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The text below is about a family.

Read the text below. There are grammatical errors in the text. The errors have been underlined
for you.
Write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has been given.
The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence.

I think you would agree with me that television are one of the most e.g is

important inventions besides computer and mobile phone. It have (a) ________

brought many positive effect on us. We can watch news, entertainment (b) ________

and documentaries in television. It also updates on the developments in (c) ________

economics, politics or science. Some schools also use television as (d) _________

teaching aids in a classrooms. Most students are happy and grateful for (e) ________

the change in the learn styles. Television is a cheap and well form of (f) ________

entertainment. We can just watch and appreciate singing and acting (g) ________

talent at house without having to paying anything. Television has also (h) ________

turned out to be a good companion to the elderly went there is no one to (i) ________

talk to in their leisure. In conclusion television has now become part and (j) ________

parcel of our society .

(10 marks)
(30 marks)
(Time suggested : 40 minutes)
Question 2
Read the following text. Then, answer questions (a) – (j)

It seems today that most youngsters think that smoking is common and that nothing is to
be worried about. In fact, those who smoke do not think that their actions actually break the
school regulations and can harm their health.

Smoking has many disadvantages. Firstly, smoking can cause health hazard and can lead
Question – (j)lung cancer and heart problems. You surely do not want to end your life like
to diseases
that. Besides, it is a waste of money. Students tend to use their pocket money to buy cigarettes.
Furthermore, when they start smoking, they tend to lack concentration in their studies.

There are some tips on how to stop smoking. The first strategy is focusing energy to
studies. You should also be in the company of non-smokers to prevent yourself from being
influenced by those who smoke.

“Health is Wealth”, so, train yourself to do regular exercises such as jogging and swimming.
Next, get involved in voluntary work. This voluntary service will occupy your time and you will
find yourself being further away from smoking.

The last tip is trying to talk and discuss with ex-smokers on how to kick the bad habit. These
people will definitely be the best example to tell you the bad effects of smoking.
Using information from the text, complete the following graphic organizer.

(a) ______________________________
(b) ______________________________
(c) ______________________________

Tips to stop smoking

(d) ______________________________
(e) ______________________________
(f) ______________________________
(g) ______________________________
(h) ______________________________

Good exercises to stop smoking

(i) ______________________________
(j) ______________________________
Question 3
Read the tips on road safety below. Then, answer questions (a) – (j).

Road Safety Danger Signs

Watch out for these everyday hazards.
1. Tiredness
Plan long journeys so that you get a good night’s sleep before setting off. Take a break at least
every two hours. Sleepiness has been the main cause for accidents especially from midnight to
3 a.m.
2. Mobile phones
Tests show that even making a hands-free call reduces your reaction time to road hazards.
Drivers are less alert to various road signs and conditions while they are taking a call.
3. No seat belt
Don’t think you’re safe because you have air bags: they’ve been shown to be eight times less
effective than seat belts. Seat belts prevent you from crashing through the car windscreen.
4. That goes for the back too
If rear passengers aren’t wearing seat belts, the people in the front are five times likelier to die in
an accident. They are likelier to crush the people in front during the impact of collision.
5. Loud, fast music
It affects your reactions. The British RAC Foundation names Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries”
as one of the most dangerous driving tunes because it impairs your concentration.

Adapted from Reader’s Digest

Questions (a) – (d): Based on the information on road hazards, state whether the following
statements are TRUE or FALSE.

(a) It is dangerous to talk on the telephone while driving. …………………… (1 mark)

(b) Seat belts are better than air bags in keeping you safe ……………..……. (1 mark)

(c) It is not necessary for the rear passengers to wear seat belts. …………………… (1 mark)

(d) Loud music helps you to focus better when you drive. …………………… (1 mark)

Questions (e) – (i) : Based on the information on road safety, answer the questions below.

(e) What causes most accidents to happen in the early morning?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. (1 mark)

(f) How does using mobile phones affect drivers?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. (1 mark)

(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate word from the information about sleep.

Meaning Word / Phrase

(i) to have a short period of rest …………………………..…….… (1 mark)

(ii) dangerous and likely to cause damage …………………………………… (1 mark)

(h) How does the front passenger’s seat belt function?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. (1 mark)

(i) Why is it important to take precautions before going on a drive?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. (1 mark)

(10 marks)
(j) Your uncle wishes to drive on a long journey next week with his friends.

