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9/29/2020 The quintessence of honey

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Thread: The quintessence of honey

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01-28-2009 #1

Join Date: Jan 2009

solomon levi Location: everywhere
Hermetic Pilgrim Posts: 4,580
Thoth Blog Entries: 4

The quintessence of honey

I'm curious if anyone has any experience with this?
It seems like a fairly easy experiment, and it is supposed to be able
to dissolve gold.

The process is to simply distill honey.

White vapors form and condense over into red drops.

I'll try this soon. I made one quintessence of honey - I think it was
French's recipe - where you let the honey digest with alcohol for a time,
seperate the tincture from the dregs and distill it down to a syrup.
I don't recall that that one should dissolve gold, but both ways said
that a couple drops will revive the dying.

I really enjoy taking the quintessence I made, but I don't think it'll
revive the dying. So I'll try this other way. Some other recipes say it
revives the dying when the gold is dissolved in it. 1/7
9/29/2020 The quintessence of honey

I know there are wonderful things inherent in honey.

Please share any alchemical processes you know involving honey.

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01-28-2009 #2

Join Date: Dec 2008

Aleilius Posts: 2,187

I've been meaning to give this a try. Honey is an interesting substance, it is both vegetable
and animal at the same time. When collected fresh from nature, it should be chalked full of
life spirit.

This goes without saying that in order to obtain an alchemical product one must use honey
from an organic source. Honey harvested during the spring months should be most

In theory, a stone can be made from this substance. Distill the sulphur of honey, ferment
the distillate with the residue in the flask for a period, then distill the mercury. Extract a
pure salt from the residue in the distillation flask. This salt should function as an interesting
hybridized magnet for the secret fire.

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01-29-2009 #3

Join Date: Jan 2009

Dizardos Posts: 80
Hermetic Pilgrim

A family member of mine carried out multiple experiments such as distillations of honey,
but also extractions with alcohol. I can assure you that they all failed. It might be argued
that it was the skill of the operator that was in question and while that could be a potential
cause, I remain of the opinion that a different land of milk and honey is envisaged.

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01-29-2009 #4

Join Date: Dec 2008

Aleilius Posts: 2,187

It might be argued that it was the skill of the operator that was in question and while
that could be a potential cause, I remain of the opinion that a different land of milk
and honey is envisaged. 2/7
9/29/2020 The quintessence of honey

In that case, what do you believe is that land of milk and honey?

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01-29-2009 #5

Join Date: Jan 2009

Dizardos Posts: 80
Hermetic Pilgrim

Originally Posted by Aleilius

In that case, what do you believe is that land of milk and honey?

Milk and honey are nothing, but mercury and sulphur. Milk is white and thus Luna, while
honey is gold colored and thus Sol. When speaking of the land of milk and honey is often a
reference to an advanced stage of the matter when it has acquired a certain degree of
power, since it signifies abundance and references to sulphur are sometimes left out of the
equation til this rise in power.

References to our brass or egg white and egg yolk are not different in that sense.

From religious perspectives, a god or gods created everything and everything was thus
good. If something is not good and has no potential to become good then truly it could not
be the creation of a god and must be a creation of a lesser entity. Everything is thus worth
much more than it seems if only this potential would be unlocked, but of course it is much
easier with some substances than with others (as it takes more than a lifetime for some).

It might be wondered why everything was good when it was created and yet not everything
remained good. The key lies within 'The Evil' or better said 'D evil'. Devil in reverse spells
'lived', the past tense of life. Those who thus desecrate their body which is the holy temple
of God, desecrate the Temple of Life (Islam offers good examples of the importance of
keeping the body pure, although being worth little nowadays due to being stripped out of
their original context). These are thus considered sinners and for this they are punished by
being sent to hell which is better known as death. Their death is the life of others who are
offered a chance to do what their predecessors could not do: acquire the knowledge to
vanquish death and thus go to Heaven.

There is nothing more important than the attainment of this wisdom as can be seen from
the following reference:

“Happy is the man that finds wisdom, and the man that gets understanding. For the
merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine
She is more precious than rubies: and all the things you can desire are not to be compared
to her. Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honor.
Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to
them that lay hold on her: and happy is every one that retains her.” – Proverbs 3:13-18
Last edited by Dizardos; 01-29-2009 at 10:57 AM.

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04-07-2009 #6 3/7
9/29/2020 The quintessence of honey
Join Date: Apr 2009
Seth-Ra Location: Alabama
Patron of the Sacred Art Posts: 1,173

Ive recently been curious about honey also, partially because it was associated with Ra in
Egypt, and also because i notice it has some peculiar healing properties all its own. (before
alchemical tinkering.)
Namely: if you get a burn on you, and put honey on it, it seems it heals the burn both
quickly and "cleanly", as i know from experience to be the case. Just the other day in fact,
touched a hot piece of metal with my thumb, have had burns like it before, but this time
used honey on it, after a few mins i licked it off *waste not *, and there was no
soreness, no inflammation, no burn mark of any kind.

Im considering mixing it with both rain and dew water, along with some other things...
depending... mostly experimenting i guess...

