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Procedures for

Evaluating Vacuum Levels and

Air Flow in Milking Systems
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NMC Machine Milking Committee - 2004 Revision

This document presents methods for the evaluation of vacuum levels and airflow in milking systems. These methods are
primarily for evaluating the adequacy of milking systems to maintain the average vacuum in the claw within the intended range
during milking and the ability of the pulsation system to operate within the manufacturer’s specifications. This document should
not be considered a comprehensive guide to the evaluation of all factors necessary for successful milking. For example, it
does not address the operator of the machine or their milking procedures.

Please note that NMC is not a standards setting organization. The procedures presented here are guidelines based on
the standards developed by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) and the International Standards
Organization (ISO). The standards referenced in this document are ASAE S518 (milking machine installation and
per formance) ASAE EP445 (measurement techniques), ISO 5707 (milking machine installation and per formance) and
ISO 6690 (measurement techniques).

The order of performing the tests in this document is not critical, however, the order presented here will minimize duplication
and maximize efficiency of the testing process.

Milking-time tests (tests performed during milking) are the most direct method for determining the adequacy of the vacuum
production and regulation of any milking system under its intended use conditions and are presented first in this document.
Proper pulsator function is also critical to the success of the milking process; hence, the test methods for pulsation are
presented in the second section. The third section presents more detailed diagnostic testing to determine causes of failure
in milking-time tests of vacuum regulation or pulsator performance.

A complete system evaluation should be performed for any new installation, as part of a scheduled maintenance program,
after major modifications to the system, or if milking-time tests indicate a potential problem. After a complete evaluation
has been performed and specific performance data recorded, subsequent spot checks of selected measurements (e.g.
operating vacuum, effective reserve) can be compared to these benchmark data as an indication of a change of status of
the milking machine.

When evaluation of the milking machine is completed, a clear set of recommendations should be provided to the owner.
Reasons to suggest changes to a milking system, include:
• Improved milking performance (speed or completeness of milking).
• Improved cleaning performance.
• Improved mastitis control and milk quality.
• Decreased power or energy consumption.
• Decreased wear on pump components.
• Improved aesthetic or cosmetic appeal.

Recommendations for changes to a milking machine should be listed in order of priority according to their likely cost-benefit
for the client, as follows:
Priority 1 - Urgent and important changes.
Priority 2 - Important but not urgent improvements.
Priority 3 - Cosmetic or other improvements.

Units of Measure
Both metric and English units of measures are used in this document. The conversion for measures of pressure (or vacuum)
and flow rate are as follows:
1 inch of Mercury (“Hg) = 3.39 kilopascals (kPa)
1 kilopascal (kPa) = 0.295 inches of Mercury (“Hg)
1 cubic foot per minute (CFM) of airflow = 28.3 Liters/minute (LPM) of airflow
1000 Liters/minute (LPM) = 35.3 CFM of airflow

Airflow rate is measured as its equivalent volume per minute (LPM or CFM) at atmospheric pressure. This method is
also referred to as ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineering Standard) or free air.


AFM Airflow Meter

ASAE American Society of Agricultural Engineers

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers, referring to a standard method of measuring the rate of airflow, in
which the volume of air is expressed in its equivalent volume at atmospheric pressure. (Note that the volumetric
flow inside the milking machine will be greater, as the air will expand when under partial vacuum).

CFM Cubic feet per minute, usually referring to the RATE of airflow and expressed in the volume of that air at
atmospheric pressure.

ER Effective Reserve

“Hg Inches of Mercury, usually referring to a measurement of pressure below atmospheric or vacuum.

Hz Hertz or cycles per second: a measure of frequency

ISO International Standards Organization

kPa Kilopascals, usually referring to a measurement of pressure below atmospheric or vacuum.

LPM Liters per minute, usually referring to the RATE of airflow and expressed in the volume of that air at
atmospheric pressure.

PIV Pump Inlet Vacuum: The vacuum measured at the inlet to the vacuum pump. Usually measured under operating
conditions when determining the capacity of the pump when the milking machine is in use, or at a standard
level specified by the manufacturer to assess pump wear or malfunction.