In about 50 words, write a note to your uncle.

In your note :

 advise your uncle to drive safely

 Give reasons to support your advice

To : ……………………………………….,








(10 marks)





From: ……………………………………….

Read the text below.

“ Who could have done this?” cried out Nazeem. They stared at the clearing in the forest.
There was a big black hole with huge burnt logs in it.

Moving back, Fikri almost fell over a tree stump. He spied a few more stumps up ahead. “
Goodness! I wonder who could have cut down the trees ? Don’t they care about this
200-year-old forest ?” he asked.

The others were speechless. The seven friends had been trekking to this part of the forest
every six months. Previously, selfish campers had been known to leave behind rubbish but
no one had done anything like this before.

They heard voices approaching. Amongst the local villagers was a man whom they knew.
Nazeem asked what had happened.

“ This is where the film-makers had set up their camp. They wanted to film soldiers spending
a night in the forest. They could not fit all their equipment here, so they chopped down the
trees to make space. We tried to stop them but they chased us away. They told us they had
permits to do anything they like,” he said.

He stopped to listen to the sound of screeching monkeys and then continued. “ Now the
authorities claim they don’t know anything about the permits. We hope this will never happen
again.. “

“ There must be something we can do ,” said Nazeem .”We need to tell people what
happened here so that it will never happen again.”
Read the text carefully and answer questions (a) – (j).

(a) Who participated in the jungle trekking?

____________________________________________________________ (I mark)

(b) What is the age of the forest?

____________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(c) What did the selfish campers usually do when they finish camping?

____________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(d) How many times a year did the boys go jungle trekking in the forest ?

____________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(e) Whose voices did they hear in the forest ?

____________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(f) Fill in the table with an appropriate word from the text.

Meaning Word

(i) unable to speak

(ii) before

(iii) moving closer

(iv) tools

(v) People who have power to give orders

(5 marks)

(g) What was the offence that the film-makers did in the forest?

____________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(h) In your opinion what will happen to the animals in the forest if people continuously cut
down the trees ?

___________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(i) What do you think would happen if we do not protect our forest?

(i) ______________________________________________________ ( 1 mark)

(ii) ______________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(j) What can we do to stop people from polluting and destroying the forest?

____________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(15 marks)
Question 5
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) – (d).

By Max Fatchen

Now why so loving darling

And why the sudden kiss?
You’d help me with some little jobs?
For goodness sake, what’s this?

Your face is clean for once, dear

Your clothes without crease.
You saved your luncheon money?
Will wonders never cease?

No dropping of your school books.

No shrieking, childish treble.
Today you are a lamb, love.
Where yesterday a rebel.

But surely you’re some stranger

No rage or hullabaloo
Come closer, let me look, dear.
Can this be REALLY you?

Now were you struck by lightning

Or were you stunned at sports?
Ah… I see the reason.
You’ve brought your school report.

(a) Who is the persona in this poem?

__________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
(b) In stanza 2, write the line which shows the persona is surprised in the sudden changes in
the child’s behaviour.

__________________________________________________________________ (1mark)
(c) In stanza 3, state one word to show that the child is obedient and not naughty.

__________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
(d) Why do you think the child changed his/her behaviour when he/she brought the report card?
(i) _________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(ii) _________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
[5 marks]
Section D
(40 marks)
(Time suggested: 40 minutes)
Question 6
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

You have spent your last school holidays with your parents at home. Write a letter to your friend
explaining to him/her how you spent your holidays.

 Cleaning the house

 Watering the plants
 Preparing breakfast and dinner

When writing your letter :

 You must use the notes given
 Add any relevant information
 Write between 120 to 150 words


(30 marks)
Question 7
You should spend 15 minutes on this question.
The following are the literature texts studied in the Literature Component in English Language
for Form One.
Fair’s Fair – Narinder Dhami
20000 Leagues under the Sea – Jules Verne

There are many lessons that we can learn from the stories. Based on one of the texts above,
write about the value of loyalty or friendship. Support your answer with evidence from the

Write :
 in not less than 50 words

 in continuous writing (not in note form)

(10 marks)


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