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Examples of regular and irregular nouns

Ending Singular Plular Note

-sh Fish Fishes Ditambah
-ch Beach Beaches -es
-s Class Classes
-x Box Boxes
-y Baby, lady, fly, Babies, Ladies, flies, Huruf y lebur
cry cries diganti ies
-o Echo Echoes Beberapa Noun
Hero Heroes berakhiran –o
Potato Potatoes ditambah -es
Tomato Tomatoes
-o Auto Autos Beberapa Noun
Ghetto Ghettos berakhiran –o
Kangaroo Kangaroos Hanya ditambah
Kilo Kilos -s
Memo Memos
Photo Photos
Piano Pianos
Radio Radios
Solo Solos
Soprano Sopranos
Studio Studios
Tattoo Tattoos
Video Videos
Zoo Zoos
-o Memento Mementos - mementoes Beberapa noun
Mosquito Mosquitos - mosquitoes berakhiran –o
Tornado Tornados - tornadoes Bisa ditambah
Volcano Volcanos - volcanoes -s ataupun -es
Zero Zeros - zeroes
-f Calf Calves Huruf -f dan -fe
-fe Half Halves lebur jadi -ves
Knife Knives
Life Lives
Leaf Leaves
Loaf Loaves
Self Selves
Shelf Shelves
Thief Thieves
Wolf Wolves
Scarf scarves
-f Belief Beliefs Beberapa nouns
Chief Chiefs berakhiran –f hanya
Cliff Cliffs ditambah –s
Roof Roofs
Irregular Man Men Common irregular
Woman Women plural nouns:
Child Children Plural tidak boleh
Ox Oxen berakhiran -s
Foot Feet
Goose Geese
Tooth Teeth
Mouse Mice
Louse Lice
Criterion Criteria
Phenomenon Phenomena
Cactus Cacti / cactuses
Fungus Fungi
Nucleus Nuclei
Stimulus Stimuli
Syllabus Syllabi / syllabuses
Formula Formulae / formulas
Vertebra Vertebrae
Noun pinjaman dari
Appendix Appendices / appendixes
bahasa selain Bahasa
Index Indices / indexes
Inggris, bentuk
Analysis Analyses
pluralnya dari
Basis Bases
bahasa asing
Crisis Crises
Hypothesis Hypotheses
Oasis Oases
Parenthesis Parentheses
Thesis Theses
Bacterium Bacteria
Curriculum Curricula
Datum Data
Medium Media
Memorandum Memoranda
Both Deer Two deer Noun yang bentuk
Fish Two fish plural dan
Means Two means singularnya sama
Offspring Two offspring
Series Two series
Sheep Two sheep
Shrimp Two shrimp
Species Two species

Why do we use this and these?

We use this (singular) and these (plural) as pronouns:

- to talk about people or things near us:

This is a nice cup of tea.
Whose shoes are these?

- to introduce people:

This is Janet.
These are my friends, John and Michael.

We don’t say These are John and Michael.
We say This is John and this is Michael.

- to introduce ourselves to begin a conversation on the phone:

Hello, this is David, Can I speak to Sally?

Why do we use that and those?

We use that (singular) and those (plural):

- to talk about things that are not near us:

What’s that?
This is our house, and that’s Rebecca’s house over there.
Those are very expensive shoes.

- We also use that to refer back to something someone said or did:

 - Shall we go to the cinema?

- Yes, that’s a good idea.
 - I’ve got a new job.
- That’s great.
 - I’m very tired.
- Why is that?

this, these, that, those with nouns

We also use this, these, that and those with nouns to show proximity

We use this and these for people or things near us:

We have lived in this house for twenty years.

Have you read all of these books?

… and that and those for people or things that are not near us:

Who lives in that house?

Who are those people?

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