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Student A

Ways You Can Make a Difference in Your Community

Adapted from McNeil (2018)

In 2012, Michelle Obama said, “Success isn’t about how much money you make; it’s about the

difference you make in people’s lives.” As humans we yearn to make a difference, to leave our

mark. And most of us know helping better others’ lives has positive impacts on our own —

making us happier, more balanced, and instilling a greater sense of purpose in the everyday. But

it can be easy to get bogged down in the daily grind and miss the benefits, to ourselves and our

communities, that getting involved can provide.

And most of us don’t know where to start. So, have a look below at some suggestions for how to

begin, and start making a difference today!


Volunteering _____________ and skills to a local organization is a great way to give back to

your _____________. Whether a hospital, food bank, youth group, senior’s home, or

_____________ shelter there are tons of local organizations that would _____________ from

your time. A quick search online will help find local opportunities. Or, contact _____________

you’re interested in helping out to be put in touch with their local team.

Donate Blood

With one donation you can save many lives, yet just one patient could require multiple donors.

For heart surgery it’s up to five. Leukemia treatments, as many as eight donors a week.

Emergency care for a car accident can use up to 50. Every donation makes a difference in

someone’s life, and what greater gift could you give? Plus, they’ll give you a juice and a cookie.

Everyone wins, so schedule your next donation today.

Become a Mentor

Become a mentor to _____________ who would benefit from your skills, _____________, and

_____________. Maybe there’s someone in your social circles or profession you would like to

help along the way. If not _____________ like Big Brothers and Big Sisters, futurpreneur, or

Trudeau Foundation are there to help you connect you with _____________ in your area who

could use a helping _____________.

Organize a Charitable Event

Find a cause you’re passionate about and organize on its behalf. Maybe you raise money for a

senior’s program or collect food donations for a community pantry. If you want to help but

you’re stuck for ideas reach out to the organizations you’d like to help — they likely have

suggestions in hand to pick from or inspire your own.


McNeil, R. (14 de February de 2018). 10 Ways You Can Make a Difference in Your Community.

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