MR Manual Reserve

ROV Receiver Operating Vacuum: The average vacuum in the receiver in an “as milking” condition (all units
attached to the milking machine and operating with teatcups plugged).

VD Vacuum Drop

VFD Variable Frequency Drive: A vacuum regulator that changes the frequency of power supplied to the vacuum
pump and thereby control its speed and the rate at which air is removed from the milking machine. The rate
of air removal is matched to the rate of air admission to maintain the operating vacuum at its intended level.


Section 1. Milking-time and Testing

Accurate recordings of vacuum levels at various locations during milking provide the best means of demonstrating the
adequacy of the vacuum production and regulation function of any milking system. The most useful sites for milking-time
tests are in the claw, in the milkline, and in or near the receiver (if necessary). Vacuum at these sites should be recorded
while the system is under normal milk and airflow conditions; that is, while clusters are being attached, while all clusters
are on cows, and while clusters are being detached. A vacuum recording system capable of measuring at least 90% of
the true range of vacuum fluctuation should be used (see Appendix A).

Average Claw Vacuum

An average claw vacuum between 35 and 42 kPa (10.5”Hg and 12.5”Hg) during the peak flow period is generally considered
a good compromise to allow cows to be milked gently, quickly, and completely. The type of milking unit and ancillary
equipment used affects the difference between the vacuum at the regulator and the average claw vacuum.

Average claw vacuum should be measured during peak milk flow on a representative sample of cows in the herd. The
regulator vacuum should be adjusted on each system to achieve the desired milking vacuum at the claw for these cows
during peak milk flow. Average claw vacuum can be maintained nearer the milkline vacuum by reducing milk lift, reducing
long milk tube hose length, or reducing restrictions across fittings and ancillary equipment in the milk flow path.

Measuring Average Claw Vacuum: Use an averaging interval of 5 to 20 seconds during the peak flow period and connect
a suitable vacuum recorder to the claw using one of the following methods.
• Connect to a suitable T-piece located between the long milk tube and claw outlet.
• Insert a 12 or 14 gauge needle through the short milk tube of the liner. The needle should be at least 2.5 inches
long to ensure proper location of the needle through the claw nipple and into the top of the claw bowl. The end
of the needle should be located out of the milk flow stream.
• Use a claw fitted with a test port that is located out of the milk flow stream.

Claw Vacuum Fluctuation

The vacuum fluctuations in the claw are not an accurate description of the vacuum fluctuations at the teat end. Special test
equipment and careful measurement technique are required to measure vacuum fluctuations at the teat end. Claw vacuum
fluctuations can be recorded during the peak milk flow period for a representative sample of cows to determine if the cluster
is operating according to manufacturers recommendations. Some level of vacuum fluctuation in the claw is always present
and claw vacuum fluctuation less than 10 kPa (3”Hg) is considered desirable. Current national and international standards
(ASAE S518, ISO 5707) do not specify an allowable limit, however. Unusually high or low vacuum fluctuations may indicate
plugged air vents, excessive air admission or restrictions in the milk flow path.

Measuring Claw Vacuum Fluctuation: Vacuum fluctuations in the claw can be measured using the needle or test port
connection points indicated above (not T-piece at claw outlet). The vacuum fluctuation is the maximum vacuum
minus the minimum vacuum in the claw during one pulsation cycle.

Milking-Time Test of Pulsation

This is also a convenient time to check pulsators under full milking load to compare the pulsator vacuum recordings with
the dry test results. The length of each phase (A, B, C, and D) may be slightly different during milking than during dry
tests, but the rate and ratios should be comparable.

Milkline Vacuum Stability
Milklines should be designed so that the milk flow and airflow in the milkline is stratified during milking. Stratified flow is
present when milk flows in the lower part of the milkline and air flows in a clear, continuous path above the milk.
Stratified flow is considered present when a milkline has a maximum vacuum drop of 2 kPa (0.6”Hg) from the receiver to
any point in the milkline under normal milking conditions. However, occasional slugs in the milkline are almost unavoidable
in practice and should not be regarded as evidence of an improperly designed system. As a guideline, the milkline flow
condition should be slug-free during at least 95% of the milking time.

