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level 1

103 points·12 hours ago·edited 6 hours ago
Height: 5’1” (~155cm)
Lengths of fasts: 20:4, 22:2, 36hr, 3-day, 5 day.
Type of fasting: Mostly water fasting but some of the fasts were flexible. I’d drink unsweetened
tea and coffee and sometimes put a teaspoon of milk in them, and one of my fasts was a bone
broth fast.
General diet (not religiously strict): keto, paleo
Exercise: general summer activities of walking, hiking, kayaking, and paddle boarding. A little bit
of very light weight lifting at home. I should note that these activities are normal for me and were
happening even at my heaviest, so I still credit fasting with most of the change.
Reason to start: 135 seems to be my body’s “set weight”, and I worked really hard with CICO to
get down to 115 back in 2014. It slowly but surely came back up and when I saw 135 on the
scale again that’s when I realized I had to make a change. My goals are a mix of weight loss and
general wellbeing/longevity.
Wow you look amazing.
How were the 3 day and 5 day fasts? Any tips?
8 points·6 hours ago

I am the type of person who thrives by being methodical and gradually forming new habits
instead of diving in headfirst. So I had several 36 and 48 hour fasts under my belt before I tried
the multi day fasts. I believe that helped. I also think the keto/paleo-inspired diet helped me to
feel fuller longer. I bought an unsweetened electrolyte supplement on amazon and had that once
a day once I got past 2 days. I drank tons of water and stayed busy to distract myself from
hunger. I think all of that helped!

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