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Philosophy of Education

My mission is to create lifelong learners through educating, preparing, challenging, and

inspiring all students in a safe, positive environment.
I strongly believe that ALL students can learn, no matter where they come from or the
challenges they may face. Educating students is more than regurgitating information, educating
is using the information we learn to create and innovate. In my classroom, I will create hands-on
experiential learning opportunities for my students as well as opportunities for my students to
create and innovate in their own creative way. This will encourage my students to develop a
strong curious nature and a desire to learn. I also hope to prepare students for life beyond the
classroom, through teaching underlying characteristics such as determination, ambition, and
compassion for others.
My students will be challenged to be the best that they can be and to do better than they
did yesterday. I will encourage students to not compare themselves to each other. I will do this
by explaining that success looks different to everyone and that the main goal is for their own
personal development and improvement. I want to encourage confidence in my students and their
abilities, whether their skills are academic or not. I want students to be proud of their academic
and personal achievements. I will do this through creating genuine connections with my students
and supporting my students in everything they do. My goal is for students to know that I care
about their lives and them as human beings, and not just as my students. I will also, aim to foster
a strong sense of community within my classroom by encouraging students to interact with and
respect one another. This will in turn help me to foster a safe, positive environment in my
classroom, where students are free to express themselves and are not scared to make mistakes. I
personally know that mistakes happen in life and I believe that we learn the most when we learn
from our mistakes. As a teacher, I truly hope to encourage students to come out of their comfort
zone to further develop themselves personally and academically.

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