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Qibo: a framework for quantum simulation with hardware acceleration

Stavros Efthymioua , Sergi Ramos-Calderera,b , Carlos Bravo-Prietoc,b , Adrián Pérez-Salinasc,b , Diego

Garcı́a-Martı́nc,b,d , Artur Garcia-Saezc,e , José Ignacio Latorrea,f,b , Stefano Carrazzag,a,∗
a Quantum Research Centre, Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
b Departament de Fı́sica Quàntica i Astrofı́sica and Institut de Ciències del Cosmos (ICCUB), Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
c Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona, Spain.
d Instituto de Fı́sica Teórica, UAM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain.
e Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech, Barcelona, Spain.
f Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
g TIF Lab, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Milano and INFN Sezione di Milano, Milan, Italy.
arXiv:2009.01845v1 [quant-ph] 3 Sep 2020

We present Qibo, a new open-source software for fast evaluation of quantum circuits and adiabatic evolution which takes
full advantage of hardware accelerators. The growing interest in quantum computing and the recent developments of
quantum hardware devices motivates the development of new advanced computational tools focused on performance and
usage simplicity. In this work we introduce a new quantum simulation framework that enables developers to delegate
all complicated aspects of hardware or platform implementation to the library so they can focus on the problem and
quantum algorithms at hand. This software is designed from scratch with simulation performance, code simplicity and
user friendly interface as target goals. It takes advantage of hardware acceleration such as multi-threading CPU, single
GPU and multi-GPU devices.
Keywords: Quantum simulation, Quantum circuits, Machine Learning, Hardware acceleration

PROGRAM SUMMARY Nowadays, quantum processing units (QPUs) are based

on two approaches, the quantum circuit and quantum logic
Program Title: Qibo gate-based model processors as implemented by Google [1],
IBM [2], Rigetti [3] or Intel [4], and the annealing quan-
Program URL: tum processors such as D-Wave [5, 6]. The development
of these devices and the achievement of quantum advan-
Licensing provisions: Apache-2.0
tage [7] are clear indicators that a technological revolution
in computing will occur in the coming years.
Programming language: Python, C/C++
The quantum computing paradigm is based on the
Nature of the problem: Simulation of quantum circuits and hardware implementation of qubits, the quantum analogue
adiabatic evolution requires implementation of efficient linear to bits, which are used as the representation of quan-
algebra operations. The simulation cost in terms of memory tum states. Currently, quantum computer manufactur-
and computing time is exponential with the number of qubits. ers provide systems containing up to dozens of qubits for
circuit-based quantum processors, while annealing quan-
Solution method: Implementation of algorithms for the sim- tum processors can reach thousands of qubits. Thanks
ulation of quantum circuits and adiabatic evolution using the to the qubits representation it is possible to implement
dataflow graph infrastructure provided by the TensorFlow frame- quantum algorithms based on different approaches such
work in combination with custom operators. Extension of the
as the quantum Fourier transform [8], amplitude amplifi-
algorithm to take advantage of multi-threading CPU, single
cation and estimation [9], search for elements in unstruc-
GPU and multi-GPU setups.
tured databases [10, 11], BQP-complete problems [12], and
hybrid quantum-classical models [13]. These algorithms
are the possible key solution for different types of prob-
1. Introduction and motivation lems such as optimization [14] and prime factorization [15].
During the last decade, we have observed an impres- However, in several cases, an algorithm’s implementation
sive fast development of quantum computing hardware. may require systems with large number of qubits, thus
even if in principle we can simulate the behaviour of quan-
∗ Corresponding author. tum hardware devices using quantum mechanics on clas-
E-mail address: sical computers, the computational performance becomes
Preprint number: TIF-UNIMI-2020-21

