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x1 = number of convenience stores

x2 = number of standard stores
x3 = number of expanded services stores Convenience Stores Standard Stores
Construction Capital 4.125 8.25
Constraints: Staffing 30 15
a. x1 + x2 + x3 ≤ 11
b. 4.125 x1 + 8.25x2 + 12.375x3 ≤ 82.5 REVENUE 1.2 2
c. 30x1 + 15x2 + 45x3 ≤ 300

Objective Function
1.2x1 + 2x2 + 2.6x3

x1 2
x2 9
x3 0

Maximixe 20.4
a 11 ≤ 11
b 82.5 ≤ 82.5
c 195 ≤ 300
Graph and solve
Expanded Services Stores LIMITATION
12.375 82.5
45 300


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