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What Does It Feel Like To Wait For Someone Who Is Always Late?

Our world is associated with two kinds of individuals: those who are always late, and

those who show up on time. Of these categories, those who are always late are much jollier than

those waiting for them. We have been late to attend to either something or events that are

important or not important for more than once. However, in this write up, I would like to zero in

on the concerns individuals who always late convey. What kind of message are they passing to

those who are always on time? Does the habit tell us that our time is less valuable than theirs?

Being late is greatly determined by the culture an individual comes from. One may be

considered on time if they show up within two hours of an appointment in some cultures. In

others, even showing up on time may be considered late as everyone must show up early. For our

purpose and how it affects others, let us focus on Americans' way of living, which allows us to

have a five-minute for showing up for an appointment or scheduled meeting. If you are will

show up any later than that, it is a good habit to inform your hosts and explain what time you

will show up or where you are. Doing so will work out fine, and your host is most likely to

understand because we understand being late happens and can be caused by various things

ranging from unexpected traffic or flat tires to even airline delays. However, issues arise when

someone is chronically late.

What kind of message is an individual who is constantly late in a business meeting by 15

to 20 minutes, passing to their colleagues? What if he or she prepares for the meeting 20 minutes

earlier? To be sincere, it isn't very respectful, and his or her colleagues are likely to conclude that

they fill their time is much more valuable than theirs. No matter the individual's excuse, he is

chronically lateness means whatever he was doing is special and more valuable than being

present in the meeting on time.

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Besides, such an individual is disrespectful. If other group members can give their time to

be with them, they should respect that and start to show up in meetings on time. It is even more

disrespectful if the individual fails to explain. Respect is much more about relationships with

other individuals. Disrespect is not considering others, their work, time, and feelings. Being late

because it is your personality is not acceptable.

In conclusion, it is important to understand the type of message we are sending whenever

we are late and always to remember that if we don't want to send the wrong message, we should

always show we value other peoples time as much as we value ours by being always on time.

Being late always means we care less about others, their time, and their love as well. We should

understand this message before making our lateness a habit.

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