Preprint submitted to Computer Physics Communications September 7, 2020

Module Description Qibo model Description
models Qibo models (details in Table 2). Basic circuit model containing
Quantum gates that can be gates and/or measurements.
added to Qibo circuit. Circuit that can be executed
Calculation of physical quantities on multiple devices.
during circuit simulation. Circuit implementing the
Hamiltonian objects supporting Quantum Fourier Transform.
hamiltonians matrix operations and Variational Quantum
Trotter decomposition. Eigensolver.
Integration methods used for Supports optimization of the
time evolution. variational parameters.
Quantum Approximate
Table 1: Modules supported by Qibo 0.1.0. Optimization Algorithm.
Supports optimization of the
quickly unpractical due to the exponential scaling of mem- variational parameters.
ory and time. Unitary time evolution of
The quantum computer simulation on classical hard- StateEvolution quantum states under a
ware is still quite relevant in the current research stage, be- Hamiltonian.
cause thanks to simulation, researchers can prototype and Adiabatic time evolution
study a priori the behaviour of new algorithms on quan- of quantum states.
tum hardware. In terms of simulation techniques, there Supports optimization of
are at least three common approaches such as the linear the scheduling function.
algebra implementation of the quantum-mechanical wave-
function propagation, the Feynman path-integral formula- Table 2: qibo.models implemented in Qibo 0.1.0.
tion of quantum mechanics [16, 17] and tensor networks [18].
The simulation of circuit-based quantum processors is ation support requires a good knowledge of multiple pro-
already implemented by several research collaborations and gramming languages such as C/C++ and Python, and hard-
companies. Some notable examples of simulation software ware specific frameworks such as CUDA [51], OpenCL [52]
which are based on linear algebra approach are Cirq [19] and OpenMP [53]. However, given that the knowledge of
and TensorFlow Quantum (TFQ) [20] from Google, Qiskit each of these tools could be a strong technical barrier
from IBM Q [21], PyQuil from Rigetti [22], Intel-QS for users interested in custom circuit designs, and sub-
(qHipster) from Intel [23] , QCGPU [24] and Qulacs [25], sequently, the simulation of new quantum and hybrid al-
among others [26–45]. While the simulation techniques gorithms, Qibo proposes a framework build on top of the
and hardware-specific configurations are well defined for TensorFlow [54] library which reduces the effort required
each simulation software, there are no simulation tools that by the user. Tables 1 and 2 provide an overview of the
can take full advantage of hardware acceleration in single basic modules and models that are implemented in the
and double precision computations, through a simple in- current version of Qibo 0.1.0.
terface which allows the user to switch from multithread- The Qibo framework will become the entry point in
ing CPU, single GPU, and distributed multi-GPU/CPU terms of API and simulation engine for the middleware of
setups. On the other hand, from the point of view of a new quantum experimental research collaboration coor-
quantum annealing computation, in particular adiabatic dinated by [55, 56].
quantum computation, there are several examples of ap- The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2 we present
plications in the literature [46–48]. However, classical sim- the technical aspects of the Qibo framework, highlighting
ulation of adiabatic evolution algorithms used by this com- the code structure, algorithms, and features. In Sec. 3, we
putational paradigm are not systematically implemented show benchmarking results comparing the Qibo simulation
in public libraries. performance with other popular libraries. The Sec. 4 is
In this work, we present the Qibo framework [49] for dedicated to applications provided by Qibo as examples.
quantum simulation with hardware acceleration (code avail- Finally, in Sec. 5 we present our conclusion and future
able at [50]). Qibo is designed with three target goals: a development direction.
simple application programming interface (API) for quan-
tum circuit design and adiabatic quantum computation, a
high-performance simulation engine based on hardware ac- 2. Technical implementation
celeration tools, with particular emphasis on multithread- In this section we present the technical structure of
ing CPU, single GPU and multi-GPU setups, and finally, Qibo, an open-source library for quantum circuit defini-
a clean design pattern to include classical/quantum hybrid tion and simulation which takes advantage of hardware
algorithms. In general the inclusion of hardware acceler- accelerators such as GPUs.
2.3. Backends and algorithms
Qibo Stack Qibo simulates the behavior of quantum circuits using
dense complex state vectors ψ(σ1 , σ2 , . . . , σN ) ∈ C in the
Interface for users: model computational basis where σi ∈ {0, 1} and N is the total
High Level API definition and execution. number of qubits in the circuit. The main usage scheme
is the following:
Implementation of algorithms
Quantum Algorithms based on quantum operations.
import numpy as np
from qibo import models, gates
Backend specialization, for
TensorFlow Custom classical hardware CPU and GPU.
Backends Operators # create a circuit for N=3 qubits
circuit = models.Circuit(3)
Code abstraction for circuit
Abstraction Layer
and gates representation. # add some gates in the circuit
(Base Backend)
circuit.add([gates.H(0), gates.X(1)])
circuit.add(gates.RX(0, theta=np.pi/6))
Figure 1: Schematic view of the Qibo structure design.
# execute the circuit and obtain the
# final state as a tf.Tensor
final_state = circuit()
2.1. Acceleration paradigm
Hardware acceleration combines the flexibility of general- where qibo.models.Circuit is the core Qibo object and
purpose processors, such as CPUs, with the efficiency of holds a queue of quantum gates. Each gate corresponds to
fully customized hardware, such as GPUs, increasing effi- a matrix G(σ, σ 0 ) = G(σ1 , . . . , σNtargets , σ10 , . . . , σN 0
ciency by orders of magnitude. and acts on the state vector via the matrix multiplication
In particular, hardware accelerators such as GPUs with X
a large number of cores and memory are getting popular ψ 0 (σ) = G(σ, σ 0 )ψ(σ1 , . . . σi01 , . . . , σi0Ntargets , . . . , σN )
thanks to their great efficiency in deep learning applica- σ0
tions. Open-source frameworks such as TensorFlow sim- (1)
plify the development strategy by reducing the required where the sum runs over qubits targeted by the gate.
hardware knowledge from the developer’s point of view. When a circuit is executed, the state vector is trans-
In this context, Qibo implements quantum circuit sim- formed by applying matrix multiplications for every gate in
ulation using TensorFlow primitives and custom opera- the queue. By default, the result of circuit execution is the
tors together with job scheduling for multi-GPU synchro- final state vector ψ 0 (σ) after all gates have been applied.
nization. The choice of TensorFlow as the backend de- If measurement gates are used then the returned result
velopment framework for Qibo is motivated by its simple contains measurement samples following the distribution
mechanism to write efficient Python code which can be corresponding to the final state vector. The computational
distributed to hardware accelerators without complicated difficulty in this calculation is that the dimension of ψ(σ)
installation procedures. increases exponentially with the number of qubits N in
the circuit.
2.2. Code structure Qibo provides three different backends for implement-
In Fig. 1 we show a schematic representation of the ing the matrix multiplication of Eq. (1), all based on Ten-
code structure. The ground layer represents the base ab- sorFlow 2. There are two backends (defaulteinsum and
straction layer, where the circuit structure and gates are matmuleinsum) based on TensorFlow native operations and
defined. On top of the abstraction layer, we specialize the custom backend that uses custom C++ operators. Ta-
the simulation system using TensorFlow and numpy [57] ble 3 provides a feature comparison between the differ-
primitives. The backend layers are required in order to ent backends. The default backend is custom, however
build quantum algorithms such as the Variation Quan- the user can easily switch to a different backend using the
tum Eigensolver (VQE) [58], perform measurement shots, qibo.set backend() method.
etc. These algorithms are implemented in such a way that In the two TensorFlow backends the state vector ψ(σ)
there is no direct dependency on the backend specializa- is stored as a rank-N TensorFlow tensor (tf.Tensor) and
tion. Furthermore, several models delivered by Qibo, such gate matrices as rank-2Ntargets tensors. In the defaultein-
as VQE, QAOA and adiabatic evolution, require minimiza- sum backend, matrix multiplication is implemented using
tion techniques provided by external libraries, in particular the tf.einsum method, while in the matmuleinsum back-
TensorFlow for stochastic gradient descent, Scipy [59] for end using tf.matmul. In the latter case, the state has to
quasi-Newton methods and CMA-ES [60] for evolutionary be transposed and reshaped to (2Ntargets , 2N −Ntargets ) shape
optimization. Finally, we provide the entry point for code using the tf.transpose and tf.reshape operations, as
usage through a simple high-level API in Python. tf.matmul by definition supports only matrix (rank-2 ten-
sor) multiplication. The motivation to have both imple-
mentations is justified by performance: the defaulteinsum
Native Custom 2.4.2. Measurements
defaulteinsum Qibo’s measuring mechanism works by sampling the fi-
Backend names custom
matmuleinsum nal state vector once all gates of a circuit are applied. Sam-
GPU support X X pling is handled by the tf.random.categorical method.
Distributed computation X A flexible measurement API is provided, which allows the
In-place state updates X user to view measurement results in binary or decimal for-
Measurements X X mat and as raw measurement samples or frequency dictio-
Controlled gates X X naries. It is also possible to group multiple qubits in the
Density matrices / noise X same register and perform collective measurements. Note
Callbacks X X that no density matrix is computed at this step. The final
Gate fusion X X result is a trace-out of the outcome probability in unmea-
Backpropagation X sured qubits.

