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Transitions: Punctuation & Placement Practice

Part 1: Choose the sentence that has the correct punctuation and capitalization .

1. A. The legal age for purchasing cigarettes has increased recently, as a result, stores
are now checking the IDs of all customers who wish to purchase them.
B. The legal age for purchasing cigarettes has increased recently. As a result, stores
are now checking the IDs of all customers who wish to purchase them.
C. The legal age for purchasing cigarettes has increased recently; as a result stores
are now checking the IDs of all customers who wish to purchase them.
D. The legal age for purchasing cigarettes has increased recently as a result, stores
are now checking the IDs of all customers who wish to purchase them.
2. A. The new president promised to make the war on drug trafficking her new
priority. In addition, she made it clear that she would work to reduce the nation’s
B. The new president promised to make the war on drug trafficking her new
priority; In addition, she made it clear that she would work to reduce the nation’s
C. The new president promised to make the war on drug trafficking her new
priority. In addition she made it clear, that she would work to reduce the nation’s
D. The new president promised to make the war on drug trafficking her new priority
in addition, she made it clear that she would work to reduce the nation’s debt.
3. A. The teacher’s attempt to get his students’ attention by telling them he might give
them a pop quiz failed hence he decided to find a more creative solution to get them
to listen.
B. The teacher’s attempt to get his students’ attention by telling them he might give
them a pop quiz failed; hence; he decided to find a more creative solution to get
them to listen.
C. The teacher’s attempt to get his students’ attention by telling them he might give
them a pop quiz failed, hence; he decided to find a more creative solution to get
them to listen.
D. The teacher’s attempt to get his students’ attention by telling them he might give
them a pop quiz failed; hence, he decided to find a more creative solution to get
them to listen.
4. A. You must bring two forms of valid identification to enter the office containing
classified information. For example a driver’s license and a company ID card; will
grant you access, but only a passport will not.
B. You must bring two forms of valid identification to enter the office containing
classified information. For example a driver’s license and a company ID card, will
grant you access, but only a passport will not.
C. You must bring two forms of valid identification to enter the office containing
classified information. For example, a driver’s license and a company ID card will
grant you access, but only a passport will not.
D. You must bring two forms of valid identification to enter the office containing
classified information for example, a driver’s license and a company ID card will
grant you access, but only a passport will not.
5. A. The new parking rules are much stricter than the old ones. In fact, citations may
include a fee of $75.00.
B. The new parking rules are much stricter than the old ones in fact citations may
include a fee of $75.00.
C. The new parking rules are much stricter than the old ones, in fact, citations may
include a fee of $75.00.
D. The new parking rules are much stricter than the old ones. In fact; citations may
include a fee of $75.00.
6. A. Applicants to the program must first complete the electronic form and return it in
person next a thorough background check will be conducted.
B. Applicants to the program must first complete the electronic form and return it in
person next, a thorough background check will be conducted.
C. Applicants to the program must first complete the electronic form and return it in
person, a thorough background check will be conducted.
D. Applicants to the program must first complete the electronic form and return it in
person. Next, a thorough background check will be conducted.
7. A. In order to fulfill the degree requirements for this program, students must
conduct a research experiment. Alternatively, comprehensive exams can be taken
instead of the research experiment.
B. In order to fulfill the degree requirements for this program, students must
conduct a research experiment alternatively comprehensive exams can be taken
instead of the research experiment.
C. In order to fulfill the degree requirements for this program, students must
conduct a research experiment alternatively, comprehensive exams can be taken
instead of the research experiment.
D. In order to fulfill the degree requirements for this program, students must
conduct a research experiment; Alternatively, comprehensive exams can be taken
instead of the research experiment.
8. A. English is the main language spoken in Australia. Likewise, it is the language of
the United States as well.
B. English is the main language spoken in Australia likewise it is the language of the
United States as well.
C. English is the main language spoken in Australia; Likewise, it is the language of
the United States as well.
D. English is the main language spoken in Australia. Likewise it is the language of the
United States as well.
9. A. It rained incessantly for three days. The roads consequently were closed due to
B. It rained incessantly for three days. The roads, consequently were closed due to
C. It rained incessantly for three days. The roads, consequently, were closed due to
D. It rained incessantly for three days. The roads; consequently, were closed due to
10. A. The children found the joke hilarious. Their grandmother did not however.
B. The children found the joke hilarious. Their grandmother did not; however.
C. The children found the joke hilarious. Their grandmother did not, however.
D. The children found the joke hilarious. Their grandmother did not; However.

Part 2: Choose the correct place to insert still, anyway, also and too.

11. (anyway) Michael owns a car__(A)__. However, he__(B)__ walks to work __(C)__.
12. (still) Michael owns a car__(A)__. However, he__(B)__ walks to work __(C)__.
13. (also) Amber enjoys doing aerobic exercise such as running and swimming.
Additionally, __(A)__ she__(B)__ likes __(C)__ lifting weights.
14. (too) Amber enjoys doing aerobic exercise such as running and swimming.
Additionally, __(A)__ she likes __(B)__ lifting weights__(C)__.
15. (anyway) It wasn’t supposed to rain. Nevertheless, __(A)__ Janet__(B)__ brought her
16. (still) It wasn’t supposed to rain__(A)__. Nevertheless, __(B)__ Janet__(C)__ brought
her umbrella.
17. (also) Many__(A)__ herbs are grown on this farm including basil and parsley.
Moreover, __(B)__ the farmers have__(C)__ been experimenting with raising
18. (too) Many herbs are grown on this farm including basil and parsley. Moreover,
__(A)__ the farmers have__(B)__ been experimenting with raising chickens__(C)__.

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