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MPU3022 1

Terdeus Chulat Anak Stephen

Tutorial 8/9/2020

Exercise 1
o Carol
o Western
o Indian

Exercise 2
o He
o Him
o His
o Them

Exercise 3
o Her
o Mouse
o Aquaman
o Lily’s
o He
o I
o Datuk Lee Chong Wei
o Her
o Pink
o Thick

Exercise 4
o Plate
o Tuna
o Belch
o Laughter
o Traffic
o Fines
o Money
o Ear
o Sugar
Exercise 1
Underline the verbs.
1. My husband watered the plants.
2. She goes to work every day.
3. Mr. Lee reads newspaper every morning.
4. We bought a big house last year.
5. Mary laughed very loudly.
6. My family visited our sickly uncle in Russia.
7. Vino sings very sweetly.
8. They can act well.
9. Miss Molly walks in the garden every evening.
10. The boys washed their teacher’s car.

Exersice 2
Underline best completes the verb that each sentence.
1. We shall (leave, left) for the show by 10.00pm.
2. You should (meet, met) my mother.
3. I can’t (draw, drew) like my art teacher.
4. Please (watch, watched) that movie tonight.
5. Do you think that girl will (look, looked) at me?
6. My little brother (do, did) not finish his homework because he was playing.
7. Monica (take, took) her sister to the doctor for treatment.
8. The handbag (was, were) given to me by Jeevan.
9. While I (was, were) cooking, the phone rang and I missed it.

Exercise 3
Write the correct letter in each box below.
1. Advice / administer
2. Smear
3. Con / confuse
4. Know
5. Opt
6. Register

Exercise 1

All the words in the box are adverbs. Choose one word to fill each blank.

Slowly, recklessly, quickly, awful, loudly, hurriedly, badly, careful, terribly, seriously,

1. The taxi driver was seriously injured.

2. Our professor drove recklessly after a few drinks.
3. This laksa tastes awful.
4. Be careful with the gift, its fragile.
5. Sherin left hurriedly after college just now. What happened to her?
6. Harish talked soflty over the phone.
7. Our football team played badly last Saturday.
8. Don’t speak loudly. My baby is sleeping.
9. The robber slowly opened the door.
10. Walk quickly. It’s going to rain.

Exercise 1
Write a sentence using the adjectives above.
1. Aishwarya Rai are the most beautiful women that I ever seen in Bollywood industry.

2. She was a talented person.

3. She was tall and that make her a good model.

4. Aishwarya Rai was a sexy woman and every man admit that.

5. despite of being pretty, she also a very gorgeous woman.

6. She also an ambitious woman among Indian celebrity.

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