Measuring Milkline Vacuum Stability: Make the appropriate connection to the milkline (see Appendix B) and record
milkline vacuum for three “turns” of a milking parlor or for 15 minutes in a stanchion barn. Make sure that record-
ings are taken during the operation of all equipment that is normally operated during milking. If the vacuum drop in
the milkline (average minus minimum) or the vacuum rise (maximum minus average) does not exceed 2 kPa
(0.6”Hg), the milkline vacuum stability meets international standards.

Receiver Vacuum Stability

The performance criteria for receiver vacuum stability is that vacuum in the receiver does not change by more than +/- 2
kPa (0.6”Hg) from the operating vacuum level during the course of normal milking, including teatcup attachment and
removal, liner slips, and cluster fall-off.

Measuring Receiver Vacuum Stability: If the system passed the milkline vacuum stability test, it is not necessary to
record vacuum stability in the receiver. If the vacuum changes in the milkline exceed +/- 2 kPa (0.6”Hg) from the
average vacuum level, then measurements should be made in the receiver to determine if these vacuum fluctuations are
caused by milkline slugging or by inadequate vacuum production or regulation. Connect a suitable vacuum recorder to
the top one-third of the receiver (in quiet air and out of the milk flow stream) and record vacuum for three “turns” of
a milking parlor or for 15 minutes in a stanchion barn. Preferably the milkline and receiver vacuum can be recorded
simultaneously with a 2-channel recorder.

Section 2. Dry Test of Pulsators

Perform these tests with milking units connected to the milkline, pulsators operating, and liners fitted with teatcup plugs.
The objective of these tests is to determine if the pulsation system and all pulsators are operating according to the
manufacturer’s specifications.

Insert a properly sized T-piece into the short pulse tube. Connect the T-piece to a suitable vacuum recorder and record at
least five pulsation cycles for each milking unit. Check both sides on units with alternating pulsation. The specifications
for pulsation given in ASAE S518 are:

• Pulsation Rate should be repeatable from day to day and should not deviate more than +/- 3 cycles per minute
from one unit to the next.
• Pulsator Ratio should not differ more than 5 percentage units from manufacturer’s specifications or from one
pulsator to another.
• B Phase should be at least 30% of the pulsation cycle.
• D Phase (closed phase) of the pulsation cycle should not be less than 15% and not less than 150 milliseconds.

Abnormal pulsation graphs can be caused by either problems within the pulsator or problems such as restrictions or air
leaks in other pulsation components. Refer to the manufacturer’s literature for more detailed specifications for individual
pulsator types. If any pulsation characteristics fall outside these guidelines, further checks by the manufacturer’s representative
are recommended.

Voltage Check for Electronic Pulsators

If any pulsators are not functioning correctly, it may be useful to measure the voltage supplied to the pulsators. This may
be an AC or DC voltage and the appropriate meter must be used for each. Measure the voltage at the pulsation control box,
at the last pulsator stall cock, at an intermediate pulsator, and at any pulsators that are not functioning correctly. Compare
these voltages with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Low voltage can result from undersized wires or poor connections.

Section 3. Diagnostic Dry Tests of Vacuum and Airflow
Operating Vacuum and Vacuum Differences Across System (line 1a)
The vacuum pump should run for at least 10 minutes before taking these measurements. Operating vacuum is the average
vacuum measured at different locations in the milking machine during a dry test (no milk or water in the machine) with
all milking units connected to the machine, pulsators operating and all teatcups plugged. Perform these dry tests with
the regulator connected and operational, in as close to an “as milking” condition as possible.

Measure the operating vacuum (a 5 to 20 second average) at the following locations:

• Receiver, making measurements in areas of quiet air to minimize measurement errors (see Appendix B).
• In weigh jar systems, measure vacuum in the supply hose to the first weigh jar, preferably on the opposite side
of the parlor from the air flow meter connection point.
• Sensing point of the vacuum regulator.
• Pulsator airline furthest from vacuum source.
• Pump inlet.
Also record the reading of the vacuum gauge that is permanently installed on the milking machine to assess its accuracy.