Table 3: Features support for each calculation backend. 2.4.3. Density matrices and noise
Native TensorFlow backends can simulate density ma-
trices in addition to state vectors. This allows the simula-
backend is faster on GPUs while the matmuleinsum is more tion of noisy circuits using the channels that are provided
efficient on CPU. The main advantage of using backends as qibo.gates. By default Qibo uses state vectors for
based on native TensorFlow primitives is that support for simulation. However, it switches automatically to density
backpropagation is inherited automatically. This may be matrices if a channel is found in the circuit or if the user
useful when gradient-descent-based minimization schemes uses a density matrix as the initial state of a circuit exe-
are used to optimize variational quantum circuits. On the cution. Density matrices are not yet implemented in the
other hand, TensorFlow operations create multiple state custom backend but will be included in future releases.
vector copies, increasing execution time and memory us-
age, particularly for large qubit numbers. 2.4.4. Callbacks
In order to increase simulation performance and reduce
The callback functions allow the user to perform calcu-
memory usage, we implemented custom TensorFlow oper-
lations on intermediate state vectors during a circuit exe-
ators that perform Eq. (1). The state is stored as a vector
cution. A callback example which is implemented in Qibo
with 2N components, and the indices of its components
is entanglement entropy. This allows the user to track how
that should be updated during the matrix multiplication
entanglement changes as the state is propagated through
are calculated by the custom operators during each gate
the circuit’s gates. Other callbacks implemented in Qibo
application. This allows all gate applications to happen in-
include the callbacks.Energy which calculates the en-
place without requiring any copies of the state vector, thus
ergy (expectation value of a Hamiltonian) of a state or
reducing memory requirements to the minimum (2N com-
callbacks.Gap which calculates the gap of the adiabatic
plex numbers for N qubits). Furthermore, the sparsity of
evolution Hamiltonian (we refer to Sec. 2.6 for more de-
some common quantum gates is exploited to increase per-
formance. For example, the Z gate is applied by flipping
the sign of only half of the state components while the
2.4.5. Gate fusion
rest remain unaffected. Custom operators are coded using
In some cases, particularly for large qubit numbers,
C++ and support multi-threading via TensorFlow’s thread
it is more efficient to fuse several gates by multiplying
pool implementation. An additional CUDA implementation
their respective unitary matrices and multiply the result-
is provided for all operators to allow execution on GPU.
ing matrix to the state vector, instead of applying the
original gates one-by-one. Qibo provides a simple method
2.4. Circuit simulation features
(circuit.fuse()) to fuse circuit gates up to a two-qubit
Qibo provides several features aiming to make the sim- 4 × 4 matrix. Additionally, the VariationalLayer gate
ulation of quantum circuits for research purposes easier. is provided for efficient simulation of variational circuits
In this section, we describe some of these features. that consist of alternating layers between one-qubit rota-
tions and two-qubit entangling gates. For more details on
2.4.1. Controlled gates this we refer to Sec. 3.2.
All Qibo gates can be controlled by an arbitrary num-
ber of qubits. Both in the native TensorFlow and custom 2.5. Distributed computation
backends, these gates are applied using the proper index-
Qibo allows execution of circuits on multiple devices
ing of the state vector, avoiding the creation of large gate
with focus on systems with multiple GPU configurations.
As demonstrated in Sec. 3, GPUs are much faster than
a typical CPU for circuit simulation, however, they are
limited by their internal memory. A typical high-end GPU

nowadays has 12-16GB of memory, allowing simulation of a multi-GPU configuration can provide significant speed-
up to 29 qubits (30 qubits with single precision numbers) up compared to using only the CPU.
using Qibo’s custom backend. For larger qubits, the user
has to use a CPU with sufficient random-access memory 2.6. Time evolution
(RAM) size or rely on distributed configurations. In addition to the circuit simulation presented in the
Qibo provides a simple API to distribute large circuits previous sections, Qibo can be used to simulate a unitary
to multiple devices. For example, a circuit can be executed time evolution of quantum states. Given an initial state
on multiple GPUs by passing an accelerators dictionary vector |ψ0 i and an evolution Hamiltonian H, the goal is
when creating the corresponding qibo.models.Circuit to find the state |ψ(T )i after time T , so that the time-
object, as: dependent Schrödinger equation

from qibo.models import Circuit i∂t |ψ(t)i = H |ψ(t)i (2)

