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Skills Analysis

For each section, you must consider what your strengths and weaknesses are based off the previous
few weeks (and anything you may have done prior to the course). Please write in sentence format.

Camerawork EBI: I need to start filming more in order to improve my skills and get more
comfortable with the camera.

Editing EBI: I will need to try and edit more in my free time so I can develop more
professional skills.

Idea Generation WWW: I’m comfortable with sharing my ideas on the spot and getting my point
across to the people that I’m in a team with.
EBI: I just need to start to think in reverse, because most of the time I have a
perfect idea that I’m not too sure on what to do on how to achieve it.

Analysis WWW: I’m making improvements on my analysis, most of the time I know what
I’m talking about, and I know how to describe the message some scenes are
EBI: I need to get better at analysis of camera angles and lighting.

People WWW: I'm comfortable on working and sharing my points and ideas with people
Management that I know and already have worked with me.
EBI: I just need to start being more comfortable with the rest of the class and start
taking everyone else's ideas in consideration.

Time Keeping WWW: I make myself checklist and put what task I need to complete and the
time that I have left to finish it off.
EBI: I just need to start doing the tasks that I don’t have time to do in class to get
them done in my free time.

Improvement I need to improve my editing skills and start doing more camera work so I can get
Plan more comfortable with it. Also I need to try and get the stuff that I’ve missed on,
done and uploaded on my website.

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