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The dictionary defines a professional as someone who conforms to

his profession's technical and ethical standards, and exhibits a

courteous, conscientious and businesslike behavior at the workplace.
Employees in supervisory, managerial positions are expected to lead
by example and help create an organizational culture that respects
people and nurtures creativity, initiative, innovation and performance.
Professionalism is a long-ingrained approach to work and work-
related situations. It takes conscious effort and consistency to
become a thorough professional.

Traits of a Professional Manager


Wear clothes that help express who you are and what you stand for.
When you look well-groomed, it shows that you value yourself, your
job and the people you manage. Accessorize appropriately. For
example, gaudy jewelry is generally frowned upon. Maintain personal
hygiene to avoid offending anyone.

Develop a professional attitude. According to the Institute of Certified

Professional Managers' code of ethics, a professional manager is
responsible, honest, considerate and ethical. She leads by example,
looks for value in others, enables others to achieve personal and
professional fulfillment, sets reasonable goals, adheres to
management principles and confronts inappropriate behavior in her
division or group.

Learn to be conscious of toxic emotions at the workplace. According

to Peter J. Frost, a professor of organizational behavior at the
University of British Columbia, workplace toxicity is the result of
emotionally insensitive behavior of managers and their companies.
Fix it before employee morale and loyalty suffers. When things don't
go your way, stay calm and in control of your emotions. This will
enable you to explore viable solutions without unnecessary bias.

Set aside personal likes, dislikes and insecurities. Hire the best man
for the job. Learn to delegate responsibilities. Always give credit
when credit is due. Acknowledge the contributions of individual
employees. Apologize when you make a mistake.

Walk the walk. You cannot expect employees to do as you say, but
not as you do. If your actions don't align with your words, you'll
quickly lose credibility.

Professional workplace behavior is necessary for the long-term

success of a business, whether it's a big corporation or small
business. Employee interactions and relationships with customers
are of vital importance to ensure that company goals and objectives
are met. A professional work place attitude and appearance allow
employees to take pride in their work and improve worker
performance. Managers who behave professionally set an
appropriate example by encouraging their people to conduct
themselves in a manner that supports company-wide success.

Establishes Appropriate Boundaries

Professionalism in the work place establishes boundaries between
what is considered appropriate office behavior and what is not. While
most managers support an enjoyable and vibrant work environment,
limits must be put in place to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings.
Workers who conduct themselves professionally steer clear of
crossing the line with their conversations and other interactions with
co-workers, superiors and clients.
Encourages Personal Improvement
A business environment in which employees dress and operate
professionally is more conducive for success. For example,
professional dress codes are understood to support career
development and personal growth in the work place. That's because
workers who dress and act professionally feel better about
themselves and are encouraged to perform better for their clients.

Promote and Maintain Accountability

Companies that interact directly with clients are obligated to provide
the best services possible and present their company in the best
possible light. Professionalism counts when providing written
information to clients. Professionally written company reports,
business plans or other correspondence help businesses remain
accountable with their level of service. The impression given in the
paperwork submitted is important in enforcing the right impression
about your business.

Establishes Respect for Authority, and Yourself

Professionalism in business establishes respect for authority figures,
clients and co-workers. Maintaining a professional demeanor limits
gossip and inappropriate personal conversations that could be
considered disrespectful. Keeping a professional attitude with clients
who behave inappropriately demonstrates the level of respect an
employee has for the customer and the business partnership.

Boosts Respect ans Minimizes Conflict

Conflicts are less likely to arise in a professional business
environment. Workers who respect each others' boundaries and
conduct themselves professionally rarely have disagreements that
cannot be resolved efficiently. Professionalism in business also
benefits diverse environments in which business people and their
clients have several different perspectives and opinions. Professional
behavior helps business people avoid offending members of different
cultures or backgrounds.

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