circuit = Circuit(
nqubits=30, is satisfied. Note that the Hamiltonian may have explicit
accelerators={"/GPU:0": 1, "/GPU:1": 1} time dependence.
An application of time evolution relevant to quantum
computation is the simulation of adiabatic quantum com-
Dictionary keys define which devices will be used and the putation [46]. In this case the evolution Hamiltonian takes
values the number of times each device will be used. Note the form
that a single device can be used more than once to increase H(t) = (1 − s(t))H0 + s(t)H1 (3)
the number of “logical” devices. For example, a single
GPU can be reused multiple times to exceed the limit of where H0 is a Hamiltonian whose ground state is easy
29 qubits, making the distributed implementation useful to prepare and is used as the initial condition, H1 is a
even for systems with a single GPU. Hamiltonian whose ground state is hard to prepare and
Device re-usability is allowed by exploiting the system’s s(t) is a scheduling function. According to the adiabatic
RAM. The full state vector is stored in RAM while parts theorem, for proper choice of s(t) and total evolution time
of it are transferred to the available GPUs to perform the T , the final state |ψ(T )i will approximate the ground state
matrix multiplications. This state partition to pieces is of the “hard” Hamiltonian H1 .
inspired by techniques used in multi-node quantum cir- The code below shows how Qibo can be used to sim-
cuit simulation [61, 62]. More specifically, if Ndevices are ulate adiabatic evolution for the case where the ”hard”
available, the state is partitioned by selecting log2 Ndevices Hamiltonian is the critical transverse field Ising model,
qubits (called global qubits [63]) and indexing according mathematically:
to their binary values. For example, if Ndevices = 2 and X
H0 = − Xi (4)
the first qubit is selected as the global qubit, the state
of size 2N is partitioned to two pieces ψ(0, σ2 , . . . , σN )
and ψ(1, σ2 , . . . , σN ) of size 2N −1 . Gates targeting local and
(non-global) qubits are directly applied by performing the
H1 = − (Zi Zi+1 + hXi ) (5)
corresponding matrix multiplication on all logical devices. i=0
Gates targeting global qubits cannot be applied without
where Xi and Zi represent the matrices acting on the i-th
communication between devices. The scheme that we cur-
qubit and h = 1.
rently follow to apply such gates is to move their targets to
local qubits by adding SWAP gates between global and lo-
cal qubits. These SWAP gates are applied on CPU, where from qibo import models, hamiltonians
the full state vector is available. All gates between SWAPs # define Hamiltonian objects for 4 qubits
target local qubits and are grouped and applied together h0 = hamiltonians.X(4)
to minimize the CPU-GPU communication. h1 = hamiltonians.TFIM(4, h=1.0)
If logical devices correspond to distinct physical de-
# define evolution model with linear scheduling
vices, the matrix multiplications are parallelized among s = lambda t: t
physical devices using joblib [64]. evolve = models.AdiabaticEvolution(h0, h1, s, dt=1e-2)
In terms of memory, the distributed implementation
# execute the model for T=3 and obtain
described above is restricted only by the total amount of
# the final state as a tf.Tensor
RAM available for the system’s CPU and not the GPU final_state = evolve(final_time=3)
memory. The main bottleneck is related to CPU-GPU
communication, and therefore the performance depends
Note that a list of callbacks may be passed to the def-
on the number of SWAP gates required to move all gates’
inition of the models.AdiabaticEvolution object, which
targets to local qubits. This number depends on the circuit
allows the user to track various quantities during the evo-
structure. As presented in the practical examples of Sec. 3,
In terms of implementation, Qibo uses two different Library Precision Hardware
methods to simulate time evolution. The first method multi-thread CPU
requires constructing the full 2N × 2N matrix of H and single
Qibo 0.1.0 [49] GPU
uses an ordinary differential equation (ODE) solver to in- double
tegrate the time-dependent Schröndiger equation. The de- Cirq 0.8.1 [19] single single-thread CPU
fault solver ("exp") is using standard matrix exponentia- TFQ 0.3.0 [20] single single-thread CPU
tion to calculate the evolution operator e−iHδt for a single Qiskit 0.14.2 [21] double single-thread CPU
time step δt and applies it to the state vector via the ma- PyQuil 2.20.0 [22] double single-thread CPU
trix multiplication IntelQS 2.0.0 [23] double multi-thread CPU
multi-thread CPU
|ψ(t + δt)i = e−iHδt |ψ(t)i (6) QCGPU 0.1.1 [24] single
This is repeated until the specified final time T is reached. multi-thread CPU
Qulacs [25] double
In addition, Qibo provides two Runge-Kutta integrators [65, GPU
66], of fourth-order ("rk4") and fifth-order ("rk45"). Us-
ing one of these these solvers the matrix exponentiation Table 4: Quantum libraries used in the benchmarks with their sup-
step however such approach is less accurate when com- ported simulation precisions and hardware configurations.
pared to the default "exp" solver. The operations used
in this method are based on TensorFlow primitives and
particularly the tf.matmul and tf.linalg.expm. includes 4x NVIDIA Tesla V100 with 32 GB of GPU mem-
The second time evolution method is based on the ory each, and an Intel Xeon E5-2698 v4 with 2.2 GHz (20-
Trotter decomposition, as presented in Sec. 4.1 of [67]. Core/40-Threads) with 256 GB of RAM. The operating
For local Hamiltonians that contain up to k-body inter- system of this machine is the default Ubuntu 18.04-LTS
actions, the evolution operator e−iHδt can be decomposed with CUDA/nvcc 10.1, TensorFlow 2.2.0 and g++ 7.5.
to 2k × 2k unitary matrices and therefore time evolution
can be mapped to a quantum circuit consisting of k-qubit 3.1. Quantum Fourier Transform
gates. Qibo provides an additional Hamiltonian object The first circuit we used for benchmarks is the Quan-
(qibo.hamiltonians.TrotterHamiltonian) which can be tum Fourier Transform (QFT) [8]. This circuit is used as
used to generate the corresponding circuit. Time evolution a subroutine in many quantum algorithms and thus con-
is then implemented by applying this circuit to the initial stitutes an example with great practical importance. The
condition. Since time evolution is essentially mapped to a gates used in this circuit are H, CZPow, and SWAP, all
circuit model, all Qibo circuit functionality such as custom of which are available in Qibo and other used libraries,
operators (for up to two-qubit gates) and distributed exe- except QCGPU where SWAP was implemented using three
cution (Sec. 2.5) may be used with this evolution method. CNOT gates.
Furthermore, this allows the direct simulation of an adia- Results for the QFT circuit are shown in Fig. 2. It is
batic evolution by a circuit-based quantum computer. natural to discuss two regimes separately, the small cir-
cuit regime consisting of up to 20 qubits and the large
circuit regime for more than 20 qubits. We observe that
3. Benchmarks
most libraries offer similar performance in the first regime.
In this section we benchmark Qibo and compare its per- Qulacs is the fastest as it is based on compiled C++ and
formance with other publicly available libraries for quan- avoids the Python overhead that exists in all other li-
tum circuit simulation. In addition, we provide results braries. Furthermore, we observe that simpler hardware
from running circuit simulations on different hardware con- configurations (single-thread CPU) perform better for small
figurations supported by Qibo and we compare perfor- circuits than more complex ones (multi-threading or GPU).
mance between using single or double complex precision. In the large circuit regime Qibo offers a better scaling than
Finally, we benchmark Qibo for the simulation of adia- other libraries in both CPU and GPU. It is also clear that
batic time evolution, and we compare the performance of GPU accelerated libraries offer about an order of mag-
different solvers. nitude improvement compared to CPU implementations.
The libraries used in the benchmarks are shown in Ta- We note the exact agreement between TFQ and single-
ble 4. The default precision and hardware configuration thread Qibo as both libraries use TensorFlow as their com-
was used for all libraries and was compared to the equiva- putation engine.
lent Qibo configuration. Single-thread Qibo numbers were In terms of memory, Qibo can simulate the highest
obtained using taskset utility to restrict the number of number of qubits (33 in complex128 / 34 in complex64)
threads because, when running on CPU, Qibo utilizes all possible for the memory available in the DGX station (256
available threads by default. GB). A single 32 GB GPU can simulate up to 30 qubits (31
All results presented in this section are produced with in complex64), however this number can be extended up
an NVIDIA DGX Station [68]. The machine specification to 33 (34 in single precision) using the distributed scheme

