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Progress note Order for one day Order for continuation

4/9/53 4/9/53 (23.20)

G2P1 Ga 35+2 wks - NPO
with severe pre-eclamsia - 5%D/N/2 1000 ml
with preterm labor IV drip rate 120 ml/hr
ปวดศีรษะ จุกแน่นลิ ้นปี่ - CBC, UA
Urine alb 3+ - BUN, Cr, E’lyte, LFT, Uric acid
BP 200/120 mmHg - PT, PTT, INR
DTR 3+ - Blood sugar
Gross hematuria via foley - G/M PRC 2 U
cathether - NST
- Continuous fetal monitoring
- MgSO4 IV drip 1 gm/hr
- Hydralazine 5 mg IV Stat วัด BP ซ้ำ
next 15 min if ≥ 160/110 mmHg
Hydralazine 5 mg IV ซ้ำได้ q 15 min
- Record V/S q 1 hr
keep RR > 12 /min
SBP < 160 mmHg, DBP < 110
- record urine output keep > 30 ml/hr

5/9/53 5/9/53 (0.30)

ปวดศีรษะ จุกแน่นลิ ้นปี่ - G/M FFP 1000 ml
BP 170/100 mmHg - G/M Plt conc 10 U ได้ แล้ วให้ เลย
DTR 3+ - Consult Anesth for set OR C/S
NST: non reactive
FHR baseline 120 bpm 5/9/53 (1.30)
minimal variability - Consult Anesth for set OR C/S
no acceleration

Lab 5/9/53 (2.00)

Plt 43,000, Hct 30% Pre-op order for C/S
elevate liver enzyme - Set OR emergency for C/S due to
fetal distress stat
Imp: HELP syndrome - Prep skin abdomen and perineum
- Plt conc 10 U
- Consult Anesth for set
Consult Anesthesia เรื่ อง set C/S
>> ให้ นำ Plt conc 10 U ไป OR พร้ อมคนไข้ + จอง ICU post-op
>> consult ICU
2.00 ได้ Plt conc >> Plt conc IV free flow
2.15 ตามหมอเด็ก
Lab 23.35 4/9/53
Chol 329 (H) TP 7.1 Alb 3.4 (L) [3.5-5] Glob 3.7 (H) [2.4-3.5] A/G ratio 0.92 (L)
TB 4.04 (H) DB 1.23 (H) AST 2186 (H) ALT 822 (H) ALP 154 (H) LDH 2725 (H) [135-225]
Lab 0.40 5/9/53
Chol 266 (H)
Total protein 7 Alb 3.5 Glob 3.5 A/G ratio 1 (L) [1.02-1.36]
Total Bilirubin 8.66 (H) [0-1.5] Direct Bilirubin 4.53 (H) [0-0.5]
AST (SGOT) 1953 (H) [0-38] ALT (SGPT) 518 (H) [10-50]
ALP 120 (H) [39-117] Glucose 361 mg/dl (H) [76-110]
BUN 14 Cr 0.8 Na 132 (L) K 4.4 Cl 100 CO2 16.5 Anion 20.4 [10-20]
CBC: WBC 13400 Hb 13.3 Hct 40.4% MCV 93.5 MCH 30.7 MCHC 32.8 RDW 14.3 % PLT 89000
PMN 91% Lymph 8% Mono 1%
PT 13.6 INR 1.21 PTT 27.9
Operative record for cesarean section
Date of operation 5/9/53 Time started 3.00 Time end 3.30
Anesthesia GA
Clinical diagnosis G2P1 GA 35+2 wks fetal distress with severe-preeclamsia
Operation LT C/S
Position supine
Incision Lower midline
Uterus abnormal มี endometrium ทาง posterior
Adnexa normal
Amniotic fluid 100 ml clear Placenta normal Umbilical cord normal
Fetus female Fetal presentation vertex Apgar 1min 0 5min 0

Type of surgery Low transverse C/S
Fetal removal manual Placental spontaneous
Repair uterus 2-layer
Peritonization: Uterus done Abdominal wall done
Rectus sheath continuous suture
Skin staple
Estimated blood loss 400 ml
Antibiotic prophylaxis Ampicillin 2 gm IV

5/9/53 (3.30)
Post-op order for C/S 5/9/53
- Retained foley cath
- Record V/S q 1 hr
if Diastolic BP ≥ 110 mmHg
ให้ Hydralazine 5 mg IV
- 50% MgSO4 20 gm
+ 5%D/N/2 1000 ml
IV drip rate 50 ml/hr
- 5%D/N/2 1000 ml
+ synto 20 U IV drip rate 80 ml/hr
then 5%D/N/2 IV drip rate 80 ml/hr
- CBC with plt count, LFT, BUN, Cr,
PT, PTT at ward
- Ampicillin 1 gm IV q 6 hr
- Morphine 3 mg IV q 6 hr
Lab 9.00 6/9/53
CBC: WBC 17800 Hb 11 Hct 31.4 MCV 90.8 MCH 31.9 MCHC 35.1 RDW 16% PLT 64000
PMN 94% Lymph 4% Mono 2%
PT 11.8 INR 1.05 PTT 29.5
BUN 22 Cr 1.4 (H)
Chol 244 (H)
Total protein 5.7 Alb 2.7 (L) Glob 3 A/G ratio 0.9 (L) [1.02-1.36]
Total Bilirubin 2.39 (H) [0-1.5] Direct Bilirubin 1.07 (H) [0-0.5]
AST (SGOT) 324 (H) [0-38] ALT (SGPT) 221 (H) [10-50] ALP 108 [39-117]
Na 132 (L) K 4.2 Cl 100 CO2 21.6 Anion gap 14.6 [10-20]

Lab 21.50 6/9/53

CBC: WBC 14700 Hb 9.9 (L) Hct 29.5% (L) MCV 91.8 MCH 31 MCHC 33.7 RDW 15.1% PLT 77000
PMN 79% Lymph 15% Mono 6%
PT 11.8 INR 1.05 PTT 29.5



I: Parenteral 650+441 FFP 310+190 Plt 100 (10 U) MgSO 4 0+149 = 1940

O: Urine 530 Blood loss 400 = 930


I: Parenteral 650+627+626 MgSO4 410+393+359 = 3055

O: Urine 405+380+440 NG 50 = 1275


I: Parenteral 200 Oral 0+50+200 MgSO4 626+780+0 = 2400

O: Urine 900+1170+1260 = 3330

9/9/53 Stool 1

V/S before D/C

BP 150/90 mmHg RR 20/min PR 80/min Temp 36.8 o

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