Interpretation: The difference in operating vacuum between the pump inlet and receiver should not exceed 2 kPa
(0.6”Hg). Greater differences result in decreased airflow at the receiver and may be due to pressure drops caused
by small diameter or restricted lines, excessive tees or elbows, or unreasonably high airflow for the size of lines. The
operating vacuum at the far end of the pulsator airline should not differ by more than 2 kPa (0.6”Hg) from the receiver
vacuum. A difference of 0.7 kPa (0.2”Hg) or less between the operating vacuum at the receiver and vacuum sensing
point is considered desirable. Greater differences result in reduced regulation sensitivity and are usually due to
improper regulator location or excessive restrictions in pipelines and fittings between the receiver and regulator.

Unit Fall-Off Test (lines 1b, 1c)

Open one milking unit and hang it upside down to simulate a unit fall-off (1b). Record the average vacuum in the receiver
and at the regulator sensor while the milking unit is open and admitting air. The difference between the average operating
vacuum in the receiver and the average vacuum in the receiver with the milking unit open is the vacuum drop. Start a 5
to 20 second vacuum recording and close the milking unit. Record the maximum vacuum level that is measured as the
unit is being closed. The difference between the maximum vacuum as the unit is being closed and the operating vacuum
is the overshoot. Start a 5 to 20 second vacuum recording and reopen the milking unit. Record the minimum vacuum
level that is measured as the unit is being opened. The difference between the minimum vacuum as the unit is being
opened and the average vacuum when the unit is open is the undershoot. See Appendix B for more details on this
series of measurements. For systems with two receivers, perform a unit fall-off test independently for each receiver.

For systems with more than 32 milking units or systems that will be run with multiple operators, it may be appropriate to
test with two milking units opened. Repeat the above series of measurements with two milking units (1c).

Interpretation: All systems with more than one unit should have sufficient reserve air flow to cope with at least one
unit fall-off. The vacuum drop, overshoot and undershoot measured at the receiver should all be 2 kPa (0.6”Hg) or
less. It is desirable that these same criteria are met on systems with more than 32 units or in milking parlors
designed to accommodate more than two operators in the event that two units fall-off simultaneously.

Effective Reserve (ER)

This test quantifies the reserve airflow capacity available to cope with the unplanned air admitted through the teatcups
when the milking units are applied or removed, when teatcups slip, or if clusters fall or are kicked off during milking. The
vacuum regulator should be operating with all teatcups plugged, vacuum shutoffs open and pulsators operating (as milk-
ing condition). Connect an Air Flow Meter (AFM) at or near the receiver on pipeline systems or to the vacuum supply line
for weigh jar systems (see Appendix B).

Open the AFM gradually until the receiver vacuum is 2 kPa (0.6”Hg) below the operating vacuum (the maximum allowable
vacuum drop specified by ASAE and ISO) and record the reading of the AFM as the ER (2a). Also record the vacuum level
at the regulator’s vacuum sensing point (2b). For systems with two receivers, the ER should be measured with two AFMs
(one on each receiver) with each admitting approximately 50% of the total airflow.

Variable Frequency Drives (VFD): The procedure for measuring effective reserve is unchanged for systems with VFD regulators.
Some VFDs may allow the pump speed to exceed the full load speed (frequency above 60 Hz). When doing this test,
these systems should not be allowed to run in an over-speed condition for an extended period. Verify the frequency of the
controller when measuring effective reserve.

Interpretation: The primary performance criterion for vacuum stability [receiver vacuum shall not fall by more than 2
kPa (0.6”Hg) during normal milking] will usually be achieved if the system passes the fall-off tests (1b and 1c). A
secondary guideline is that most milking systems will achieve this performance standard with an effective reserve of
1000 LPM (35 CFM) plus 30 LPM (1 CFM) per milking unit. The base allowance of 1000 LPM (35 CFM) is intended
for systems with milking units admitting 30 to 40 CFM during a unit falloff. This allowance may need to be increased
for milking units with greater air admission during falloff. The base allowance may be reduced when clusters with
automatic shut-off valves are used. Effective reserve may have to be increased to allow for additional air admitted by
other components. Examples of other components are vacuum operated backflush or vacuum operated cylinders.