QFT (complex64) QFT (complex128)
Qibo (GPU) Qibo (GPU)
104 Qibo (multi-GPU) Qibo (multi-GPU)
Qibo (CPU) 103 Qibo (CPU)
103 Qibo (CPU-1) Qibo (CPU-1)
QCGPU (GPU) Qulacs (GPU)
102 QCGPU (CPU) Qulacs (CPU)
Total time (sec)

Total time (sec)

Cirq (CPU) IntelQS (CPU)
101 TFQ (CPU) Qiskit (CPU)
PyQuil (CPU)
100 10-1


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30
Number of Qubits Number of Qubits
4 4
Ratio to Qibo (GPU)

Ratio to Qibo (GPU)

Ratio to Qibo (CPU)

Ratio to Qibo (CPU)

101 101
2 2
100 10-1
Quantum autoencoders 0
10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30
Notes and Results
Number of Qubits Number of Qubits Number of Qubits Number of Qubits

Figure 2: Quantum Fourier Transform simulation performance comparison in single precision (left) and double precision (right). Large plots
show totalBravo-Prieto
simulation time as a function of qubit number. Smaller plots show the ratio of this time for each library to the corresponding Qibo
run for GPU (left) and CPU (right).

Ry • Ry near-term quantum computers due to their short depth

and are of great interest to the research community. The
Ry • Ry • circuit used in the benchmark consists of a layer of RY ro-
tations followed by a layer of CZ gates that entangle neigh-
Ry • Ry • bouring qubits, as shown in Fig. 3. The configuration is
repeated for five layers and the variational parameters are
Ry • Ry • chosen randomly from [0, 2π] in all benchmarks.
In Fig. 4 we plot the results of the variational cir-
Ry • Ry • cuit benchmark. We observe similar behavior to the QFT
benchmarks with all libraries performing similarly for small
Ry • Ry • qubit numbers and Qibo offering superior scaling for large
qubit numbers. The variational circuit is an example where
the gate fusion described in Sec. 2.4 is useful. In our Qibo
Figure 3: Structure 1.variational
of the Variational
circuit quantum ansatz for U (θ) employed
used in the benchmarks.
All gates shown in this figure are repeated five times to give the full implementation we exploit this by using the Variational-
in our simulations. As indicated by the dashed
circuit and an additional layer of RY gates is used in the end.
box, each
Layer gate, which fuses four RY gates with the CZ gate be-
layer is composed of CZ gates acting on alternating tween them pairs
and applies them as a single two-qubit gate.
of neighboring qubits which are preceded by R y (θi ) qubit
TFQ uses a similar fusion algorithm [20], and unlike the
described in Sec. 2.5 to re-use
rotations, Ry (θithe
) =same e−iθGPU
i Y /2 device on
. After implementing
QFT benchmark, the it is now noticeably faster than Cirq.
multiple statelayered
vector partitions.
ansatz, a finalThe switch
layer offrom
(θi ) qubit
other is ap- use the traditional form of the circuit,
to distributed GPU configuration explains the change of with and
plied. Here, it is shown the case of two layers = 6being applied separately.
scaling in the last three points of “Qibo (GPU)” data. The
distributed scheme can achieve an even better scaling if all 3.3. Measurement simulation
four available DGX GPUs are used (“Qibo (multi-GPU)”
line). For more details on the performance of different Qibo simulates quantum measurements using its stan-
hardware configurations supported by Qibo, we refer to dard dense state vector simulator, followed by sampling
Sec. 3.6. from the distribution corresponding to the final state vec-
tor. Since the dense state vector is used instead of re-
3.2. Variational circuit peated circuit executions, measurement time does not have
a strong dependence on the number of shots. This is
The second circuit used in the benchmarks is inspired demonstrated for different qubit numbers N in Fig. 5. The
by the structure of variational circuits used in quantum plots contain only the time required for sampling as the
machine learning and similar applications [13, 14]. Such state vector simulation time (time required to apply gates)
circuits constitute a good candidate for applications of has been subtracted from the total execution time. The
Variational 5 layers (complex64) Variational 5 layers (complex128)
104 Qibo (GPU) Qibo (GPU)
Qibo (CPU) Qibo (CPU)
Qibo (CPU-1) 103
Qibo (CPU-1)
QCGPU (GPU) Qulacs (GPU)
QCGPU (CPU) Qulacs (CPU)
102 Cirq (CPU) IntelQS (CPU)
Total time (sec)

Total time (sec)

TFQ (CPU) Qiskit (CPU)
101 PyQuil (CPU)

100 10-1

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30
Number of Qubits Number of Qubits
102 6

Ratio to Qibo (GPU)

Ratio to Qibo (CPU)

Ratio to Qibo (GPU)

Ratio to Qibo (CPU)

4 101
101 4

2 2
10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30
Number of Qubits Number of Qubits Number of Qubits Number of Qubits

Figure 4: Variational circuit simulation performance comparison in single precision (left) and double precision (right). Large plots show total
simulation time as a function of number of qubits. Smaller plots show the ratio of this time for each library to the corresponding Qibo run
for GPU (left) and CPU (right).


101 N = 10 N = 10
N = 12 101 N = 12
N = 14 N = 14
100 N = 16 100 N = 16
Total time (sec)

Total time (sec)

N = 18 N = 18
N = 20 N = 20
10-1 N = 22 10-1 N = 22
N = 24 N = 24
N = 26 N = 26
10-2 N = 28 10-2 N = 28
N = 30 N = 30
101 102 103 104 105 106 101 102 103 104 105 106
Number of shots Number of shots

Figure 5: Example of measurement shots simulation on CPU (left) and GPU (right).

circuit used in this benchmark consists of a layer of H 3.4. Simulation precision

gates applied to every qubit followed by a measurement of Qibo allows the user to easily switch between single
all qubits. (complex64) and double (complex128) precision with the
When a GPU is used for a circuit that contains mea- qibo.set precision() method. In this section we com-
surements, it will likely run out of memory during the pare the performance of both precisions. The results are
sampling procedure if the number of shots is sufficiently plotted in Fig. 6. We find that as the number of qubits
high. In such a case, Qibo will automatically fall back grows using single precision is ∼ 2 times faster on GPU
to CPU to complete the execution. This is not particu- and ∼ 1.5 faster on CPU.
larly costly in terms of performance as the computation-
ally heavy part is the evolution of the state vector, which 3.5. Adiabatic time evolution
happens on GPU, and not the sampling procedure. The
We use Qibo to simulate the adiabatic evolution with
oscillations that appear in the GPU part of Fig. 5 are due
the Hamiltonians defined in Eq. (5) and linear scaling
to this fallback mechanism. This is implemented using an
s(t) = t. We simulate for a total time of T = 1 using
exception on TensorFlow’s out-of-memory error, and as a
double precision.
result, the procedure of falling back to CPU is slower than
The total simulation time is shown as a function of
explicitly executing sampling on CPU.
the number of qubits in Fig. 8 for execution on CPU (40

