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6S (5S+1) AUDIT

Performed by: Date:

No. Evaluation Criteria Action All ok
6S KPI Graph
1S - SORT 100

1 Only the required parts, materials, WIP and stock present in the work area <No Yes> x 90
2 Only the required tools and equipment are present in the work area <No Yes> x

3 Only the required paperwork is present in the work area (signage) <No Yes> x
4 Unnecessary items (furniture, shelves etc.) been removed from the general area <No Yes> x 50
Sub Total - 0 4 40
4 /4 compleated 30
2S - SET 20
5 Locations for all parts, WIP and stock are clearly defined and labelled <No Yes> x 10
6 Equipment and Tools are properly labelled and have a clearly defined storage location <No Yes> x Ju Au O D Fe Ap Ju Au O D Fe Ap
n- g- ct ec b- r- n- g ct ec b- r-
7 Paperwork is properly labelled and has a clearly defined location available <No Yes> x 20 20 -2 - 20 21 21 21 -2 -2 -2 22 22
0 1 1 1
8 Walkways, access to equipment, and work area boundaries are clearly defined and labelled <No Yes> x Month
Sub Total - 0 4
4 /4 completed Area plot of strenghths Sort
9 Storage containers, shelving and storage areas are clean and damage free <No Yes> x 100.00%

10 Tools and equipment clean, maintained and damage free <No Yes> x
11 Work surfaces clean and damage free <No Yes> x Safety Shine
12 Walls and partitions clean, un-cluttered and damage free (excessive signage) <No Yes> x 50.00%
13 Waste products (swaf, oil, rubbish) consistently cleaned up and removed from the work areas <No Yes> x
Sub Total - 0 5
5 /5 completed 0.00%
14 Displayed KPI's are correct, relevant and up to date <No Yes> x
15 Tools, equipment and machine maintenance records clearly available & correct <No Yes> x
16 Work instructions and acceptance standards are correct, relevant and available <No Yes> x Sustain Set
Sub Total - 0 3
3 /3 completed
17 Is the 5S audit visible to all, up to date and shared with management <No Yes> x
18 Recognition is given to teams who get involved in 5S activities <No Yes> x
19 Time and resources are continually allocated to 5S activities <No Yes> x No. Improvement identified (describe) Owner
20 Has the team improved items that were not already identified on the pervious audit <No Yes> x
Sub Total - 0 4 1
4 /4 completed
21 Are employees wearing suitable PPE required for their current work activity <No Yes> x 2
22 Walkways, access to safety equipment is clearly identified and unobstructed (hazards, obstacles) <No Yes> x
23 Is the working environment suitable for the work in hand (lighting, air quality, temperature) <No Yes> x
24 Are correct equipment/tools provided for the current work activity <No Yes> x 3
25 Tools, equipment, parts, WIP and PPE stored correctly and safely (appropriate height, location) x <No Yes>
Sub Total - 1 4
5 /5 completed 4
Paste this total in to the results sheet - Total: 96 %
Simply place your audit
Week Target Result scores in these boxes to
populate the graph
Jun-20 90 30
Jul-20 90 45
Aug-20 90
Sep-20 90
Audit sheet
Oct-20 90
Nov-20 90
Dec-20 90
Jan-21 90
Feb-21 90
Mar-21 90
Apr-21 90
May-21 90
Jun-21 90
Jul-21 90
Aug-21 90
Sep-21 90
Oct-21 90
Nov-21 90
Dec-21 90
Jan-22 90
Feb-22 90
Mar-22 90
Apr-22 90

Sort 1

Shine 1

Set 1

Standardise 1

Sustain 1

Safety 0.8
How to use this form
1) Enter your Department and auditor name in to the front sheet
2) Print work sheet
3) Work through the points in order. Mark an x in either the 'yes' or 'no' box
4) When completed, add the 'x's to the electronic sheet
5) The total will be presented at the bottom of the form, Enter this to the results sheet
6) Enter the final score into the results sheet
7) Print and display

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