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Kahoot Trivia Questions.

(Answers are highlighted)

Trivia Question: How many blue stripes are there on the U.S. flag?

a) 6

b) 7

c) 13

d) 0

Trivia Question: What is the color of Donald Duck’s bowtie?

a) Red

b) Yellow

c) Blue

d) White

Trivia Question: Which planet is the hottest?

a) Venus

b) Saturn

c) Mercury

d) Mars

Trivia Question: Who was the only U.S. President to resign?

a) Herbert Hoover

b) Richard Nixon

c) George W. Bush

d) Barack Obama

Trivia Question: In Pirates of the Caribbean, what was the name of Captain Jack Sparrow’s ship?
a) The Marauder

b) The Black Pearl

c) The Black Python

d) The Slytherin

Trivia Question: Fe is the chemical symbol for…

a) Zinc

b) Hydrogen

c) Fluorine

d) Iron

Trivia Question: How old do you have to be to enter in the hunger games?

a) 12

b) 11

c) 10

d) 15

Trivia Question: What language is the most spoken worldwide?

a) Chinese

b) Spanish

c) Arabic

d) English

Trivia Question: How many hearts does an octopus have?

a) 1

b) 2
c) 3

d) 4

Trivia Question: Which boyband sings the song “I Want It That Way”?

a) One Direction

b) Backstreet Boys


d) New Kids On The Block

Trivia Question: In which decade does the Netflix series Stranger Things take place?

a) ‘70s

b) ‘80s

c) ‘90s

d) early 2000s

Trivia Question: Which country consumes the most chocolate?

a) Spain

b) Germany

c) North America

d) Switzerland

Trivia Question: In the Bible, how does the Virgin Mary learn of her pregnancy with baby Jesus?

a) God tells her

b) the angel Gabriel tells her

c) she has a dream about it

d) a doctor tells her

Trivia Question: Who, in the Harry Potter series, is Tom Riddle?

a) a student in Harry’s class

b) a professor at Hogwarts

c) Harry’s birth father

d) Voldemort

Trivia Question: Which biblical narrative is connected to Palm Sunday?

a) Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem

b) Jesus’ resurrection

c) Jesus feeding the thousands

d) Nothing, it just means to go to church on Sunday/the day of rest

Trivia Question: In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, who gives Harry the invisibility cloak?

a) Ron

b) Snape

c) Dumbledore

d) No one, he just finds it

Trivia Question: How many elements are there on the periodic table?

a) 112

b) 118

c) 120

d) 143

Trivia Question: What is a group of lions called?

a) Squad
b) Pack

c) Herd

d) Pride

Trivia Question: How many keys are on a piano?

a) 86

b) 87

c) 88

d) 89

Trivia Question: What was the name of the Greek mythological woman who had snakes for hair?

a) Pandora

b) Helen

c) Cassiopeia

d) Medusa

Trivia Question: What do you call a baby goat?

a) Kid

b) Goatee

c) Child

d) Baby Goat

Trivia Question: Which Disney princess sings “A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes”?

a) Belle

b) Cinderella

c) Jasmine
d) Sleeping Beauty

Trivia Question: How often does the moon orbit the Earth?

a) every 7 days

b) every 27 days

c) every 30 days

d) every 365 days

Trivia Question: In Greek Mythology, who is the Queen of the Underworld?

a) Pandora

b) Medusa

c) Helen

d) Persephone

Trivia Question: At what temperature (Fahrenheit) does water freeze at?

a) 32 degrees

b) 40 degrees

c) -10 degrees

d) 0 degrees

Trivia Question: What country is Prague in?

a) Hungary

b) Austria

c) Czech Republic

d) Germany

Trivia Question: What is the first book of the Old Testament in the Bible?
a) Matthew

b) Proverbs

c) Genesis

d) Exodus

Trivia Question: What was the first Disney film that was produced in color?

a) Cinderella

b) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

c) Sleeping Beauty

d) Pocahontas

Trivia Question: Sodium bicarbonate is used in the kitchen as what?

a) salt

b) sugar

c) baking soda

d) vinegar

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