GPU c64
TFIM Adiabatic Evolution (δt = 0.01, T = 1, complex128)
GPU c128
CPU c64 104
102 CPU c128

101 103
Total Time (sec)

Total time (sec)

100 102

10-1 Trotter (GPU)

101 Trotter (multi-GPU)
Trotter (CPU)
10-2 Exp (GPU)
Exp (CPU)
100 RK4 (GPU)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Trotter RK4 (GPU)
Number of Qubits 10-1 Trotter RK4 (CPU)
2.0 2.0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Number of Qubits
Ratio to GPU c64

Ratio to CPU c64

1.5 1.5

Ratio to Trotter (GPU)

Ratio to Trotter (CPU)

1.0 1.0 102
10 20 30 10 20 30 101
Number of Qubits Number of Qubits 101
10 20 30 10 20 30
Figure 6: Comparison of simulation time when using single Number of Qubits Number of Qubits
(complex64) and double (complex128) precision on GPU and multi-
threading (40 threads) CPU.
Figure 8: Adiabatic time evolution simulation performance compar-
ison in double precision. Large plots show total simulation time as a
TFIM Adiabatic Evolution (N = 10, T = 1, complex128) function of qubit number. Smaller plots show the ratio of this time
Trotter (GPU) to the corresponding Trotter evolution run for GPU (left) and CPU
Trotter (CPU) (right).
Total time (sec)


1 − Overlap

103 Exp (GPU) 10-10

Exp (CPU) Evolution
Total time (sec)

102 10-12 δt 3
δt 4
10-14 δt 5
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 δt
Figure 9: Overlap between the final state obtained using the Trotter
Figure 7: Total execution time for the adiabatic evolution of N = 10 decomposition and the full exponentiation of the Hamiltonian. The
for total time T = 1 as a function of the time step δt. problem considered is the adiabatic evolution of the TFIM Hamilto-
nian (Eq. (5)) for total time T = 1, linear scheduling and N = 10
threads) and GPU. As expected, using the Trotter decom-
position is several orders of magnitude faster than methods
parallelization techniques less than other methods and, as
that use the full 2N × 2N Hamiltonian matrix. It also re-
a result, have the smallest speed-up from using a GPU. In
quires less memory allowing the simulation of larger qubit
all cases, the time direction has to be treated sequentially,
numbers. Note that using Runge-Kutta methods with a
while the matrix multiplications at a given time step can
Trotter Hamiltonian requires less memory because it cal-
be computed in parallel, making the GPU more useful as
culates the dot products between the Hamiltonian and the
the number of qubits increases.
state term by term, instead of constructing the full matrix.
In Fig. 7 we plot the total execution time as a function
Similar to circuit simulation, GPU is typically faster
of the time step δt used to discretize time. The exponen-
than CPU for all solvers. Note that similarly to the QFT
tial solver is used with and without Trotter decomposition.
benchmarks shown in Fig. 2 the last few points of the
In Fig. 9 we calculate the underlying errors of the Trotter
“Trotter (GPU)” line correspond to re-using the same de-
decomposition. The error is quantified using the overlap
vice using the distributed scheme leading to a different
between the final state obtained using the Trotter decom-
scaling in the execution time. Runge-Kutta solvers exploit
position and the full exponential time evolution operator,

104 1-thread
103 single-GPU
Time (sec)

102 4x
101 2x
2x 2x

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Number of Qubits

Figure 10: Comparison of Qibo performance for QFT on multiple hardware configurations. For the multi-GPU setup we include a label on
top of each histogram bar summarizing the effective number of NVIDIA V100 cards used during the benchmark.

Number of qubits 0-15 15-30 > 30

40-threads CPU single thread ??? ? ?
0.035 single-GPU CPU multi-threading ? ?? ??
single GPU ? ??? ??
multi-GPU - - ???
Time (sec)

Table 5: Heuristic rules for optimal device selection depending on the

0.020 number of qubits in the circuit. More stars means a shorter execution
time is expected. We stress that these general rules may not be valid
0.015 on every case as the optimal configuration depends on many factors
such as the exact circuit structure and hardware specifications (CPU
0.010 and GPU speed and memory).

specifics (number of qubits, number of gates, number of
14 15 16 re-executions) and the exact hardware specifications (CPU
Number of Qubits
or GPU model and available memory), in this section we
provide a basic comparison using the DGX station. The
Figure 11: Comparison of Qibo performance for small QFT circuits
on single thread CPU, multi-threading CPU and GPU. Single thread
circuit used is the QFT in double precision, and the results
CPU is the optimal choice for up to 15 qubits. of this section are summarized in Table 5, which provides
some heuristic rules for optimal device selection according
to the number of qubits.
with the latter considered to be exact. We find that as In Fig. 10 we plot the total simulation time using four
we decrease the time step δt the overlap approaches unity different CPU thread configurations and two GPU con-
as δt4 , but execution time increases as expected. The δtn figurations. The number of threads in the CPU runs was
lines for n ∈ {3,
 4, 5} in Fig. 9 correspond to curves defined selected using taskset. For large numbers of qubits we ob-
x serve that using multiple threads reduces simulation time
by y = y0 x0 where (x0 , y0 ) is the rightmost point (for
δt = 0.1) in the “Evolution” curve. These are plotted to by an order of magnitude compared to single-thread. How-
demonstrate the scaling of evolution error as δt → 0. ever, performance plateaus are reached at 20-threads. Switch-
ing to a GPU whenever the full state vector fits in its
3.6. Hardware device selection memory provides an additional 10x speed-up making it
the optimal device choice for circuits containing 15 to 30
A core point in Qibo is the support of different hard-
ware configurations despite its simple installation proce-
The situation is less clear for circuits with more than 30
dure. The user can easily switch between CPU and GPU
qubits, when the full state vector does not fit in a single
using the qibo.set device() method. A question that
GPU memory. Qibo provides three alternative solutions
arises is how to determine the optimal device configura-
for such situation: multi-threading CPU, re-using a single
tion for the circuit one would like to simulate. While
GPU for multiple state pieces (mimicking distributed com-
the answer to this question depends both on the circuit

