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What is an Adverb?
An adverb is a word that adds something to the meaning of a verb an
adjective, or another adverb.

 Points to be remembered

 Kinds of Adverbs:-

• Adverb of Time- it tells when an action is performed. It asks the question


 Eg- I have heard this before .

 Eg- Anil met me yesterday.

• Adverb of Frequency- it tells how often or how frequently an action is

performed. It asks the question 'how often'?.

 Eg- Twice we have invited him.

 Eg- The milkman comes to our house daily.
• Adverb of Place- it tells where an action is performed. It asks the
question 'where'?.

 Eg- The peon is sitting outside.

 Eg- Ramesh will meet me here.

• Adverb of Manner- it tells how an action is performed. It asks the

question in 'what manner'?.

 Eg- Ritu sings nicely.

 Eg-The Rajputs fought bravely.

• Adverb of Degree or Quantity- it asks the question 'how much' or 'to

what extent'?

 Eg-The old man seems too tired.

 Eg-The sea is very stormy.

• Adverb of Affirmation or Negation-it expresses assertion or denial.

 Eg- I do not know him.

 Eg- He will certainly help us.

Adverb of Reason- they are words used to tell the reason behind the
happening of a particular occurrence. Examples- therefore, hence, because, so

 Eg- He was late hence was not allowed to attend the assembly.

 Eg- I was hungry so I ate the Apple.

 Note:- The difference between Adjectives and Adverbs is:-

Adjective- it describes a noun or pronoun

 Eg- The boy is loud.

Adverb- it describes a verb, adjective or another adverb apart from a

noun and pronoun.

 Eg- He speaks slowly.

 Online Resources:-

 Students Activity:-_

• Pick out the adverbs and state its kind :-

1. She has travelled everywhere.

2. The girl danced gracefully.
3. Children usually rush about.
4. The kittens are playing there.
5. The old woman was walking slowly.
6. I look forward to hear from you soon.
7. He practices cricket everyday.
8. What is he doing outside?
9. The girl sang sweetly.
10. I went to market walking.
11. The dog sat lazily in the shade of the tree.
12. The man grumbled loudly.
13. I often visit my grandparents.
14. It is extremely hot today.
15. Please wait patiently.
16. The technician solved the problem easily.
17. They serve hot pancakes there.
18. He laughed merrily.
19. We will leave today.
20. She is standing outside.

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