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Name: ____________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________________
Title of the Training or Seminar: ________________________________
Instruction: Reflect on the training by answering the following questions:

How does this learning contribute to my Am I making good progress? What other development path can I take
academic development? Am I on the right track? to achieve my goal?

How does this learning contribute to my Am I making good progress? What other development path can I take
professional development? Am I on the right track? to achieve my goal?

What does this learning experience mean What does this learning experience tell me How am I living the most of myself based
to me? about myself, my potential? on the learning?

1. What did you like most about the training?

2. What aspects of the training could be improved?

(Please utilize the space at the back)

Infection control is a fundamental aspect of a nurse’s role, as well as the responsibility of everyone who works within healthcare
systems. Infection control and the prevention of all infection remains a major goal within all healthcare settings, and lies with all
healthcare professionals and personnel’s responsibility to ensure this is achieved. Health care professionals, who do not practice
proper infection control, allow themselves to become susceptible to a number of infectious diseases. A lot of aspects have been
tackled and emphasize during the webinar, starting with the chain of infection and ways of breaking it, current situation of healthcare
workers, the burden of Hospital acquire infections differentiating infection prevention and infection control, various procedures in
hand hygiene, use of personal protective equipment, respiratory etiquettes, source of infection and mode of transmission. What I like
about this training is that the topic about Infection Prevention and Control isn’t applicable only in medical setting or only in everyday
life, it goes both ways too. I liked how the speaker elaborates well the given topics although it takes a lot of time and taught us how
to be an effective infection controller, which is a basic concept especially for medical students and allied health workers. Now that we
are in the midst of these crises, precautionary measures with regards to infection control and infection prevention must be strictly
imposed not only to healthcare professionals, but must be applied to normal citizens in this new normal setting. With all the
techniques and procedures, it all boils down to hand hygiene, which is the basic

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