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Quiz No. 1.

Evaluating Resources: the CRAAP Test

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Learning to evaluate website is important because…

You need to know if the information is correct before you use the
There are really only good websites and evaluation will teach you how
to make one
c. Teachers want to know you can do it
2. A good website would have...

a. no author because it is on the Internet.

b. someone's name only, not their authority for creating it.
the author's name and information about them so you know their
3. Who can create and have a website?

a.  Anyone can create one

b. Only people who know about a subject can have a website.
c  Only people who have graduated from high school can have a website.
4. A biased website is one that...

a.  tells both sides of a problem.

b.  should be used to write research reports.
c.  tells only one side of a problem.
5. The domain name (.edu .com .net, gov, etc.)...

a.  gives the name of the website.

b.  is not very important.
c.  lets you know the kind of website you are visiting.

6. The spelling and grammar on a website...

a.  should have no more than two mistakes.

b.  should have no mistakes.
c.  should be spelled however the author chooses.
7. How can you determine whether or not a website is current?

 a.  Look at the URL extension

b.  Look at the style of the graphics
c.  Check when it was last updated
8. What type of website is the URL

a.  Commercial
b.  Government
c.  Military
9. You are interested in finding information about a new drug. Which of these
two sources is less likely to be biased?

a.  The website of the drug manufacturing company

b.  The Department of Health website
10.What does relevance mean?

a.  The timeliness of the information

b.  The importance of the information for your needs
c.  The source of information

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