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Food/ Questions (Elementary and Pre-Intermediate Levels)

Talk with a partner.

 What kind of food do you like to eat?
 What are some foods that you know are healthy for your body?
 What is your favourite drink?
 What type of snacks do you usually eat between meals?
 What is your favourite starter?
 Do you like trying new foods?
 What food today brings back your childhood memories?
 Do you think people’s diets in your country are getting better or
 If you live abroad, what food would you miss from your country?
 What kind of food would you like to eat in restaurants?
 How often do you eat takeaway food?
 Do you ever eat unhealthy food? How do you feel about it?
 How do you choose which restaurant to go?
 Who do you usually have lunch/ dinner with?
 Talk about a food that you used to dislike, but now you like it.
 Have you ever eat something you didn’t like? What was it?
 What is the strangest food that you have ever eaten/ seen?
 Is cooking a pleasure for you?
 Are you good at cooking?

Talk about this topic.

Describe a dish that you know how to make.
You should say:
 if it is difficult to prepare
 how much time it takes to be prepared
 what the ingredients are
 and how it is prepared.

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