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What should I do now?

Classes are canceled, exams are being re-scheduled, universities are

staying shut, meetings are being postponed indefinitely, now what
should I do? As the COVID-19 epidemic sweeps the world, many
people are of course dealing with greater concerns. But for those free
of illness, and stuck at home, what do you do with your time?

If you’re struggling with social isolation at home, here are some ideas
for you:

 1. Take care of yourself

 As a first step, don’t neglect your physical and mental health. Do
jumping jacks in your living room. Practice yoga. Whatever it is that
works for you, do what it takes to care for your body and mind.

2. Learn a new skill

 If you’re stuck at home, you could beef up your skills. You could also
read a book about a new topic. You can also take online courses that
provide a certificate upon completion too. Here is a list of few sites
which provide best online courses:
 You can enroll in selected courses and receive certificates for free in
the case of Coursera. You can also apply for financial aid to Coursera
for micro-masters and short courses. In the case of edx, you can take
courses for free but must pay to obtain certificates. In the case of
FAO’s e-learning platform you can take courses for free, but you must
pass the online exam to receive certificates. You can discover a range
of free learning content in Google garage. You can learn by selecting
individual modules, or dive right in and take an entire course end-to-
end and get certificates in a few courses.

3. Do fun stuff

 Close your eyes and think back to the time before you go to school.
What was giving you joy? Is there an old hobby you’ll devour again?
Can you reallocate that time to doing something that will bring you
joy—or, at the very least, alleviate some stress? You can play indoor
games with your family.

 It’s an incredibly chaotic time for most of us. Take care of yourself and
your family and remember to wash your hands.

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