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5 Explain about deadlocks in detail?



1. In distributed system each processor has its own
a) local memory b) clock c) both local memory and clock d) none of the mentioned
2. If one site fails in distributed system
a) the remaining sites can continue operating b) all the sites will stop working
c) directly connected sites will stop working d) none of the mentioned
3. Network operating system runs on
a) server b) every system in the network c) both A & B d) none of the mentioned
4. Which technique is based on compile-time program transformation for accessing remote
data in a distributed-memory parallel system.
a) cache coherence scheme b) computation migration
c) remote procedure call d) message passing
5. Logical extension of computation migration is
a) process migration b) system migration c) thread migration d) data migration
6. Processes on the remote systems are identified by
a) host ID b) host name and identifier c) identifier d) process ID
7. Which routing technique is used in distributed system?
a) fixed routing b) virtual routing c) dynamic routing d) all of the mentioned
8. In distributed systems, link and site failure is detected by
a) polling b) handshaking c) token passing d) none of the mentioned
9. The capability of a system to adapt the increased service load is called
a) scalability b) tolerance c) capacity d) none of the mentioned
10. Internet provides _______ for remote login.
a) telnet b) http c) ftp d) RPC

1.Transparency that enables multiple instances of resources to be used, is called
a)Replication transparency b)Scaling transparency c)Concurrency
transparency d)Performance transparency
2. A paradigm of multiple autonomous computers, having a private memory, communicating
through a computer network, is known as
a)Distributed computing b)Cloud computing c)Centralized computing d)Parallel computing
3. Type of architecture that is considered responsible for success of
a)Two-tier architecture b)Three-tier architecture c)n-tier architecture d)Peer-to-Peer
4. A global system of interconnected computer networks is known
as a)Ethernet b)Intranet c)Internet d)Ultra-net
5.RPC connectors and message queues are mechanisms for
a)Message retrieving b)Message passing c)Message delivering d)Message Sync-ing
6. Parallel computing is also known as
a)Parallel computation b)Parallel processing
c)Parallel distribution d)Parallel development
7.Connections that grows exponentially into a new dynamic network of networks, is known as
a)Dynamic b)Static c)Transparent d)Opaque
8.One of first uses of grid computing was breaking of a
a)Critical computed code b)Tabulated code c)Cryptographic code d)Decryptographic code
9. Centralized computing covers many data centers and
a)Minicomputers b)Mainframe computers c)Supercomputers
d)Microcomputers 10.To provide high-throughput service is measures taken by
a)Efficiency b)Adaptation c)Dependability d)Flexibility
1.In distributed system each processor has its own
a) local memory b) clock c) both A & B d) none of the mentioned
2. If one site fails in distributed system
a) the remaining sites can continue operating
b) all the sites will stop working
c) directly connected sites will stop working
d) none of the mentioned
3.Network operating system runs on
a) server b) every system in the network c) both A & B d) none of the mentioned
4. Which technique is based on compile-time program transformation for accessing remote data
in a distributed-memory parallel system.

a) Cache coherence scheme b) computation migration

c) remote procedure call d) message passing
5. Logical extension of computation migration is
a) process migration b) system migration c) thread migration d) data migration
6. Processes on the remote systems are identified by
a) host ID b) host name and identifier c) identifier d) process ID
7. Which routing technique is used in distributed system?
a) Fixed routing b) virtual routing c) dynamic routing d) all of the mentioned
8. In distributed systems, link and site failure is detected by
a) polling b) handshaking c) token passing d) none of the mentioned
9. The capability of a system to adapt the increased service load is called
a) scalability b) tolerance c) capacity d) none of the mentioned
10. Internet provides _______ for remote login.
a) Telnet b) http c) ftp d) RPC
1.Centralized computing covers many data centers and
a)Minicomputers b)Mainframe computers c)Supercomputers d)Microcomputers
2.Computer technology has gone through development generations of a) 3 b) 4 c)
5 d) 6
3. In an execution model, utilization rate of resources is known to be
its a)Efficiency b)Dependability c)Flexibility d)Adaptation
4. Reliability and self-management from chip to system and application levels are measures of
a) Dependability b)Flexibility c)Adaptation d)Efficiency
5. Uni processor computing is known as
a) Centralized computing b)Parallel computing c)Distributed computing d)Grid computing
6. A computing model of a distributed architecture of large numbers of computers connected
to solve a complex problem is called
a) Linear computing b)Grid computing c)Layout computing d)Compound computing
7. Utility computing focuses on a
a)Business model b)Scalable model c)Cloud model d)Data model
8. A CPS merges technologies
of a) 2C b)3C c) 4C d)5C
9. An architecture in which no special machines manage network resources is known
as a)Space based b)Tightly coupled c)Loosely coupled d)Peer-to-Peer
10. n many applications, HPC and HTC systems desire
a) Transparency b)Dependency c)Secretive d)Adaptivity
1 In wait for graph (WFG), a directed edge from node P1 to node P2 indicates that:
a) P1 is blocked and is waiting for P2 to release some resource
b) P2 is blocked and is waiting for P1 to release some resource
c) P1 is blocked and is waiting for P2 to leave the system
d) P2 is blocked and is waiting for P1 to leave the system
2 In the wait for graph, if there exists a directed cycle or knot:

c)then the system is in a safe state d) either b or c

3 Consider the following statements:
A deadlock detection algorithm must satisfy the following two conditions: Condition
1: Progress (No false deadlocks): The algorithm should not report deadlocks which do not exist.
2: Safety (No undetected deadlocks): The algorithm must detect all existing deadlocks in finite

a) Both conditions are true b)Both conditions are false c)Only

condition 1 is true d)Only condition 1 is true
4 . Consider the following statements related to consistency models:
(i) Strict consistency (SC): Only Write operations issued by the same processor and to the
same memory location must be seen by others in that order.
(ii) (ii) PRAM memory: Only Write operations issued by the same processor are seen by
others in the order they were issued, but Writes from different processors may be seen
by other processors in different orders.
(iii) (iii) Slow Memory: Any Read to a location (variable) is required to return the value written
by the most recent Write to that location (variable) as per a global time reference.
a) All are True b)All are False c)Only (i) and (iii) are true d)Only (ii) is true
5. Choose the correct consistency model that defines the following condition
I. All Writes are propagated to other processes, and all Writes done elsewhere are brought
locally, at a sync instruction.
II. Accesses to sync variables are sequentially consistent
III. Access to sync variable is not permitted unless all Writes elsewhere have completed IV.
No data access is allowed until all previous synchronization variable accesses have been
a)Weak consistency b)Causal consistency c)Processor consistency d)Program consistency
6.The space complexity is the ____________registers and time complexity is ________time
for n-process bakery algorithm of shared memory mutual exclusion
a) Upper bound of n, O(n2 ) b)Upper bound of n, O(n)
c)Lower bound of n, O(n) d)Lower bound of n, O(n2 )
7. What are characteristics of processor in distributed system ?
a)They vary in size and function b)They are same in size and function c) They are
manufactured with single purpose d) They are real-time devices
8. Distributed OS works on the ________ principle.
a)file system image b) Single system image c) multi system image d)networking image
9. Super computers typically employ _______.
a) high security b) better resource sharing c) better system utilization d) low system overhead
10. Which amongst the following is not an advantage of Distributed systems?
a)reliability b)incremental growth c)resource sharing d) none of the above

1.Haryadi Gunawi Cloud-scale distributed systemsdependabilityCloud-scale
storage systemsdependabilityDistributed concurrency bugsLatent scalability bugs.
2. K. Mani Chandy Distributed systemsConcurrent systemsEvent processing systems Sense
and respond systems
1 A Medium-Scale Distributed System for Computer Science Research: Infrastructure for the
Long Term.
2. Study and Characterization of a Camera-based Distributed System for Large-Volume
Dimensional Metrology Applications.
3. Large-Volume Dimensional Metrology (LVDM) deals with dimensional inspection of large
1.Parallel Scientific Applications and Concurrent Computing (Eero Vainikko, Oleg Batrashev,
Benson Muite)
2.P2P Computing: F2F Platform, F2F Applications (Artjom Lind)
3.Applied Computer Vision (Artjom Lind)
4.Parallel Machine learning algorithms (Artjom Lind, Oleg Batrashev)
5.Exploratory search (Dimitri Danilov)
6.Geographic information systems (GIS) Related topics (Amnir Hadachi)
1.A Distributed System in a Room
2 Site Replication for Disaster Protection
3.Geographically Distributed Nodes, Centralized Control.
4. Geographically Distributed Autonomous Nodes

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