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Oleh :

1. NI PUTU AYU ARNITA DEWI (1715644025)

4. PUTU DIAH HERAYANTI (1715644115)

(1) Illustration : Fendy, Isna, Diah and Arnita formed a company that name was FIDA Ltd. FIDA Ltd is a
company engaged in communication. The company was doing leases 4G signal transmitting towers about
Rp 100,000,000 with five years economic value and Rp 10,000,000 down payment without residual values
at 1 January 2018 with a five-time term of payment for five years made at the beginning of the year with
3% of an interest. At the end of 2019 FIDA Ltd. conducted an audit to find out the fairness of the
company's financial statements.

(2) Based on the illustration above,We compiled a paper related to substantive testing of
long-term liabilities specially at FIDA Ltd. According to Baridwan, long-term liabilities is liabilities
whose repayments in more than one year. Examples of long-term liabilities including bond payable,
long-term of notes payable, mortgage payable, advances from affiliated companies, long-term credit
payable, etc. BARIDWAN. On this occasion, we will discuss the long-term liabilities audit
especially at FIDA Ltd as a lessee who is doing leases (long term rent) 4G signal transmitting towers.
long-term liabilities account is one component in the financial statements, it is necessary to conduct
an audit to ensure that the reports presented accordance with procedures to fit the objective based on
PSAK 1 (IAI, 2019).
(3) Before doing an audit to financial statements, The auditor needs to consider whether he
will accept or reject the audit engagement from FIDA Ltd according to SA 200 (IAPI, 2013). In the
engagement letter everything agreed in the engagement must be recorded in writing in the
engagement letter according with SA 210 (IAPI, 2013). After making the engagement, the auditor
must be prepare for an audit planning according with SA 300 (IAPI, 2013).
The first step before conducting substantive testing is understanding about an internal control
of FIDA Ltd according with SA 315 (IAPI, 2013) because understanding of an internal control must
be obtained to plan the audit and determine the nature, timing and scope of the testing to be carried
out (Agoes, 2012). In internal control the auditor assess, delves into information and communication
related to actions, policies and procedures that are applied to long-term liabilities, how FIDA Ltd
identifies, analyzes, and manages risks which is may or has happened in the recording and physical
investment, and assessing and monitoring whether internal control has been effectively and
efficiently. The auditor also check the recording of lease payable based on leasing accounting
standards according with PSAK 30 (IAI, 2019). If a deficiency is found in the implementation of
internal control, the Auditor can report it to the entity's audit committee based on SA 265 (IAPI,
2013). After the auditor has identified the material misstatement, according to SA 320 (IAPI, 2013)
auditors must apply the concept of materiality in planning and conducting audits of financial
statements. If identified, the auditor need to obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence also giving
responses to fraud or suspected fraud to the risks identified at FIDA Ltd according to SA 240 (IAPI,
(4) For obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence related to the risk assessment for
material misstatement based on SA 330 (IAPI, 2013) it is necessary to design substantive testing
procedures in the form of detailed testing and substantive analytical procedures and also auditors
must pay attention to the time, nature and extent. According to (Mulyadi, 2014), Initial audit
procedures performed on FIDA Ltd is investigating the listed long-term liabilities balance,
recalculate long-term liabilities account balances in the ledger, review an extraordinary mutases,
investigating the beginning balance of long-term liabilities, and investigating posts in the journal
concerned. After that the Auditor conducts a detailed transaction test by examining documents that
supporting the lease agreement, documents that support leasing payment transactions, tower
insurance and maintenance payment documents, or documents that support interest payment
transactions. After that the auditor conducts detailed account testing by requesting a list of long-term
liabilities. At last, verify and disclose by checking the classification of long-term liabilities which is
due soon on the balance sheet, ask for a copy of the long-term credit agreement and learn article
contained therein, and check whether or not the disclosure is sufficient on long-term liabilities on the
balance sheet of FIDA Ltd. The sufficient audit evidence is one thing that must be prepared before
conducting an evaluation SA 500 (IAPI,2013). To obtain relevant and reliable evidence according to
SA 505 (IAPI, 2013) then, external confirmation can be carried out such as asking for confirmation
from the lessor regarding the lease.
Based on SA 520 (IAPI, 2013) analytical is an evaluation of financial information which is
done through an analysis of the relationship between financial data and non-financial data. Before
the auditor doing analytical procedures, SA 450 (IAPI, 2013) states that the auditor must evaluate the
impact of misstatements identified in an audit and also uncorrected misstatements (optional) in
financial statements. For example in the case of FIDA Ltd lease payments are made at the beginning
of the year, at the time of payment 1 January 2019 previously made an adjustment at 31 December
2018. Adjustments are made to long-term liabilities account, which are initially long-term liabilities
adjusted to short-term liabilities because they have a maturity of less than a year. After adjustments,
reclassifications are made for long-term liabilities that have been adjusted to short-term liabilities.
After the auditor evaluates the presentation of financial statement disclosures, the auditor can
formulate an opinion and draw conclusions according to SA 700 (IAPI, 2013). The financial
statements will get an opinion such as Unqualified Opinion, Qualified Opinion, Adverse Opinion, or
Disclaimer of Opinion.

Agoes, S. (2012). Auditing: Petunjuk Praktis Pemeriksaan Akuntan oleh Akuntan Publik. Jakarta:
Salemba Empat.
IAI. (2019). PSAK 1: Penyajian Laporan Keuangan. Jakarta: Dewan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan
Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia.
IAI. (2019). PSAK 30: Sewa Penyajian Laporan Keuangan. Jakarta: Dewan Standar Akuntansi
Keuangan Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia.
IAPI. (2013). SA 200: Tujuan Keseluruhan Auditor Independen Dan Pelaksanaan Audit
Berdasarkan Standar Audit. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
IAPI. (2013). SA 210: Persetujuan atas Ketentuan Perikatan Audit. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
IAPI. (2013). SA 240: Tanggung Jawab Auditor Terkait dengan Kecurangan dalam Suatu Audit
atas Laporan Keuangan. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
IAPI. (2013). SA 265: Tanggung Jawab Auditor Terkait dengan Kecurangan dalam Suatu Audit
atas Laporan Keuangan. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
IAPI. (2013). SA 300: Perencanaan Suatu Audit atas Laporan Keuangan. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
IAPI. (2013). SA 315: Pengidentifikasian dan Penilaian Risiko Kesalahan Penyajian Material
Melalui Pemahaman atas Entitas dan Lingkungannya . Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
IAPI. (2013). SA 320: Materialitas dalam Tahap Perencanaan dan Pelaksanaan Audit. Jakarta:
Salemba Empat.
IAPI. (2013). SA 330: Respons Auditor terhadap Risiko yang Telah Dinilai. Jakarta: Salemba
IAPI. (2013). SA 450: Pengevaluasian atas Kesalahan Penyajian yang Diidentifikasi Selama Audit.
Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
IAPI. (2013). SA 500: Bukti Audit. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
IAPI. (2013). SA 505: Konfirmasi Eksternal. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
IAPI. (2013). SA 520 Prosedur Analitis. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
IAPI. (2013). SA 700 Perumusan Suatu Opini dan Pelaporan atas Laporan Keuangan. Jakarta:
Salemba Empat.
Mulyadi. (2014). Auditing Edisi 6, Buku 2: BAB 23. Pengujian Substantif terhadap Utang Jangka
Panjang. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.

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