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Earth’s history can be traced back for about four and a half billion years ago.

But we humans,
as the highest form of living species here on earth, counts as a tiny spot of its history. Earth’s history
was covered with different periods and eras of which, describes how many millions of years has
passed since the beginning of life on earth. Today we will be featuring the Old stone age of earth’s
history that has been divided into three eras namely, Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic eras.

Paleolithic era was estimated roughly between 2.5 million years ago to 10,000 B.C., early
humans lived in caves or huts and were hunters and gatherers. Mesolithic Era was about 10,000 B.C.
to 8,000 B.C. where humans used small stone tools, bones and wood to serve as spears and arrows.
They have also lived nomadically in camps near rivers and other bodies of water. Neolithic Era was
roughly 8,000 B.C. to 3,000 B.C. where humans switched from being hunters and gatherers to food
production. Let’s try to identify the similarities of these three and understand why they are grouped as
the Old stone age.

As a self-explanatory assumption, Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic eras were categorized

as the old stone age because the behavior, tools, and way of living were very similar to the point that
these three are common. Early humans during stone age were using stones in hunting and in gathering
food. They were also nomadic to adapt to their surroundings and as for their arts and crafts, early
humans painted in cave walls and made potteries.

However, just because they were categorized into one does not mean they are not unique in
their own special way. During the Paleolithic Era, humans lived on caves and huts and are also
hunters and gatherers. They were not able to provide food for themselves through farming or by any
similar means. For the Mesolithic Era things have changed greatly, humans noticed the lack of food
and resources, so they became nomadic. They started camping from one place to another, preferably
near river banks. They have also started storing food for later use. Lastly, they made pottery and
improved their cave paintings. Lastly, what makes Neolithic Era so unique to the other two previous
eras were the way humans obtain food. From here they began farming in permanent villages, raised
and herded animals. They have also improved their arts by using woods and stones. A good
adaptation to their surroundings was also seen through their mud-brick houses and places of worships.
They were also a bit civilized as each one within the village had specialized jobs. In addition to that,
complex tools out of copper and bronze were also created.

As previously mentioned, we humans are the highest living species here on Earth. Just like
any other species, we evolved, communicated with one another, and adapted to each environment we
were put on. This made helped us have a better living and being more civilized than before, and led us
to transition from one period to the next.

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