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Stakeholders a group of people or organization that field of media will act with integrity.

has the same interest or concern with a particular

group. 1. Seek truth and report it.
Journalists should be honest, fair and, courageous
PRODUCERS OF MEDIA in gathering, reporting, and interpreting
Authors and journalists deliver news and other information.
information to the readers, may it be on print or via
the Internet. Editors collaborate with them to ensure 2. Minimize harm.
that the material is well organized and free from Ethical journalists treat sources, subjects, and
content or grammatical errors. colleagues as human being deserving of respect.

Broadcast media includes TV, radio, and film. 3. Act independently.

Directors create films, TV programs, and radio shows, Journalists should be free of obligation to any
and work alongside talents or performers so that they interest other than the public’s right to know.
could provide viewers with quality shows.
4. Be accountable and transparent.
After World War II, the publisher of Time and Life Journalists are accountable to their readers.
magazines, Henry Luce requested the president of the Listeners, viewers, and each other.
University of Chicago, Robert Hutchins, to form a
commission that would set the proper function of the MEDIA LEGISLATION AND REGULATION
media in a new era of democracy. In addition, the Article III Section 4 of the 1987 Constitution:
commission was formed in response to the public’s Bill of rights
criticism over media ownership. - no law shall be passed abridging the freedom of
speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right
GUIDELINES FOR MEDIA PRODUCERS of the people peaceably to assemble and petition
1. As professionals, they have an obligation to society the government to redress of grievances.
to use their freedom of expression responsibly. They
should not abuse this freedom, or use this power for The Movie and Television Review and Classification
exploitation or self-interest. Board (MTRCB) is responsible for screening
television programs and films.
2. They should prioritize the welfare of the society
3. They should present news that is accurate,
objective, and meaningful. Fair use refers to the copying of a copyrighted
material, with the purpose of using it for a review,
4. They should express unbiased points of view, commentary, critic, or parody.
comments and criticisms.
a fair use is any copying of copyrighted material
5. They should represent marginalized people like the done for a limited and “transformative” purpose,
minority groups. such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a
copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without
Code pertain to a set of standards, principles and permission from the copyright owner.
policies that practitioners of a particular sector should
observe. Parody refers to a work which ridicules another in
Ethics is a set of values observed by an individual a funny, inoffensive, and non-derogatory manner.
based on grounded principles. (e.g. meme)

SPJ CODE OF ETHICS Intellectual Property

The members of the society of professional journalists Pertains to the output of a person’s intellectual
(SPJ) believe that justice and democracy are important pursuit, such as his literary and artistic works,
for the public’s enlightenment. To carry this out inventions, logos, symbols, and signs.
practitioners from their field should observe ethical
journalism. a work or invention that is the result of creativity,
Ethical journalism ensures that the delivery of such as a manuscript or a design, to which one has
information is accurate, fair, and thorough. The SPJ rights and for which one may apply for a patent,
cited four principles as the foundation of ethical copyright, trademark, etc.
journalism so that journalists and practitioners in the Copyright
A copyrighted material is protected by law and cannot Condition in which a persom seems to have lost of
just be used and reproduced without permission. controlover an action or behavior, which mental
health practitioners deemed as self destructive.
Pertains to an exclusive right granted to an invention. Cyberbullying
Purpose: An act where harm is done when the bully tells
1. Protect an individual’s work and ideas something derogatory about someone through
2. Patent can then hold a value and be sold between social media.
3. It gives the inventor to say in what happens in
his/her invention.

Refers to a specific sign associated with a particular
brand or good or services

Using another person’s idea in your writing without
giving credit.

Three simple ways to avoid Plagiarism:

Summarize, Quote, Paraphrase.

Denotes the proper attitude that one should observe
when communicating online.


1. Observe politeness when responding to or sending
2. Reply urgently, especially if it is from your superior
at work or a client.
3. Review first the intended message before sending
4. Do not send spam or chain message to your list of
contacts whether they are your family members,
friends or colleagues.
5. Ask permission first before sharing someone’s
personal post, photo, and video on social media.

Digital Divide
The economic, educational and social inequalities
experienced by those who cannot afford to have
computer or internet access.

Virtual Self
One’s representation in the virtual world, which exists
online and is only available when a person is
connected to the internet.

