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U 1. 1. Reprezentarea grafică a rezolvărilor nu este posibilă din motive tehnice.

U 1. 2. Exercitiul 1.

to leap (a sări) → to reap (a recolta, a culege)

lest (ca nu cumva să) →rest (odihnă)

loot (pradă, 2 variante) →root (rădăcină)

→route (rută, tură)

alive (în viaţă) →to arrive (a ajunge)

belly (burtă, 2 variante) →berry (bob, grăunţă)

→to bury (a ȋngropa,ȋnmormânta)

flagrant (flagrant) →fragrant (mireasmă, parfum)

to fly (a zbura) →to fry (a prăji)

to glow (a străluci) →to grow (a creşte)

light (uşor, 3 variante) →right (drept, adevăr)

→to write (a scrie)

→rite (rit, ritual)

to elect (a alege) →to erect (a ȋndrepta)

Exercitiul 2. “The river may have been winding down the valley for centuries for all I
know. You shall not go that way. You must have been told so by all those who have taken care
of you in the course of time. You are in your late twenties now, and you should know how
dangerous it is to go near the water. Do you have any idea that the toad whose crown you found
the other day and who has been wooing you for years has lived there all her life?”

Pentru exerciţiile 3. şi 4. reprezentarea grafică a rezolvărilor nu este posibilă din motive tehnice.

U 1. 3.

Exerciţiul 1.

1. He’s a pupil at the school near my house.

2 He was elected a Mayor by a big majority.

3. He has became a lawyer.

4. The dinner I had last night was very good.

5. I had the dinner at seven o’clock last night.

6. I had a very good dinner last night.

7. That was a good advice, thank you!

8. In Britain, the full-time education begins at the age of five.

9. What you need is a common sense.

10. We can’t afford to lose the money.

11. Have you got a headache?

12. Bob is trying to learn the trumpet.

13. As a result of the heavy rain, there were floods in some parts of the country.

14. Why don’t we go to Wales for a change?

Exerciţiul 2.

1. The/a child ran across the/a street.

2. It is pleasant to read a book in the afternoon.

3. There is a garden behind the house.

4. I have a pen and a pencil.

5. The postman has just put a/the letter under the door.

6. The tea is very hot, I must put some milk in it.

7. Give me a/the knife and a/the small spoon.

8. The/a cat loves the/some milk.

9. Mary wants the/a doll with blue eyes.

10. You must give me some food and a cup of coffee.

11. There are some beautiful flowers in the park.

12. The student at the back of the class is reading a newspaper.

13.It is pleasant to play a game of tennis on a summer afternoon.

14. The honesty is the best of all virtues.

15. He always smokes a cigarette with a cup of coffee.

16. Take the umbrella with you to the office, it may rain.

17. Do you prefer the book of poetry or the/some stories of adventures?

18. The clouds over the sea are lovely today.

19. Let’s get some strawberries for tea.

Exerciţiul 3.

1. The/a goat had a lot of milk during the summer.

2. I had a blue handkerchief but I’ve lost it in a/the bus station.

3. The/some girls were eating some honey and bread in the garden.

4. There are many things to do at home.

5. To steal a bag with money was the most important thing a thief can do.

6. A/the telephone was ringing at the other side of the office.

7. The photos on the desk remind me about some of our happy days.

8. I can’t bring you a/the byke because I have no one.

9. The/an airplane is ready to take off the airport.

10. The sky is blue and the/some birds are singing in the trees.

11. Your socks are wet and bad smelling.

12. I need a new pair of trousers instead of the older ones.

13. “The Wall Street Journal” is the newspaper I need.

14. Piggy is going to school by bus.

15. The coco-nuts use to grow in the coco-tree.

16. His ball is as red as a tomato.

17. There are some monkeys in the trees, some in the bushes.

18. Honey is more sweet, more tasteful and more healthy than sugar.

19. The pull-over is made of some pure wool.

U 2. 1.

Exercitiul 1.