Manual Reserve (MR)

Measure MR on systems with conventional regulators (2c) at the same location and under the same conditions as for
effective reserve (milking units plugged, vacuum shutoffs open and pulsators operating) but with the regulation system
disabled (see Appendix E for details). Systems with VFD regulators will have the same values for manual and effective
reserve so the manual reserve need not be measured.

As a safety precaution, open the AFM wide before disabling the regulator. Measure airflow at the same vacuum level as
effective reserve: i.e. 2 kPa (0.6 “Hg) below the operating vacuum in the receiver.

Regulation Efficiency
The regulation efficiency (2d) is calculated by dividing ER by MR. ASAE and ISO standards indicate that Regulation Efficiency
should be 90% or greater. Manual reserve is not measured and regulation efficiency is not calculated for systems with VFD
controllers. Refer to the test of the difference in vacuum drop at the receiver and vacuum sensing point to test the ade-
quacy of the sensor location (2e).

Interpretation: If regulation efficiency is less than 90% or if systems with VFD regulators are not performing adequately,
proceed with the following tests to determine the cause. The regulator sensing point should be located as close to
the sanitary trap or on a sufficiently sized pipe if remote mounted. In weigh jar systems the regulator should be
mounted on the non-sanitary portion of the airline that supplies milking vacuum to the top of the weigh jars. If the
system is properly plumbed and the sensor is located correctly, the vacuum drop at the sensing point (2e) will be
least 1.3 kPa (0.4”Hg) when the vacuum drop at the receiver is 2 kPa (0.6”Hg). This applies to systems with either
conventional regulators or with VFD regulators. If the system fails this vacuum differential test some possible causes
• There is a mismatch between the regulator capacity and pump capacity.
• The piping between the receiver and regulator is not adequate for the pump capacity.
• The vacuum regulator is located too far from the sanitary trap.
If the vacuum change near the regulator is 1.3 kPa (0.4”Hg) or more, then low regulation efficiency may be due to:
• A regulator that is unresponsive due to dirt and dust fouling, due to malfunction, or due to outdated regulator
• A regulator that is incorrectly matched to the size of the vacuum pump.
• VFD regulator not set properly or faulty or fouled vacuum sensor.
• Insufficient “air lubrication” for Sentinel brand regulators (see Appendix E).

Air Admitted by System Components
The following series of tests are designed to measure the airflow admitted by various system components. Regulators
should be disabled and systems with VFD controllers should be set to constant speed (60 Hz) for these air admission
tests. If a conventional vacuum regulator is present as a backup in a VFD system, it should be deactivated during these
tests. You may also want to deactivate safety relief valves or make sure that they are not leaking at the vacuum levels
used during these tests. Take extra precaution to avoid excessive vacuum developing in the system if the safety relief
value is deactivated, and make sure that you reactivate it after testing!

Begin the series of tests with the teatcups plugged, pulsators operating, and vacuum applied to the clusters. Adjust the
AFM to admit air to the receiver to bring the receiver to its operating vacuum (from test 1a). Record the airflow admitted
to the receiver (or vacuum supply line for weigh jars) under these conditions (3a).

Air admission of a milking unit (3b):

Unplug the teatcups of one milking unit and open the unit so that it admits its maximum airflow. Re-adjust the AFM
so that the receiver vacuum is returned to its operating vacuum level. The difference between AFM readings 3a and
3b is the maximum air admitted by one milking unit (during attachment, detachment, falloff, liner slips).

Air admission of one teatcup (optional test 3c)

Replug three of the teatcups of the milking unit admitted for test 1b and open the unplugged teatcup so that it
admits its maximum airflow. Re-adjust the AFM so that the receiver vacuum is returned to its operating vacuum level.
The difference between AFM readings 3a and 3c is the maximum air admitted by one teatcup (during attachment,
detachment, liner slip).

Close the unit and continue with component testing.

Air used by pulsators (3d)

Disconnect or switch off pulsators and re-adjust the AFM so that the receiver returns to the operating vacuum level
and record the new airflow reading (3d). The change in AFM readings between step 3d and 3a is the air admitted by
the pulsation system.

Compare this value with the manufacturer’s specifications for the type of pulsators admitted. Typical values range
from 20 to 40 LPM (0.75 to 1.5 CFM) per pulsator.

