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Name :

Date : Aug , 2020

Main topic of today :

 Smallest and Biggest Number
 Expanded Form

Find the missing numbers :

(Hint : Observe the place digit and the value of the number)

1. I am a four digit number. My first digit, the number of wheel in the tricycle. My
second digit is double of the first digit. The sum of the first, second, and third
digit is 11. And my last digit is half of the third digit. What number am I?

Answer :

2. Your answer in question number 1, arrange the numbers so that it will become
the biggest possible number!
Answer :

3. Now, arrange the numbers so that it will become the smallest possible number!
Answer :

4. What number is in the letter C and F? Answer : …….. and …….

Grade 3
5. Circle the second largest number for each line :
a. 2817 2178 7821 8721 8712

b. 2221 2212 2122 1222 2222

c. 1842 1482 1248 1284 1428

d. 2345 5423 5432 4523 4352

6. Circle the smallest number

a. 2817 2178 7821 8721 8712

b. 2221 2212 2122 1222 2222

c. 1842 1482 1248 1284 1428

d. 2345 5423 5432 4523 4352

7. I can write 1,234 as 1000 + 200 + 30 + 4.

Write the expansion of these numbers :
a. 6,287 :

b. 9,275 :

c. 15,891 :

8. What is the value of the underlined digit? (Point a already done as example)

a. 2187 : 8 tens d. 7162 :

b. 1908 : e. 1882 :

c. 9182 : f. 3718 :

Grade 3
Fun Questions :
11. What is the next of the sequence : QAR RAS SAT TAU ……..
Answer :

12. I wrote something in the wall..

If I read it in happy times, I will become sad..
If I read it in sad times, I will become happy..
What is the writing?
Answer :

13. How mathematicians say I love you?

They will write :
n 3^01 1

Why is that?
Answer :

14. A skyscraper has 100 floors.

The higher the floor, the more people live there.
100 people live at the very top.
One person lives on the first floor.
Which elevator button is pressed most often?
Answer :

15. I can run, but not walk..

I’m in front, and yet many choose to ignore..
Wherever I go, thought follows me close behind..
What am I?
Answer :

Grade 3

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