 Rings made of silver= silver rings

 Bracelet made of gold= gold bracelet

 Stockings made of silk= silk stockings
 Linen for the bed= bed linen
 Cloth spun at home= home spun cloth
 Store with many departments= departments store
 Wares for household= household wares
 Man who makes sales= sales-man
 Shoes made of patent leather= patent leather shoes
 A brush for the hair= hair brush
 This cake is made of chocolate= chocolate cake
Exercitiul 2.

 Checking accounts; mortgage loans; kindergartens; postmen; leaflets; brothers-in-law;

nightingales; school-buses; headquarters; staff-rooms; check in counters; cell-phones;
blond-haired women; safety matches; midnights; credit cards, dark ladies; life insurances;
value added taxes; ten flat buildings; gross domestic products; office-workers; passers-
by; meatballs; turns off.
Exercitiul 3.

-The Leader of the Opposition recalled the crisis of the past year.

- The ships were unloading their cargoes on the wharves.

- Many people think that parents-in-law are potentially a nuisance.
- Poisonous gases were being discharged from the exhausted pipes of the bus.
- Some mice can sometimes take the cheese without being caught in the mousetraps.
- They wish to place certain memorandums before the committees.
- He agreed that these were strange phenomena.
- The thieves broke into the shop without attracting the attention of passers-by.
- Pianos will be played by John Smith.
- The accused men had carefully prepared what appeared to be good alibies.
Exercitiul 4.

Un roi de stele. O serie de evenimente. Un muşuroi de furnici. Un pâlc de copaci. O căpiţă de

fân. O mulţime de oameni. O haită de câini/lupi. O turmă de vite. O turmă de oi. Un banc de
peşti. Un stol de păsări. Un şir de dinţi. O bucată de săpun. O ştire/veste. Un set de porţelan. O
bucată de zahăr. Un pachet de cărţi de joc. Un mănunchi de chei. Un baton de ciocolată. Un
geam de sticlă. O bucată de pâine. O felie de brânză. Un roi de albine. O flotă de nave. Un ghem
de sfoară. O cutie de chibrituri. Un buchet de flori. Un snop/legătură de vreascuri. Un nor de
fum. O porţie de medicamente. Un sul de hârtie igienică. O piesă de mobilier. Un smoc de păr.
Un smoc de iarbă. Un roi de ţânţari. O bandă de spărgători. O turmă de porci.

Exercitiul 5.

- His pair of trousers is on the bed and it’s very dirty.

- Where is the tongs and why you didn’t bring it?

- Bring me three scissors and put them there.
- His pieces of information were interesting.
- I asked him if my money is good.
- I have three advices for you.
- The crew is working since four o’clock.
- How many members your team consists of?
- How many fish have you?
- I have three carps, a trout, two deer and a sheep with lice.
- His family lives here for twenty years.
- He asked me where is my bags.
- He asked me when I had sold my oxen.
- The water of the Thames was very dirty after that storm.
- The clergy is not always dressed in black.
- His sun-glasses was French-made and he bore it at the sea-side only.

U 2. 2.

Exercitiul 1.

Cow-ox, bull; lady-driver – (man-) driver; female penguin – male penguin; waitress -waiter;
female termitine – male termitine; she-swine – he-swine; niece - nephew; hen - cock; actress -
actor; she-mosquito – he mosquito; she-donkey – he-donkey; cousin-girl – cousin (-boy,-man);
deer - roebuck; lady-miner – (man-) miner; bee - drone; pea-hen – pea-cock; smith-lady – smith
(-man); she-dolphin – he-dolphin; lady inspector – (man-) inspector; she-ant – he-ant; female-
whale – male whale; policewoman - policeman; she-spider – he-spider; plumber-woman –
plumber (-man); female-elephant – male-elephant; directress - director.

Exercitiul 2.

- The student-girl made up her eyes in a hurry.

