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Week 1

● God created the heavens and the earth. God created man and woman in His image.
Everything God created was perfect and good.

● That perfection and goodness ended when Satan deceived Adam and Eve, who then
chose to believe the enemy’s lies over God’s commands and promises. God punished all
three, but in Genesis 3, God provided a glimmer of the hope that was to come in Jesus.

● Wickedness upon the earth provoked God’s wrath to flood the earth, saving only one
man, Noah, and his family. God gave Noah a rainbow as a sign of His covenant with
Noah to never again flood the earth.

● Mankind’s heart filled with pride, causing them to glorify themselves rather than glorify
God. God responded by confusing their language and scattering them over the face of
the earth.

● A clear and simple pattern emerges throughout Genesis regarding trusting and obeying
God’s commands. Blessings follow obedience and punishment follows disobedience.

● God called a childless man named Abram, promising to make him the father of many
nations. Despite Abram’s reality of no children, Abram believed God would do what He
said He would do, displaying the essence of true faith.

● God changed Abram’s name to Abraham.

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