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Organizational Behavior

Salido, Maurren F. June 19,

Section 1

Recycline Preserve: Strategy and the Partnership Advantage

1. The attitude of Recycline is focused on producing products that are environmentally

friendly. They have a piece of certain knowledge and strong emotions when it comes to
eco-friendly products. In which they have the intention to help homes in staying
environmentally friendly. When it comes to their values, their terminal value is to always
have a competitive advantage with integrity. And their instrumental value is in each day
is they choose to have smart decisions. Their emotions rise up every time they see
competitors who are big corporations, but at the end of the day, they will still prevail
because their strategy is unique.

2. Based on the video, I perceived Eric Hudson as a type B person, because the scene that
was featured was his feet is on the top of the table. And That shows he is a relaxed type
of leader. He is also casual when it comes to his outfit which shows that he is an easy-
going person and not a competitive one. The customers' perception about their products is
that they are trustworthy when it comes to environmentally friendly products because
they know that it is authentic. Because the way it is produced is empowered by integrity.
They have built an image for the people but as they produce greener products they must
add more value to it so that they could attract more customers.

3. I would absolutely work for Recycline because first of all their company has integrity.
They assure their products are authentic and green. Because there are companies who are
advertising their products which are a hundred percent environmentally friendly even
though it is not. Second is their love for the environment. It is not easy to put up a
company that is inclined to produce recycled products. The target market is somehow
smaller because there are still a lot of people who are not open-minded with this kind of
product. That is why I want to make a difference and contribute as well to our
environment by working under them while patronizing the use of green products.

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