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At the beginning of the experiment, I thought it seems impossible to make glue with the use of
milk and vinegar because at the start, I have observed that when milk was added with the vinegar in the
pan, there was little or no noticeable changes nor reaction that occurred in the mixture. However, when
the mixture was put into the fire for a certain amount of time, I have observed that the mixture started to
make curdles. The curdling of the mixture is an indication that the pan should be removed already from
the fire. After that, we cooled it down and during this time, I have observed that the curds started to settle
at the bottom part of the mixture. On the other hand, the liquid portion which is the whey were on the top
of the mixture. After that, when the mixture was not already hot, we started to separate the curds from the
liquid. During this process, we made sure that there was little or no liquid left at all in the separated curds.
Moreover, I have observed that the odor of the vinegar, dominates the mixture, to the point that I can
really smell the odor of the vinegar. Furthermore, when the curds were already separated from the liquid,
it was firm and solid at the beginning, however when baking soda dissolved in water was added, it started
to thicken and it turned into a paste like texture. We then added food coloring to make it more attractive.
We continued stirring the mixture until it is ready, and lastly, I have observed that it needs ample time to
be set.

1.) The curds in sour milk are consists of what major protein?

The curds in sour milk are consists of major protein called “casein”. Casein is a protein
that is found in dairy products that have a higher protein content such as milk, yogurt,
kefir, cheese, and ice cream. The milk proteins of sour milk are partially curdled due to
its acidic environment because of the presence of vinegar. The increased acidity causes
the milk proteins (casein) to tangle into solid masses, or curds.

2.) How is cheese making different from milk souring?

Milk souring or acidifying milk through the use of vinegar or lemon juice is a process
that helps separate the curds (solid masses) and whey (liquid portion) and control the
growth of undesirable bacteria in cheese. Sour milk are commonly or usually used to
make cheese. In souring milk, vinegar is used to make the process. On the other hand,
Cheese making is a process that involves thickening the casein protein in milk and then
separating the milk into solid curds and liquid whey. The liquid whey is drained away,
and the curds are salted, shaped and left to ripen in a controlled environment. Unlike
milk souring which uses vinegar, lactic acid bacteria serves as starting culture in
converting the basic milk sugar lactose into lactic acid in cheese making, a step which
lowers cheese pH. Furthermore, cheese making involves that use of salt, which helps to
dry the curds during draining by controlling moisture and causing the curds to shrink, it is
essential in the development of a good rind, and will help to kill bacteria.

3. List some other foods that contain proteins that may be used in other non-food products.
Peanut as a rich source of protein was used by George Washington Carver to have over
300 inventions. One of his inventions are fire logs made from peanut and groundnut
shells which paved the way in developing long lasting burning logs.
Moreover, Ardil is a wool like fiber made from peanut proteins and Corn fiber from corns
are made to produce products such as clothing, blankets, and yarns. In addition, there are
also disposable biodegradable plates that are made from wheat fiber as well as plastics
that are made from corn.
Lastly, peanut oil is being used also in the biodiesel industry. In fact, the first diesel
engine was powered by peanut oil, though the main allergen in bio diesel, namely
ethanol, currently is corn. At this point of time, there are still researchers who are
experimenting regarding this matter.

Therefore I conclude that making glue with the use of milk and the addition of vinegar as an acid
is possible. This is because milk contains Casein. Casein is a protein that is used in the production of
glues, paints, plastics, as well as some other products. When we heat up the milk and add an acid
(vinegar), there is a chemical reaction in the mixture which causes the milk to separate into two parts; the
solid masses (curds) and the liquid part (whey). When a base is added, such as baking soda, to the casein
extracted from the milk, the acid is neutralized and the result is a smooth adhesive or glue that can be
used for paper. In addition, most dairy products contain casein, but not all. Since casein is a protein, it is
found in dairy products that have a higher protein content such as milk, yogurt, kefir, cheese, and ice


1. Which of the samples after cooking most closely resembles ham or sausage?
After cooking, the sample that closely resembles ham or sausage is the meat that has the
presence of Calamansi. Due to the presence of an acid (Calamansi) the meat becomes
tender and soft just like ham or sausage. Furthermore, just like how tempting the
appearance of ham or sausage is, the appearance of the meat with Calamansi is also
tempting and enticing.

2. Which of the cooked samples do you prefer as ham?

The sample with Calamansi (acid) is the one that I prefer as ham. Not only the
appearance of this sample is closely related to ham, but also the aroma as well as the taste
of the sample meat is closely related to ham. From the appearance to the texture and odor
of the sample, as well as the delicious taste of the meat, I can strongly prefer this as ham.

3. Would you purchase meats processed without nitrites?

In my own point of view, I will not buy processed meat nor meat with nitrites. As a
person with knowledge about healthy diet, I would prefer to buy raw meat or fresh meat
from the market. As we all know, nitrates/nitrites are preservatives that is used in
processing meat products as such ham, bacon, and sausages. However, these
preservatives can increase the possibility of acquiring heart diseases. Furthermore,
processed meats with preservatives just like sodium nitrate can damage our blood vessels
making our arteries more likely to harden and narrow, leading to heart diseases. At this
point of time, I strongly recommend to buy fresh and raw meat as much as possible rather
than buying processed meat that can disrupt our heart-healthy diet.

Therefore I conclude that meat processing is very prevalent and common in the food industry
nowadays. One of the most common preservatives for curing and processing meat are the nitrates and
nitrites which are being used for more than 2,000 years. These are also used for flavoring and coloring of
our processed meat products. Marinating is one of the various ways to tenderize meat. The most common
acids that are being used for this process are the vinegar and calamansi which are considered as acids. Its
purpose for marinating is to tenderize the meat and make it soft and easier to cut or chew. Acids are
essential in tenderizing the meat, this is because the acid breaks down the connective tissues of the meat
transforming it into tender cuts.

Data Table
Heat – When the sample was heated, the sample rapidly denatured turning it to pure white. This sample
denatured the fastest among the samples. Futhermore, it contains the most abundant white particles.
NaCl (Ionic Compound) – When salt was added in the sample and was mixed, there were little
formation of white particles. The white particles in this sample is more than the white particles present in
the sample with base.
NaHCO (Base) – When baking soda was added in the sample and was mixed, there were very few
formation of white particles. This sample contains the least formation of white particles.
Lemon Juice (Acid) – When lemon juice was added in the sample and was mixed, there were slight
changes in the sample. There were translucent white particles present, which is more than the white
particles in the samples with salt and baking soda.
Rubbing Alcohol (Organic Liquid) – When alcohol was added in the sample and was mixed, half of it
turned to white particles. This sample is next to heat to denature faster than the other samples.
AgNO3 (Heavy Metal) – When AgNO3 was added in the sample and was mixed, there were minor
formation of translucent white particles. Furthermore, there was a light blue color present since we used a
dishwashing liquid for this sample.
The method that had a dramatic denaturing effect in this experiment is the heating method. This is
because heat increases the kinetic energy and causes the molecules to vibrate so rapidly and violently that
the bonds in the egg white (albumin) are disrupted. The proteins in egg denature during this time.
Furthermore, the heat denatures the protein by disrupting some of its bonds that held the molecule into
The method which would be more likely to be used in the food industry is the heating method. As
we all know, we can’t deny the fact that heating has been the most widely used cooking method in the
food industry. It makes our cooking more easily and faster. By just simply heating the food that we
wanted to cook or eat, we can immediately do this in our own special ways.


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