Air used by clusters (3e)

Disconnect or isolate the milking clusters from the milkline or weigh jars. Re-adjust the AFM so that the receiver
returns to the operating vacuum level and record the new airflow reading (3e). The change in AFM readings between
steps 3d and 3e is the air admitted by the milking cluster vents and cluster leakage.

Compare this value with the manufacturer’s specifications for the type of cluster being tested. Typical values range
from 10 to 15 LPM (0.3 to 0.5 CFM) per unit.

Air used by regulator (3f)

Remove the previously disabled regulator and plug the connection. Re-adjust the AFM so that the receiver returns to
the operating vacuum level and record the new airflow reading (3f). The change in AFM readings between steps 3f
and 3e is the air admitted to operate the regulator.

Air used by ancillary equipment (3g)

Deactivate ancillary equipment, such as milk meters. Readjust the AFM so that the receiver returns to the operating
vacuum level and record the new airflow reading (3g). The change in AFM readings between steps 3g and 3f is the
air admitted to operate the ancillary equipment.

Compare the measured value with manufacturer’s specifications.

Pump inlet vacuum (3h)

With the AFM open at the same airflow and in the same position as at the end of step 3g, move the test vacuum
gauge to the pump inlet and measure the vacuum at the pump inlet (3h). This value can be used during a subsequent
test of system leakage.

Vacuum Pump Capacity

Pump capacity is measured at the pump with the system disconnected. Before starting the pump, open the AFM fully.

Rated capacity (4a)

With an open AFM meter placed as close to pump inlet as possible, measure airflow at the manufacturer’s recommended
level (commonly 50 kPa or 15”Hg) and compare this airflow capacity (4a) to the manufacturer’s rating chart for purposes
of assessing pump wear. For systems with multiple pumps, test each pump individually.

Capacity at operating vacuum (4b)

Adjust the airflow meter to measure airflow through the pump at the operating pump inlet vacuum (from 1a). This is
the capacity of the vacuum pump when the milking system is in operation.

System Leakage
Air leaks in the system can be estimated by taking the difference in AFM readings recorded in 3g (all components disconnected)
and the AFM reading at the pump inlet when measured at the pump inlet vacuum recorded in step 3h. The air leaks in
the system can also be estimated by taking the difference between the total operating vacuum pump capacity measured
at the pump inlet (4b, gate valve closed) and the AFM reading taken at the same location and same operating vacuum
level with all components deactivated and the piping system connected (gate valve open).

System leakage should be less than 10% of the pump capacity under operating conditions.

Recheck Receiver Vacuum and Effective Reserve

Reconnect and reactivate all system components. As a safety check to ensure that the system components are reactivated,
reconnected correctly and operating properly, check the receiver vacuum and effective reserve again.


Appendix A. Requirements for Vacuum Recording Systems

ASAE standards for instrument requirements and measurement accuracy state that the measured values should be within
90% of the true amplitude of vacuum change at the various locations in the milking machine. The procedures presented
here recommend measurements:
• In the receiver and various other “dry” locations (e.g., the pump inlet and the pulsator airline) where milk or other
liquids will not come into contact with the measurement device,
• In the milkline where milkline slugging may occur, and,
• In the claw.

Most modern vacuum recorders are digital devices that record vacuum measurements at the sample rate of the instrument.
Various algorithms are used to analyze and report this data. The recorder should report average, maximum and minimum
vacuum values. The vacuum recording system is made up of the electronic vacuum recorder in combination with various
tubes and fittings used to connect to the milking machine. Several factors affect the ability of a vacuum recording system
to accurately record the vacuum fluctuations in a milking system.

Sampling Rate
The sampling rate of a digital recorder will determine the upper frequency limit of the vacuum changes that can be measured.
Some of the peaks and valleys will be missed if the vacuum recorder samples at a rate that is slower than the fastest
vacuum fluctuations. The sample rate of the digital recorder should be indicated in the instrument’s specifications.