putation) or using multiple GPUs if available. In terms
# loop over the adiabatic steps
of memory, all these approaches are limited by the total
for t in range(T_max + 1):
memory available for the system’s CPU. Using multiple # define the interpolated Hamiltonian of AAVQE
GPUs is always more efficient than re-using a single GPU s = t / T_max
as it allows us to parallelize the calculations on different hamiltonian = (1-s) * h0 + s * h1
# define a Qibo VQE model
state pieces. vqe = models.VQE(circuit, hamiltonian)
The comparison between multi-GPU and CPU gener- # optimize the VQE model to find that ground state
ally depends on the structure of the circuit. QFT is an options = {'maxfev': maxsteps}
example of a circuit that does not require any additional energy, params = vqe.minimize(initial_params,
SWAP gates between global and local qubits, making it a options=options)
good case for a distributed run. This property is not true initial_params = params
for all circuits, and therefore we would see a smaller dif-
ference between CPU and multi-GPU configurations for where h0 and h1 are hamiltonians.Hamiltonian objects
other circuits. Regardless, multi-GPU configurations or representing the easy and hard Hamiltonian respectively,
even re-using a single GPU are expected to be useful for circuit is a models.Circuit that implements the VQE
the regime of qubit numbers between 30 and 35. ansatz, initial params (np.ndarray) is the initial guess
In Fig. 11 we repeat the hardware comparison for smaller for the variational parameters, T max (int) the number of
qubit numbers. We find that single thread CPU is the op- adiabatic steps and maxsteps (int) the maximum num-
timal choice for up to 15 qubits, while the GPU will start ber of optimization steps.
giving an advantage beyond this point.
4.2. Grover’s search for 3SAT
4. Applications Grover’s algorithm [10] is a quantum algorithm for
searching databases and an example where √ a quantum
The current Qibo 0.1.0 contains pre-coded examples computer provides a quadratic advantage 2N , where N
of quantum algorithms applied to specific problems. The is the number of qubits, over a classical one for the same
subsections that follow provide an outline of these appli- problem. In this example, Grover’s algorithm is used to
cations. For more details on each application we refer to solve exact cover instances of a 3SAT problem, which is
our documentation [69] and we note that all the code is classified as NP-Complete [72].
available at the Qibo repository. In terms of implementation, Grover’s algorithm can be
It is worth emphasizing that, apart from the applica- simulated by defining a Qibo circuit that contains the re-
tion examples that follow, Qibo provides several application- quired gates, which implement the oracle and the diffusion
specific models, in addition to the standard models.Cir- transformation. The pre-coded example comes with sev-
cuit that can be used for circuit simulation. These models eral instances of the exact cover problem from 4 up to
are outlined in Table 2 and some are used in the applica- 30 bits, where the solution is known, so that the user can
tions that follow. verify that the algorithm has been successful, and that the
solution is indeed the measured bitstring. Moreover, the
4.1. Variational Quantum Eigensolver user may execute the algorithm to newly created instances,
The Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) [58] is a with a known or unknown solution.
common technique for finding ground states of Hamilto-
nians in the context of quantum computation. As noted 4.3. Grover’s search for hash functions
in Table 2, Qibo provides a VQE model that allows opti- A second application of Grover’s algorithm [10] imple-
mization of the variational parameters. mented in Qibo is on the task of finding the preimages of
In this example, we provide an extension of the VQE a hash function based on the ChaCha permutation [73].
algorithm that may be used to improve optimization and The example is based on Ref. [74].
is known as the adiabatically assisted VQE (AAVQE) [70]. In this case, the example takes as input a hash integer
Qibo provides a pre-coded implementation of the AAVQE of 8 or fewer bits and finds the corresponding preimage,
for finding the ground state of the transverse field Ising that is the number that maps to the given hash when
Hamiltonian defined in Eq. (5) and can be executed for any applying the permutation. If the number of collisions
number of qubits, variational circuit layers and number is known for the given hash then the algorithm finds all the
of adiabatic steps specified by the user. Particularly, the possible solutions. Here collisions refers to the number
example may be used to explore how the accuracy of the of solutions. If the number of collisions is not given
VQE ansatz scales with the underlying circuit depth, as then the algorithm finds one solution using an iterative
presented in [71]. procedure [75].
The code below demonstrates how the AAVQE can be
implemented in Qibo.