- The dog was quite, but the she-dog looked like being mad.
- The lioness looked towards her puppies with love.
- By mistake, the engineer woman blew the plant up.
- Women are good actresses: they know how and when to cry.
- The ram was shouting after his sheep.
- The young locksmith-girl is neither beautiful, nor hard-worker.
- Instead of a nun, we were welcomed by a monk.
- The nurse was, actually, a man.
- The baby-sitter’s name was John.
- My lady-neighbour is speaking till you get a head-ache.
- The male-whale is kind like a lamb.
- The she-camel is feeding her colts under a palm-tree.
- For the new washing-machine the firm has sent a lady-plumber.
- The godmother was wooping loudliest, and the godfather was responsible with
the money.
Exercitiul 3.

- He is my friend’s son.
- The colour of his pencil is red.
- Those children’s books are on their desks.
- The windows of the classroom are shut.
- That girl’s name is Ann.
- There are many pictures on the walls of this room.
- She is the man over there’s daughter.
- My friend’s name is Tom.
- The colour of my pen is black.
- Those children’s toys are very nice.
- Those typists’ typewriters are on their desks.
- The rooms of our flat are large and bright.
- The door of that room is open.
- Those ladies’ dresses are very smart.
Exercitiul 4.

- We can hear a slow music at the end of the night.

- The sound of bullets in the film waked us up.
- The hat of that lady/ That lady’s hat looked like an umbrella.
- The label of the bottle was really green.
- The smell of the garbage made you to feel sick.
- The English sayings don’t speak about the goat of the neighbour/the neighbour’s
- The pockets of her blue-jeans were of a romantic pink.
- She gave to the driver a big sum of money as a reward.
- The secret of bank card is the PIN code.
- The noise of the tires on the wet drive-way seemed to be extremely unfriendly.
- The crashes of planes are not funny things.
- The bathrooms of modern apartments are very narrow.
U 2. 3.

Exerciţiul 1.

Small – smaller – the smallest, wide – wider – the widest, young – younger – the youngest,
bright – brighter – the brightest, amazing – more amazing – the most amazing, large –larger – the
largest, dark –darker – the darkest, happy –happier – the happiest, fat – fatter – the fattest,
difficult – more difficult – the most difficult, new –newer – the newest, strong –stronger – the
strongest , merry – merrier – the merriest, low – lower – the lowest, high – higher – the highest,
opposite – more opposite – the most opposite, weak – weaker – the weakest, tall – taller – the
tallest, thin –thinner – the thinnest, sad –sadder – the saddest.

Exerciţiul 2.

- My computer works as fast as Alex’s.

- These are the finest cigarettes in the world.

- The Himalaya Mountains are the highest in the world.

- This marble floor is as slippery as the ice.

- Can you prove that you are not as stupid as him?

- That girl had the deepest and blackest eyes in the world.

- Bob had the luck to fall down from the longest bridge of America.

U 2. 4.

Exerciţiul 1.

- Will Williams is the best poker-player in town.

- Bryan is the oldest dog of our family.

- Mariah lives nearer than Betty and I love her for that.

- The worst thing that could come is to fail the exam at English.

- My next wife must be blonde, chubby and lazy.

Exerciţiul 2.

- The nearest filling station is 2 miles away.

- Tom believes that the gold is older than the prostitution.

- Who has much money, wishes more money.

- Doreen was the oldest woman in my life.

- Worse than that it’s not possible!

- I think it is better to stay at home and to watch the match on the TV.
- The graveyard fence is next to my house.

- My oldest friend left for America.

- Moni has a better heart than Jordy.

- I felt the worst when I was blocked into elevator with the director’s secretary.

- It would be better to eat an ice-cream than to drink a beer when you are driving the car.

- If two people say that you are drunk, it is better to go to bed.

- The next door flat girl is listening hip-hop music day and night.

- I am waiting her call till 7 PM the latest.

- Peter likes most mustached women dressed in pink.

U 3. 1.

Exerciţiul 1.

- Every sunny Sunday I meet my friends in the park to make sport: we are playing chess.

