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The title of the text is: Tips for being a super-organised

student, and basically It´s about a post that was made by
Amy, where She says that She don´t know how to be
organised yet to study better, by now she only take some
little notes about her homeworks and activities, but She
wants to know if someone could help her to obtain a solution
to be more organised.
So, there were some answers from the people, for example,
Hanna told her that She spend at least five minutes a day just
to tidying up the desktop of her computer, only to be more
organised, She just remove those documents or data that aren
´t necessary for her; on the other hand, Gloria told her that
She should have a noticeboard in her room, that board
should be divide for her subjects, and in that spaces write all
notes that She need to be better and be super-organised
student; well, both ideas are pretty good, but the most
important thing is study all day at least a little bit.


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