things hke schools. Manufacturers are also interested m creatmg
more energy efficient products because their customers want to save money. The latest planes
from Boemg all use more effioent engmes wh1ch use less fuel But perhaps the greatest energy
sav1ngs can be made in the home. Turning off computers when they are not being used and When reading a text try to not1Ce how verbs are
using ceiling fans mstead of air-conditioning are both ways that we can help conserve and use used together m Enghsh.
electric1ty effioently.
For example there are two different ways to use the
verb 'to hke" with other verbs: ~~1
11 to eat chocolate usmg the infinittve of the second
a) Why are governments interested in conserving energy? 11 eating chocolate usmg the ·ing form of the second verb
b) Why are manufacturers interested in energy efficiency?
Both are correct and both havr th~ s1r-il" ~r .r~":l
e) Find five examples of energy ccrsevaton and efficiency But the following 1s íncorrecr 1 hke eat chocolate.

mentioned in the text. The problem 1s that there are d1fferent rules for d1fferent verbs
For example the verbs "to want'' and "to need" both requ1re
th second verb to be the inñnitive as m the followmg
lf you want sorne help saving energy at home here is the 1 t to go to France
advice of the US Department of Energy. 1 n d to study for my exam

BL.t the following Me ínconect 1 want going to France. l wan

go to France. 1 need studying for my exam. 1 need study fo
li g i les/2o13/06/f 2/energy_savers. my exam.
n k i pdf
.. .

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