Response Rate
The response rate of the vacuum recording system determines its ability to follow the vacuum changes. If the response
rate is less than the maximum rate of change, the peaks and valleys will not be measured and vacuum fluctuation will be
underestimated. Inertial effects of water or milk trapped in the measurement system may also result in a deviation
between the measured and true vacuum change. The internal volume of the measurement system should be minimized
to maximize the response rate and steps need to be taken to prevent water or milk being drawn into the measurement
fittings. The internal diameter of connections and the way that they are mounted on the milking machine should be such
that the connection fittings and tubes allow liquid to drain freely.

Testing Your Vacuum Recording System

Most commercial vacuum recorders automatically calculate the duration of the ‘a-phase’ of pulsation. This feature provides
an easy method for measuring the response rate of a vacuum recording system. Pulsation chamber vacuum increases
rapidly to open the liner during the a-phase of pulsation. According to the international standard ISO 6690 (1996) the a-phase
is the time for the vacuum to increase from 4 kPa above atmospheric pressure to 4 kPa below the maximum pulsation chamber
vacuum. The response rate of a vacuum recording system can be measured by connecting directly to a commercial electronic
pulsator. When connected in this manner, the vacuum change produced at the pulsator is a square wave with rise time of
about 4 milliseconds. The lower vacuum level is zero (atmospheric pressure) and the upper limit is equal to the pulsator
airline vacuum. The response rate of the vacuum recording system (kPa/s) is the change in vacuum during the a-phase
(operating vacuum - 8 kPa) divided by the duration of the a-phase.

Following are recommendations for minimum sample rate and response rate for vacuum recording systems for the various
test locations specified in this document. It is expected that using instruments with these specifications, 90% of the true
amplitude and rate of change of vacuum changes will be measured.

Type of Test Minimum Sample Rate (Hz) Minimum Response Rate (kPa/s)
Tests in the receiver and in dry parts 24 90
of the milking machine
Wet or milking-time tests in the milkline 48 910

Wet or milking-time tests in the claw 63 770

Appendix B: Methods for Accurate Vacuum Measurement
Pump Inlet
Install a test nipple near the pump inlet, preferably at least 5 pipe diameters away from any upstream or downstream
elbow or fitting. If this is not possible, install the nipple as close to the downstream fitting as practical (Fig. 1).

Install a test nipple as close to the vacuum sensing point of the regulator as possible. The location depends on the type
of regulator used.

DeLaval Regulator: Install the test nipple below and as close to the sensor as possible.

Remote sensing regulators (Bou-Matic, WestfaliaSurge): Measure with a tee in the sensor tube connection to the
airline (Fig. 3).

Air Admission Type (Sentinel): Install the test nipple 5 pipe diameters away from any upstream or downstream fitting or
elbow (Fig. 4a). If this is not possible, then test as close to the regulator as practical (Fig. 4b).

VFD Systems: Install the test nipple as close at possible to the vacuum transducer used to sense system vacuum.

Receiver vacuum measurements should be made in quiet air (airflow with minimal turbulence). Use one of the following
quiet air locations.
• A test nipple on a special receiver test lid and attach hose to accurate gauge. Do not trust the vacuum gauge on
top of the AFM.
• First milk inlet on the milkline in parlor (Fig. 3). This location is not appropriate for all tests. It is only a valid
test point if there is little or no airflow in the milkline where the measurement is being taken.
• Milk inlet/nipple on wash manifold in round-the-barn pipelines with the system set so that the wash manifold is
under vacuum (Fig. 5).
• Vacuum supply hose to first weigh jar (Fig. 2)

Pulsator Airline
Install a test nipple on the cross over line between the two sides of the barn at least 5 pipe diameters from any fitting or
elbow. Ideal location would be in the center of the cross over line at the furthest end from the vacuum supply (Fig. 6).

In stanchion barns, connect a suitable vacuum recorder to a convenient spare milk valve near the receiver end of the
milkline. In milking parlors, slide the milk hose back about 20 mm (1 inch) from the first or second milk inlet (nearest the
receiver), and insert a 16-gauge hypodermic needle through the milk hose. Remove the needle and push a blunted 12 or
14G needle through the small hole in the milk hose, through the milk inlet and into the milkline. The needle should be
long enough to ensure proper location of the needle in the milkline, and its sharp cutting edge should be filed off so that
the needle does not become blocked by cutting a “core” through the wall of the milk hose.

