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Why is it important that nutrition and diet therapy is important to you as a nursing

Nutrition and diet therapy is important to us because it is a vital aspect of

our profession. It is one of the many responsibilities we have to offer to our
clients. We cannot ensure good health and long life to them, but we can certainly
render a big help. As a nursing student, my own health is my responsibility. I need
to make wise daily decisions and practice healthy behaviors that will strengthen
and improve my health and wellness. I need to prepare my holistic well-being to
meet the demands of my nursing profession. If I will not be able to meet these
demands and take responsibility of my own health, then I won’t be able to help and
apply these to my clients. I know that I have countless opportunities now and in the
near future to make my clients aware of their health choices and behaviors and I
have the capability to show them how to change and improve for the better.
Nutrition and diet therapy will be my road to serve as a role model and a change
maker to others when it comes to their health.

1. Oral Cavity – it is the beginning of the digestive tract and point of entry of
food where it is masticated by teeth and moistened by saliva.
2. Esophagus – it is a muscular tube that contracts to push food from the throat
down towards the stomach.
3. Stomach – it is a muscular organ that secretes acid and enzymes that digest
food. It also holds food and serves as the mixer and grinder of food.
4. Small Intestine – it is a tubular structure that carries the food in continuation
with the stomach and it breaks down food using enzymes released by
the pancreas and bile from the liver.
5. Large Intestine – it absorbs water and electrolytes, produces and absorbs
vitamins, and forms and propels stool toward the rectum for elimination
6. Anus – it is the opening at the far end of the digestive tract that releases or
eliminates the stool.
7. Rectum – it receives stool from the colon, lets the person know there is stool
to be evacuated and holds the stool until evacuation happens.
8. Pancreas – it produces digestive enzymes that break down protein, fats and
carbohydrates and produces the hormones insulin and glucagon.
9. (Wala pong nakalagay na number 9)
10. Liver – it makes and secretes bile and processes the blood from the small
intestine containing absorbed nutrients, makes all the various chemicals the
body needs, and detoxifies potentially harmful chemicals.

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