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What is science fiction cinema?
It is a cinematic genre that uses speculative representations based on the science of
imaginary phenomena such as aliens, alien planets and time travel, often along with
technological elements such as futuristic spaceships, robots and other technologies. Sci-fi
cinema has sometimes been used for critical comments on political or social aspects, and
the exploration of philosophical issues such as the definition of the human being, its scope,
beginning of its existence and predictable apocalyptic fines.
Nick Fury, director of Shield, unites all superheroes to defeat an enemy that threatens
Earth. Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Hawkeye and the Black Widow fight hand in
hand against the force trying to take over the planet
A. Ultron
When Tony Stark plans to close a peace deal, the threat of the villain Ultron rejoins Iron
Man, Captain America, the Black Widow, Thor, Hulk and Hawkeye, who are joined by
Pietro Maximoff, Scarlet Witch and Vision, to defeat the new enemy.
Infinity war
La primera parte de esta entrega enfrenta a Los Vengadores contra el poderoso Thanos, un
despiadado titán intergaláctico, cuyo objetivo es conseguir las seis Gemas del Infinito,
artefactos de poder inimaginable, y usarlas para desaparecer la mitad del universo.

End game
After the events of 'Avengers: Infinity War', half of all life in the universe has been killed.
With the surviving universe in ruins, the remaining Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy
try to recover from their strong defeat at the hands of Thanos and must rejoin once again
to repair the damage caused by the Titan and restore harmony in the universe .

Highest grossing movies

10. Black Panther
• Year: 2018

9. Avengers: Age of Ultron

• Year: 2015

8. Fast & Furious 7

• Year: 2015

7. The Avengers
•Year 2012

6. Jurassic World
• Year: 2015

5. Avengers: Infinity War

• Year: 2018

4. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

• Year: 2015

3. Titanic
• Year: 1997

2. Avatar
•Year 2009

1. Avengers: Endgame
• Year: 2019

Why science fiction movies are the best?

There are several definitions for science fiction, as it has a large number of themes and
This genre promotes learning, awakens the imagination and allows us to understand (and
challenge) science.
And also, we can say that people like to see this genre for the reason that within the top 10
of the bestselling movies, most are science fiction.

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