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EXT – Busy Street in New York – afternoon

Busy New York streets, a town car pulls up next to the

beautiful, fashionable brunette the so called ‘Queen B’ by the
New Yorkers…her name is Blair Waldorf. She’s manipulative,
domineering, and loyal but most of all she’s the queen of
scheming. The love of her life gets out of the car his name is
Chuck Bass, known as the richest teenager of the city and also
seen as the bad boy of the Upper East Side. He is the perfect
looking guy that every girl can fall for, with having
flamboyant fashion sense, with a penchant for scarves. Lazy
and vain, Chuck's only interests are sex and money.
She stops and stares at him for as second, remembering the
last argument they had after he traded her for his hotel, she
carries on walking.

Runs up to her and gets her hand.

- Dialogue

Blair – Let go off me, what are you doing Chuck?

Chuck – I’m sorry for all the pain that I’ve caused you.
Blair – Don’t you think it’s a bit late for that now Chuck?
I’m done.
Chuck – I know that I’ve acted out of character and I know
that everything that happened with the hotel was none of your
fault and I’m sorry, but…
Blair – But what Chuck? I went out there to spend the night
with your enemy so you can get your hotel back only to find
out that the whole plan was yours. How do you think that it
makes me feel, the love of my life traded me for his hotel?
Chuck – The worst thing I’ve ever done in my life was that and
I’ve apologised so many times and I’ll keep apologising until
you forgive me Blair.
Blair – Well… that will take a little more than just
apologising Chuck.

Chuck – I will be waiting for you at the top of the Empire at

7 o’clock tonight and if you’re there I will carry on fighting
for you, but if you are not I’m going to shut my heart for you
forever Blair.

Blair – Then you’ll be waiting alone, because I’m not coming.

She walks off with tears in her eyes trying so hard not to
cry, while he gets in his car and tells his driver to stop by
the ‘Ode a la Rose’ to get flowers for tonight.

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