Ill create another thread and tell of it, if i get anything worth posting.
(and i always welcome input/advice ) that link has some info about natural

applications for honey, with that, i can only imagine what a skilled alchemist can do with it.

Last edited by Seth-Ra; 04-07-2009 at 06:01 AM. Reason: found something worth listing

All is One.
God’s in His Heaven, All’s right with the World.
It is finished, and I’m retired.

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04-07-2009 #7

Join Date: Dec 2008

Green Lion Location: France
Patron of the Sacred Art Posts: 241


Obtaining the essence of honey has been one of my early spagyric work.
I got the recipe in the chemistry course of Lefevre, Volume 1, page 218:

II. Quintessence de miel.

Vous prendrez deux livres de miel blanc, qui ait une bonne odeur & un bon goût. Vous le
mettrez en une grande cucurbite de verre, dont les trois quarts soient vides. Vous la
couvrirez de sa chape à bec bien lutée, à laquelle vous appliquerez un grand récipient
pareillement luté. Faites un feu doux de cendres, jusqu’à ce que vous voyez monter des
vapeurs blanches ; & pour les condenser en esprit, vous appliquerez sur la chape & sur le
récipient des linges mouillés en eau froide, & il en sortira une liqueur qui sera rouge comme
sang. Après la distillation, vous mettrez cette liqueur en un vaisseau de verre bien bouché,
tant que la liqueur soit bien clarifiée & de couleur de rubis. Après quoi vous distillerez sept 4/7
9/29/2020 The quintessence of honey

ou huit fois, jusqu’à ce que sa couleur rouge soit convertie en un jaune doré, & prendra une
odeur très douce & très agréable. Cette quintessence dissout l’or en chaux, & le rend
potable. Deux ou trois dragmes de cette liqueur prises intérieurement, font revenir à eux
ceux qui sont à l’extrémité : elle fortifie même ceux qui jouissent de la santé, guérit la
toux, les catarrhes & la rate ; appliquée sut les plaies & ulcères, elle les guérit incontinent,
Fioraventi rapporte en avoir donné à des personnes dans les approches de la mort, & qu’il
rappelait ainsi a la vie, pour leur donner au moins le temps de mettre ordre à leurs affaires.
Distillée vingt fois avec argent fin, & donnée pendant quarante-six jours à un paralytique, il
en a été guéri : c’est ce que Fioraventi marque avoir éprouvé lui-même. Sur quoi ce
Médecin fait une remarque fort sensée à ce sujet, que Dieu n’a jamais promis dans
l’Ecriture sainte, ni scammonée, ni casse, ni turbith, ni rhubarbe ; mais bien du froment, du
vin, de l’huile, du lait & du miel.

A little synthesis :

Quintessence of Honey

Take two pounds of white honey, with good smell and good flavour. Put it in a large glass
retort. This retort should be full at ¼ with honey.
Heat the cucurbite with sweet ashes fire, until you see white vapours. To condensate this
vapours, use a system of refresh like humid clothes. You will then obtain a red liquor, like
blood. Keep this red liquor in a very well closed vessel until this liquid become ruby red and
Then, you could distil this red liquor seven or eight times to obtain a gilt tincture. This
tincture will have a very great smell.
This quintessence dissolve gold calx and then it will be an aurum potabile.
You could also distil twenty times this quintessence with pure silver.

Personally, I had done a little different.

Instead of keep the red distillate in another vessel, I made seven distillations with putting
distillate on the feces.

And here are some pictures to decorate ...

First, the assembly. It is a hot balloon of fortune. An electric hot plate, an aluminum
container, sand, a Pyrex flask with a capacity of 2L, a Liebieg and a balloon receiving 1L:

Then the warmed honey:

Between each distillation, here is what the slag:

In the balloon first.

Loosened it.

Then, before putting on the distillate such slags, I reduce the powder:

Finally, the beautiful essence of honey:

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04-07-2009 #8

Join Date: Apr 2009 5/7
9/29/2020 The quintessence of honey
Location: Alabama
Seth-Ra Posts: 1,173
Patron of the Sacred Art

Thats pretty neat Green Lion, have you ever used it for anything yet, or noticed any sort of
effects it has? *im quite curious of this stuff as of late, not sure why either, but it has my
attention. *

All is One.
God’s in His Heaven, All’s right with the World.
It is finished, and I’m retired.

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04-08-2009 #9

Join Date: Dec 2008

Green Lion Location: France
Patron of the Sacred Art Posts: 241

I had all given to my father.

So I don't test anything with this quintessence.
He used it in ingestion to increase his psychic power and he said me that was great.
But I don't have any information concerning therapeutic action of gold or silver solution in
this quintessence of honey.

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04-08-2009 #10

Join Date: Apr 2009

Seth-Ra Location: Alabama
Patron of the Sacred Art Posts: 1,173

Green Lion, that sounds neat. May i ask what kinda psychic activities he does that it
boosted? (not trying to pry, just curious of the honey, and trying to get an idea of what to

Thanks a lot for your information and insight into the mater.

All is One.
God’s in His Heaven, All’s right with the World.
It is finished, and I’m retired.

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9/29/2020 The quintessence of honey

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