4.4. Quantum classifier where circuit is a Qibo circuit that implements the vari-
This example provides a variational quantum algorithm ational ansatz, ising groundstates is a list of the states
for classifying classical data [76]. The optimal values for to P
be encoded and encoder is a Hamiltonian object for
the variational parameters are found via supervised train- − i=1 Zi properly rescaled.
ing, minimizing a local loss given by the quadratic devia-
tion of the classifier’s predictions from the actual labels of 4.7. Quantum singular value decomposer
the examples in the training set. The quantum singular value decomposer (QSVD) [80]
The pre-coded Qibo example applies the classifier on refers to a circuit that produces the Schmidt coefficients
the iris data set [77]. The user has the option to train the of a pure bipartite quantum state. This is implemented
circuit from scratch or use several pre-trained configura- as follows: Two Qibo variational circuits are defined and
tions to make predictions and calculate the classification measured, one acting on each part of the bipartite mea-
accuracy. The user can also select the number of qubits surements. The variational parameters are tuned to mini-
and the circuit depth. mize a loss that depends on the Hamming distance of the
two measured bitstrings. The user may attempt this op-
4.5. Quantum classifier using data reuploading timization using the pre-coded example for random initial
Similarly to the previous section, this example provides bipartite states with an arbitrary number of qubits and
a variational algorithm for classifying classical data using partition sizes.
only one qubit and is based on Ref. [78]. The main idea
is reuploading, that is creating a single qubit circuit where 4.8. Tangle of three-qubit states
several different unitary gates are applied and each gate This example provides a variational strategy to com-
depends on the point that is classified and a set of vari- pute the tangle of an unknown three-qubit state, given
ational parameters that are optimized through a learning many copies of it. It is based on the result that local
procedure. unitary operations cannot affect the entanglement of any
The pre-coded Qibo example applies such classifier on quantum state and follows Refs. [81, 82]. An unknown
various two-dimensional classical datasets. The user can three-qubit state is received, and one unitary gate is ap-
choose between training the classifier from scratch (opti- plied on every qubit. The exact gates are obtained such
mizing the variational parameters) or using the provided that they minimize the number of outcomes of the states
pre-trained models. The code can be used to measure the |001i, |010i and |011i. The code can be used to simulate
accuracy of the classifier in each classification task and also both noiseless and noisy circuits.
provides plots with labeled points, using different colors
for each class. Plots are provided in the two-dimensional 4.9. Unary approach to option pricing
plane but also on the Bloch sphere. This is an example application of quantum computing
in finance and provides a new strategy to compute the
4.6. Quantum autoencoder for data compression expected payoff of a (European) option, based on Ref. [83].
The task of an autoencoder is to map an input density The main feature of this procedure is to use the unary
matrix x to a lower-dimensional Hilbert space y, such that encoding of prices, that is, to work in the subspace of
x can be recovered from y. The quantum autoencoder the Hilbert space spanned by computational-basis states
that is implemented in Qibo is based on [79] and is used where only one qubit is in the |1i state. This allows for
to encode the ground states of the transverse field Ising a simplification of the circuit and resilience against errors,
model (Eq. (5)) for various h-field values. making the algorithm more suitable for NISQ devices.
The code below demonstrates how the autoencoder op- The pre-coded example takes as input the asset pa-
timization can be simulated using Qibo rameters (initial price, strike price, volatility, interest rate
and maturity date) and the quantum simulation parame-
def cost(params): ters (number of qubits, number of measurement shots and
"""Calculates loss for specific values of number of applications of the amplitude estimation algo-
,→ parameters.""" rithm (see [83])) and calculates the expected payoff using
for state in ising_groundstates: the quantum algorithm. The result is compared with the
final_state = circuit(np.copy(state)) exact value of the expected payoff. Furthermore, the code
cost += plots a histogram of the quantum estimation for the option
,→ encoder.expectation(final_state).numpy().real
price probability distribution and a plot of the amplitude
options = {'maxiter': 2.0e3, 'maxfun': 2.0e3} estimation measurement results as a function of iterations.
result = minimize(cost, initial_params,
method='L-BFGS-B', 4.10. Adiabatic evolution
As noted in Table 2, Qibo provides models for simu-
lating the unitary time evolution of quantum states, with

a specific application on adiabatic evolution. As exam- Qibo Middleware
ples, we provide scripts that apply these models in various
physics applications. Classical hardware running
The first example simulates the adiabatic evolution of Client Qibo, and submitting jobs.
an Ising Hamiltonian (Eq. (5)) for h = 1 using a linear
scaling function s(t) = t/T , where T is the total evolution
Data management between
time. Executing this example shows plots with the dynam- client and server.
Remote Server
ics of energy (expectation value of the Ising Hamiltonian)
and the overlap between the evolved state and the exact Job scheduler that checks for
Ising ground state. Using these plots, we verify that the resources availability, submit
Job Scheduler
and retrieve results.
evolution converges to the exact ground state if sufficient
evolution time T is used. The real quantum hardware
Quantum Hardware that executes the job.
In addition, we provide the possibility to optimize the
scheduling function s(t) and final time T so that the actual
ground state is reached in a shorter time. The free param- Figure 12: Schematic view of the Qibo middleware design.
eters of s(t) and T are optimized so that the energy of the
final state of the evolution is minimized. In our example,
we use a polynomial ansatz for s(t) where the coefficients know about the technicalities or the difficulties of their
are the free parameters that are optimized. implementation on data placement, multi-threading sys-
tems and memory management that GPU and multi-GPUs
4.11. Adiabatic evolution for 3SAT computing require.
Adiabatic evolution can also be applied to optimiza- In this first release, Qibo includes a high-performance
tion problems outside physics. In this example, we pro- framework for quantum circuit simulations and adiabatic
vide an application for solving exact cover instances of evolution using linear algebra techniques in combination
a 3SAT problem, which is classified as an NP-Complete with hardware acceleration strategies. For the time being,
problem [72]. The same problem was solved in Sec. 4.2 the code is targeted to run on single node devices with sin-
using Grover’s algorithm in the circuit based paradigm of gle or multiple GPU cards and sufficient RAM in order to
quantum computation, while in this example we demon- perform simulations with an acceptable number of qubits
strate that a quantum annealing approach is also possi- and computational time.
ble [84]. The roadmap for future releases is organized in two
Similarly to Sec. 4.2, the user may use one of the pro- directions. The first direction is focused on Physics and
vided instances of the exact cover problem or add a cus- new algorithms for specific applications, in order to extend
tom one. The pre-coded example accepts the instance and the code base set of algorithms for quantum calculations.
the evolution parameters (total time T , discretization time Some imminent examples are the implementation of noise
step δt, and method of integration) and computes the so- density matrices for custom operators and noise simulation
lution and the probability that this is measured. The without density matrices. The second direction is based
Trotter decomposition may be used for a more efficient on the technical perspective. We plan to extend the cur-
evolution simulation. Additionally, for sufficiently small rent distributed computation model to support multi-node
systems (due to memory constraints), it is possible to cal- devices through the OpenMPI [85, 86] interface.
culate and plot the gap of the adiabatic Hamiltonian as a Furthermore, in Fig. 12 we show schematically how the
function of time. Qibo framework will be integrated with the middleware of
This example uses a linear scaling function by default. the new quantum hardware developed by [55, 56]. The
It is possible to switch to a polynomial scaling function and middleware infrastructure will provide the possibility to
also optimize the underlying coefficient so that the solu- submit quantum calculations, defined with the Qibo API,
tion is found in smaller total time T . Performing such op- to the quantum hardware through a server scheduling and
timization, we find that a scaling function that is “slower” queue service that provide the possibility to submit and re-
at times where the gap is small is preferred over the default trieve results from the quantum computer laboratory. This
linear scheduling. development is particularly important in order to achieve
the evaluation of quantum circuits, adiabatic evolution,
and hybrid computations on the real quantum hardware.
5. Outlook

Qibo provides a new interface for quantum simula- Acknowledgements

tion research by granting users and researchers the ability
The Qibo framework is supported by the Quantum Re-
to implement quantum algorithms with simplicity. The
search Centre at the Technology Innovation Institute in
user is allowed to simulate circuits and adiabatic evolu-
the United Arab Emirates [55] and the Qilimanjaro Quan-
tion on different hardware platforms without having to
tum Tech in Spain [56].
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