Information Connectivity


Traditional or Conventional unabridged, contradict, engineer, masquerade,
Follows standard rules of grammar and syntax with a Galilee
regular rhythm and rhyme scheme.
 William Shakespeare, John Milton, John Donne, Dactylic pattern
Alexander Pope, William Wordsworth and John 1 stressed syllable followed by 2 unstressed
Keats. syllables
Modern or Contemporary happiness (HAP-pi-ness)
Avoids rhyme and standard grammatical organization galloping (GAL-lop-ing)
and seeks new ways of expression. fortunate, Saturday, daffodil, murmuring,
It is most often written in free verse and the language rhapsody
is accessible to the common reader.
Spondaic Pattern
POETRY: Arrangement and Structure All syllables have equal stress
LINE Heartbreak
Is fundamental to the perception of poetry, marking “Out, out…”
an important visual distinction from prose. "pen-knife," "ad hoc," "heartburn"

VERSE POETRY: Arrangement and Structure

One single line of a poem arranged in a metrical METER
pattern. Is the number of feet that is in a line of poetry.

STANZA IAMBIC (pentameter)

A group of lines in a poem. EXAMPLE:
It is a unit of poetic lines. The stanzas within a poem How do / I love / thee? Let / me count / the ways.
are separated by blank lines. “Sonnet 43”, Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Quatrain – a stanza of four lines
Couplet – a stanza of two lines Trochaic poem: a stressed syllable followed by an
unstressed one
FOOT Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's
Is a combination of stressed and unstressed syllables “The Song of Hiawatha”
in a line of poetry. By the / shining / Big-Sea /-Water, Stood the /
unstressed – light, short syllable wigwam / of No / komis, Daughter / of the / Moon,
stressed – heavy, long syllable No / komis.

//////////////////////////////////////////////// MELODY
Iambic pattern A poetic chooses words for their sound, as well as
1 unstressed syllable followed by 1 stressed syllable for their meaning.
repose (re-POSE) Cacophony
belief (be-LIEF)
complete (com-PLETE) Other rhyming terms:
Sight Rhyme
Trochaic Pattern In which two words look alike but don’t sound
1 stressed syllable followed by 1 unstressed alike.
syllable LOVE and JOVE
garland (GAR-land)
speaking(SPEAK-ing) Slant Rhyme
value(VAL-ue) In which two words are nearly rhymed but have a
slight variation in vowel sound.
Anapestic pattern LAKE and FAKE
2 unstressed syllables followed by 1 stressed syllable FACE and PLACE
EXAMPLES: Identical Rhyme
on the road In which two words are spelled differently but have
interrupt (in-ter-RUPT) the same pronounciation (homonyms)
TWO and TOO pentameter.
RITE and RIGHT There will be an octave at the beginning and seste
End Rhyme at the end.
In which the rhyming words occur at the end of lines b. Shakespearean (english sonnet)
of poetry. Each of its 14 lines will be written in iambic
Internal Rhyme pentameter.
In which the rhyme occurs inside a line. There will be three quatrains, and will end with a
Let’s BEAT the HEAT couplet.

A nondramatic poem which tells a story or presents a
A Poetry which employs dramatic form or dramatic
techniques as a means of achieving poetic ends.
A brief subjective poem marked by imagination,
melody, and emotion, but strict definition is

Is a poem that usually tells a story that is similar to a
Cinquain Poem
“Cinq” means “five” in french.
Is a special kind of five-line poem with a very strict
A poem that is sad and thoughtful, and often said in
lament of a person who has died.
Epic Poem
Is a long narrative poem that is usually about heroic
deeds and events that are intense adventures and
heroic feats.
A poem that celebrates a wedding and love.
A poetic form invented by the Japanese.
It has 3 sections with five, seven and five syllables.
A poem that tells a story.
A long lyric poem with elevated style and tone,
dealing with a single theme.
It is written in praise or celebration of a person, thing,
or event.
In general, sonnets have 14 lines.
Is a Filipino poem that has four lines composed of
seven syllabicated stress.
This kind of poem deals mostly about nature, hope,
family and love.
Different types of sonnets:
a. Petrarchan (italian sonnet)
Each of its 14 lines will be written in iambic

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