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The non-progressive age

 In 1600s ship construction focused more on the product’s aesthetic design.

Therefore skipping the process to construct the vital points of ship designing,
gaining structural defects, reduced hull proportions, mathematical flaws,
completely unparalleled to the system of ship building today. Not paying
attention to these details meant the lack of knowledge during the era, so
they instead tipped their concerns more on a ship’s luxury ability than its
function ability, like a royal hotel that floats in water.

From terra to hydra

 In 1700’s Naval Architecture was said to be born and the concept of the
Metacenter has been formulated.

It is believed that Naval Architecture was born in the mountains of Peru as

there are no other records of ship fundamentals being theorized on another
occurrence. French astronomer Pierre Bouguer, a person who is supposed to
be inclined in the science of studying heavenly bodies is the man who
unconsciously birthed the science to ship designing, Naval Architecture. It is
impossible for a man who has learned the knowledge of astrology and never
even built a ship himself to be the start of Naval Architecture, then why did

In 1735, the French Navy and other scientific organizations collaborated and
together sent an expedition to Peru to confirm the true geometrical shape of
the world, during that time it was still unknown to mankind that the world
does not end in pole to pole but is constructed in a spherical oblation. During
the timeframe of 10 years, the expedition lead by Pierre Bouguer together
with his colleagues measured the geographical length latitude from the
highest point of the longest continental mountain range Andes (South
America) to the equator. It was also in this journey that Pierre wrote Traite
du Navire which is the first known book and the cornerstone of Naval
Architecture; it details the concepts and aspects of formulation of ship
building. The Metacentric height or Metacenter is one of the studies that can
be found on the book.
The Book of Fractal Knowledge

Pierre Bouguer’s book, Traite du navire (treatise of the ship) aided to the increase in
the knowledge of ship building and eventually revolutionized the function, interior
designing as well as its structural construction concepts, frameworks and projections
of ships in the era. The possibility of the overall redesigning of all ships was probably
caused by the piqued interest of mankind to explore the outside world thus making
ship building the priority for manpower and production costs. Discovery, trade,
alliance and colonization were the prime objective of every province and country or
nation during the era. The usage of science in ship construction has become vast and
extensive to the point of nations such as Britain, France, Spain and Italy lifted the
production and manufacturing cost of companies, industries and other business
making services and focused their wealth to the building of ships as such giving them
a prolific image as the best ship building nations in the world. Under just one night,
Naval Architecture became the most popular field of study in all colleges and
universities at the time. Its sudden bloom of manpower within the range of blue
collars and white collars, namely carpenters with brawns and the scientific elites
with the brains. The community seems to demand a higher knowledge of learning,
the formulas and aspects of ship building all to be learned for the increased demand
for ship builders.

Dark Premonition

However not all things eventually end with a good end and Naval Architecture was
no exception. By the late 1700’s the remnants of war created by the French
revolution and the Napoleonic war left most research and training facilities either
abandoned or destroyed. This ill-fated and unexpected downfall of Naval
Architecture was taken as a mere ‘failure’ that will aid them to further improve
learning in the new age of Naval Architecture. Britain is one of the nations that
coped with the misfortunes that befallen the science in ship building and throughout
the era of demise their solidarity and patience has blessed them a newfound
strength and power.

 By the era of 1800’s Britain saw the light at the edge of the tunnel.

The industrial revolution that took place in Britain saw a new bright future
ahead for Naval Architecture. Together with the new and advanced
technologies and the pent-up knowledge of ship design, concept of creation,
basic fundamental structure, composition material, skill of production,
sympathizing experience and growth, preparation for accumulating years,
excel every manufacturing process. With these advantages, Britain became
the nation with the upper-hand at Naval Architecture knowledge.

Chrysalis Age

 The methods of war that included ramming, boarding and short range
cannon launching were both abandoned and reincarnated with better results.

