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25th March 2020 (Chaitra, Shukla, Ekam)

Wish you a very Happy Navratri.

May Goddess Durga give you strength and prosperity.

Today is GUDIPADVA. Celebrated in Maharashtra and Konkan, it marks the New Year for Hindus.

Starting today, take a pledge to get out from your comfort zone. Take a leap forward to
learning zone and eventually growth zone.

01. Change your perspective: View the forced home stay as an opportunity rather
than a challenge. Get into the right frame of mind and make the best use of this

02. Make a list of things you have been wanting to do. This can include:
i) Reading a book
ii) Taking an online course
iii) Learning about Six Sigma, 5S, Seven Muda
iv) Doing root cause analysis for the customer complaints
v) Listening to TED talk
vi) Pondering your Morning Mantra and expressing your views on it.

The worst thing you can do to yourself right now is to sit and do absolutely nothing.
This will be very detrimental to mental health especially at a time like this.

Quiz I:
Make a list of three things you have been wanting to do but have not done so far.
Email your responses latest by tomorrow (26th March 2020)


Many of us read books. Do you know what is one word for those who love books? Find
Which book are your reading currently? Can you share one thing that you like about
this book?


Select any five numbers from 1 to 20. Email them to If your
numbers match with the ones which are kept in our envelope, he/she will be declared as
winner and will get a prize.

At the end of today, reflect and introspect.
Did you make the most of today? Did you learn something new? Did you get better?

This is an initiative of RR Global

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