- Have you ever seen a hungry shark eating a long-legged blonde woman?

- Jenny has terribly frightened when she saw a mouse and she is still shocked.

- I have nightmares since I met Bobby’s wife.

- I have never admired so many caterpillars as in the fashion collection of Francois Dupree.

- Last night somebody has stolen my shoes on the piano.

- Jeff’s cell phone sounds like an abandoned trumpet.

U 3. 2.

Exerciţiul 1.

- Martin had skied on the roof of the house yesterday.

- Brad Smith was buying a fire-tree in the market.

- I had been trapped into elevator for six hours.

- Tom passed all the exams with the last grade.

- Didn’t Yusuf met many camels when he was in the desert?

- When Dan came at home I was putting fire to computer.

- Did it happen long time ago?

- Michael was throwing his cigarettes when he wanted to quit the smoking, but an hour later he
bought others.

- Had you painted your nails in black when left for faculty?

- No, I had caught them at the door.

U 3. 3.

Exerciţiul 1.

- Sarah Spark is going to call the ambulance for her sick mouse.

- We shall be old, mainly I, and ugly, mainly you.

- They will have been stealing many things in Italy when the police catch them.

- That bird will be flying all the spring in the forest.

- Jack will have told you something strange about Michele.

- The bride will bear a wonderful wedding dress rent from the second-hand store.

- Mary is going to spend all the money for vodka.

- The phone will ring all the day, but the secretary died since yesterday.

- Will the meat have been boiling when I arrive at home?

- When the prosecutor comes, the body will have been cool into the suit-case.

U 4. 1.

Exerciţiul 1.

- Tom Thomson is able to drive the school-bus.

- Tom Thomson ought to drive the school-bus.

- Tom Thomson should drive the school-bus.

- Tom Thomson dares to drive the school-bus.

- Tom Thomson would drive the school-bus.

Exerciţiul 2.

- Today we could eat ice-cream only.

- Jim had to clean his shoes yesterday morning.

- The terrific crime couldn’t be done in the absence of the victim.

- You must not break walls in the middle of the night.

- Taking into account the age, you ought to die the first.

- Wherever he had to travel with business, Ali bought a new wife.

- Lucy says that she could drive a car, but it’s a luck she has no one.

- Emma couldn’t dance with Jim because his feet are stinking.

- They dare not walk the law too hard.

- I could wake up early in the morning and to wash myself into the Dâmboviţa River.

U 4. 2.

Exerciţiul 1.

- A beautiful horse had been told stories by him.

- The window has been pushed by Bill instead of the door and fell down from the 45th floor.

- Jim will be arrested by policemen for violence in the street, but he was at home that night.

- A yellow ribbon will have been put on herself by Ginger only, when Robert is going to come.

- My house was changed by Raquel into a stable.

- James’ new wife was put to route by my dogs.

- The roof of your house was put on fire by Rachel, to make you a surprise.

Exerciţiul 2.

- A great mistake was made by Jack when he got married.

- The new cooking book is kept by Peter into the book-shelf.

- A “mall” was visited by Ann for 48 hours.

- All the bottle of gin was drunk by Peggy and she slept on the mat.

- The director was hit by Mike with the door and his nose was broken.

- A big ghost, with many bones is sworn by Janet to saw.

- All the cats’ food will be eaten by Jessica, as usually.

U 4. 3.

Exerciţiul 1.

- Go straight 123 m and after turn to the right.

- Who are they afraid of?

- We shall go in the mountains for a week.

- Where are you coming from and where are you going to?

- Abby’s wife used to beg down the corner of the street.

- What bank are you working with?

- You can use a wheelbarrow by land only.

- What are you looking to?

- Jim Moan has this plan for years.

- There were some black clouds in the sky and -35 Celsius degrees in the air, but Alenka was
laid on the sand of the beach.

- A policeman stopped the scandal in the street peacefully, with a club.

- They left for Afghanistan in secret, to play football.

- Do you know to arrive at the firm headquarter?

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