In the older times naval wars were fought through a savage ramming of the ship to
the enemy’s inducing ship collision both fatal to its infantries and the vessel itself.
After collision, infantries invade each other’s ship boarding through wide planks and
morbidly killing each other on their respective decks. However time gradually
changed the methods of war and battles have turned from slaughter to obliteration.

The usage of heavy cannons were initiated by the end of the 1400 era but its
launching technique’s the same as ramming and boarding because of the limited
range each cannon can fire in a distance. In the early 1500’s gun ports were
deployed along the ship’s deck improving the distance covered and the range of
numerous firing artillery. The advantage was the number of gun power you can
produce within a set time and the amount of damage your enemy receives in

Ship constructors built a more sophisticated framing to the hulls where guns were
placed as it gets heavier the more gun ports are deployed and the advantage of a
durable ship during a gun battle. As hulls and frameworks were improvised more and
more investments were poured into the ship building industry. During that time of
war, ship designers gained lots of funds from their respective governments to
improve their research on ship building thus increasing the knowledge, the science
to Naval Architecture.

 During the times of improvising many complained about a ship’s longevity in

the ocean, it eventually became a “case-solved” with the help of scientists.

By mid 1700’s the British ship building industry added even more funds to its
shipyards, demanding ships that can last in a battle on the sea longer than normal.
For that constructors added ships with a heavier framing and stern protection, they
fortified the materials that are used in ships making ships last longer in the sea
without decaying.

The extended research and innovation lead by science increased the possible items
to be used in the inventory (types and attributes) like different types of wood.
Qualities of timbers, chips and logs were distributed in the construction with
accordance to the fortification of a ship. Still no matter how a wood can stay sturdy it
will still decay if exposed on sea water. The dilemma lasted long until the Royal
British Navy founded a solution for this, they provided their wooden hulls with
copper to strengthen their frame and prevent wood worms to corrode the wood in
the long exposure to sea water. This made every expedition carried out longer and
each ship returning more durable to decay and lesser to repairs.

A continuation for further progression

 With the following years of human innovation and the endless expanses of
knowledge, Naval Architecture had more standard rules and principles to

Ship constructors began the practice of analyzing architectural ship models and
drawing ship designs to better understand the construction procedures in a better
way. That was the cause of the better understanding of ship building and production.

The three great nations, Britain, France, Italy and other famous provinces established
several training institutions and colleges for the study of Naval Architecture. Almost
all of the colleges established received a bloom of student, their interests piqued on
how to build a ship. Several funds were used to build even more ship building
colleges throughout Europe, branching out from one place to another.

The newly introduced physics formulas that have been formulated by the greatest of
scientists like Aristotle, Archimedes, Newton and all other excellent physicists
revolutionized the world of Naval Architecture. Newfound rules and principles were
conducted to emphasize with the growth of the ways in which ships were made. All
things were made into practical development, testing the physics, each principle that
guides Naval Architecture towards in what’s supposed to be the nineteenth century.

Regards to the will of calculation

 With the endless expansion of new mathematical formulas to use it is often

to make mistakes with the endless formulas that came flooding throughout
classrooms. With that problem in hand, scientists entered the field to reduce
the mathematical equations to simplified forms.

Even though with all the improvised inventions and new scientific methods to help
they still thought something was lacking in some way or the other. In example, some
theoretical formulas were made in a long procedure of simplification, decreasing the
time and money allotted in which is supposed to be given for the ship building task.
There was also a lack of creativeness, the innovative minds of a person inaugurates
the basis formula for ship building, while the innovative person takes his prize as a
result of hard work other institutions copy their ways and in a way steals and
plagiarizes their creation. The basis of calculation, the prime formula was kept the
same through the continuous duplication; eventually making all ship building
processes technically the same. This made ship building prone to errors, a massive
flaw in the industry.

The process was repeated with the new discovery of steam power and iron.
Scientists found the importance of hydro physics and it was them to eventually
develop the importance of mathematical formulation in the field of Naval
Architecture, the only concepts to survive the ravages of time were the theory of
calculation and the Metacenter.

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