Ensure that the open beveled end of the needle is positioned within the top of the milk-line, facing towards the receiver
and, as much as possible, out of the milk stream from the milking unit to which it is attached. When these readings are
completed, remove the needle and push the milk hose over the milk inlet nipple so that the puncture hole made by the needle
is covered by the inlet nipple. One manufacturer provides a special milk hose adapter T-piece for this measurement. An additional
milk inlet may also be installed to simplify this test.

Unit Fall-off Test

Vacuum drop, regulator undershoot and regulator overshoot are measured by four consecutive recordings made with an
electronic vacuum recorder or digital vacuum gauge that can display the maximum, average and minimum vacuum levels.
The recorder or gauge is connected into the receiver. Measurements are made before, during and after a milking unit is

opened and closed to simulate cluster falloff as shown in the four vacuum records in the figure below. In systems with
more than 32 units, two units are opened and closed to simulate the likelihood for higher air demand in larger systems.
When making these measurements, ensure that the vacuum recorder is set to a sampling period of 10 to 20 seconds for
each segment.

Measuring vacuum drop, undershoot and overshoot during unit fall-off test.

Receiver Operating Vacuum (ROV) = Average of A

Vacuum drop (VD) = ROV minus Average of C
Under-shoot = VD – Minimum of B
Over-shoot = Maximum of D minus ROV

Appendix C: Accurate Airflow Measurement

The airflow meter (AFM) should be placed at or near the receiver for pipeline systems or on the vacuum supply for weigh jar
systems for accurate measurement of airflow. Follow AFM manufacturer’s recommendations when making measurements. It
is important that the connection does not restrict airflow through the AFM. Use the largest possible test port or AFM
adapter size. These are some guidelines for minimum opening size:
< 3000 LPM (100 CFM) = 38 mm (1.5 inch) opening
3000 – 5000 LPM (100 - 175 CFM) = 51 mm (2.0 inch) opening
> 5000 LPM (175 CFM) = 75 mm (3.0 inch) opening

Appendix D: Corrections to Airflow Meter Readings

Most AFMs are calibrated to be accurate within +/- 5% at 15”Hg (50 kPa). At lower vacuum levels, the mass flow rate of
air through each metering hole is reduced. For example, the mass flow rate at 34 kPa (10”Hg) is about 10% lower than
at 50 kPa (15”Hg). Manufacturers can, or should, provide calibration charts for their AFMs.

Generally, the correction factors are small and can be ignored for measurements made between 44 kPa and 50 kPa
(13” and 15”Hg). At lower vacuum levels, and/or at high airflow rates, it is good practice to make the necessary corrections.
As a practical guideline, correction should be made to meter readings if the error is likely to exceed +/- 60 LPM (2 CFM)
at airflows up to about 1500 LPM (50 CFM), or +/- 5% at higher airflows.

Appendix E: Deactivating Regulators

Regulators need to be completely deactivated for an accurate measurement of the manual reserve.

Servo-regulators such as the DeLaval VRS/VRM, Bou-Matic Bou-Vac, or WestfaliaSurge Commander and Vacurex can be
deactivated by disconnecting the vacuum sensing tube and taping or plugging the vacuum connection to the airline.

Sentinel regulators can be deactivated by removing the small filter on top of the dome and taping the small air vent closed
underneath this filter. If the regulator cannot be disabled, it must be removed and the opening plugged to measure the
amount of air admitted to operate the regulator.

The designed air usage for most types of regulators is about 30 – 50 LPM (1-2 CFM). However, the air admitted by the
“air lubricated” regulators such as the Sentinel 100, 350, and 500 models is typically 200 – 700 LPM (7-25 CFM). The
air admitted by regulators should be taken into account when determining the vacuum pump sizes required for the
desired level of Effective Reserve.
Figure 1 Figure 2









Figure 4 4A 4B










Figure 6








The undersigned each acknowledge that the above described milking system was
analyzed on the day of and each agrees that the results are, to the best of their
knowledge, correctly described above.

Dairy Producer/Owner Dealer/Technician

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