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Transcripción y análisis del video de Ron Kaufman

Nicolas Licht Romero

How do you build and sustain a superior service culture?

Building a superior service culture. Really, it’s the right phrase, because the words have

been selected very appropriately.

Number one is building, it’s not something you just can install. A service culture is

something that needs a foundation and then it needs to be built up over time. When we talk

about building a superior service culture what we are saying is that a service culture that’s

superior its unique to you. It reflects your organization values and it speaks to your

costumer values. It is adapted and appropriate for the context both in terms on industry,

geography costumer base that you serve. Superior, means that the culture itself is going to

help your organization stand out from the competition.

Now, how do you build a superior service culture? There are several key components. At

the foundation is what we would call world-class service education. If you want people to

understand and participate, be part of a culture, they need to understand what are the

components that make that culture real. We have to educate people, teach people about the

fundamental service principles that come into play every day.

Principles and learning points are delivered through educational curriculum, through

courses where people can learn new things and then understand how to apply what they´ve

learn to their own job. Whether their job is at a senior, middle management or frontline

level and whether its external service providing or providing service to somebody inside the
organization. That foundation of education provides for a bottom up ongoing swell of new

ideas and action steps.

At the top is where we would put service leadership. Now here`s where the very very senior

people in an organization really need to take on the challenge of articulating and engaging

service vision, so that everyone in the organization realizes “ah this is the kind of culture

we want to build” “this is where it is that we want to go”. So leadership`s job is to make

sure that the vision is clear and then also be the one responsible for lining so many of the

other activities in the organization to continuously reinforce that same message, that same

vision, so they come into practice and is sustained over time.

Between these two areas, at the top service leadership, at the bottom the foundation of

service education. Is what we refer to as building blocks of service culture. This building

blocks are the fundamental activities that every large organization is doing, but the way

they are doing them may not be sending the same message to staff, may not be as aligned

and mutually reinforced as they can be.

So, for example, how do you recruit new staff? What happens in their orientation

experience? What kind of ongoing service communication is being done? Are the rewards

and recognition programs inside the company actually reinforcing and encouraging the kind

of service behavior you say you want? What kind of metrics are you tracking? What are

you doing with the voice of the costumer? Who are you benchmarking? How is senior

management role modeling?

These twelve what we refer to as building blocks of superior service culture are the

elements that connect well educated people with strong visionary leadership. And then
there’s jus one more component. Its sustaining the momentum overtime you can put all of

these elements in place, but then there needs to be an ongoing program of activities and

communications and events. That cause on people who come to work every day to see that

this is not just about what I learned, its not jus about what the boss says, its not just about

the elements that we have inside the company. But there’s an ongoing reinforcing

momentum that gets stronger and stronger and stronger every day I come to work, every

day I am part of this powerful culture.


Teniendo en cuenta el video de Ron Kaufmann se interpreta la importancia de una cultura

de servicio superior y sostenible. De la cual, como se menciona en el video, cada una de las

palabras de esta frase son fundamentales para el funcionamiento y la creación de dicha

cultura. Además de ello, es necesario mantener esta cultura viva y creciente en todo

momento en la organización. Puesto que estos parámetros son los que marcan la diferencia

entre las buenas organizaciones y las excelentes.

Después de este breve resumen del video, es pertinente analizar y comparar las perspectivas

de Kaufmann para de este modo poder aplicarlas en la vida real. Primeramente, la

importancia de una cultura interna dentro de una organización. Esto refleja la calidad de la

intención del integrante de esta misma. Teniendo en cuenta que la cultura es la unión de los

patrones de comportamiento, las costumbres, la forma de ser y de relacionarse con el

entorno.[ CITATION Jul08 \l 9226 ] De esta manera, entendemos la importancia de crear un

ambiente y unas ideologías internas dentro de la organización. Como lo puede ser en una

familia, donde los hijos se convencen de la ideología de los padres y de esta manera actúan

ante la sociedad sin ningún prejuicio.

Al entender este concepto, notamos la importancia de tener un buen gerente, jefe o

autoridad. El cual es el encargado de alinear las tareas e intenciones en busca de ofrecer el

mejor servicio y alcanzar a los objetivos. Además, es el encargado de contagiar y motivar a

los empleados con el espíritu del servicio.

Por otra parte, nos encontramos con el servicio superior, para el cual fomentaremos la

educación y los valores dentro de los integrantes de la organización. Tal cual como lo

puede ser cruzar un programa de pregrado en una universidad. La persona es ayudada y

capacitada por medio de la universidad para de esta manera salir a cambiar el mundo y a

profesar los valores y conocimientos inculcados allí. De esta misma manera la organización

debe seleccionar y capacitar a sus integrantes.

Finalmente, esta la sostenibilidad. Es aquella pisca que hace diferente un ciclo, un trabajo o

una tarea. La motivación del día a día y la razón de ser. En este caso, la razón de ser de la

organización. Interiorizar esa razón en el alma de cada uno de los integrantes es la clave

para sostener esta cultura y hacerla cada vez mas grande.

Porto, J. P. (2008). Obtenido de

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