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5 Tips on Staying Productive During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is drastically changing the lives of people, including the
lives of young people. Schools and universities have closed, exams and events postponed, the
usual health information services are limited, socializing with friends and wider family is highly
discouraged and in some places even punishable. Living in these circumstances can be tough for
young people for their social, physical and mental wellbeing. This new COVID-19 Youth Guide
is a collection of information, links, and resources that can support young people to navigate
their lives in these challenging times as well as inspire them to become leaders in dealing with
the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic.

So, How to Stay Productive during pandemic?

1. Create a Work Zone

While it may be tempting, avoid working from the comfort of your bed. Although many students
may be spending more time at home, it’s important to recreate a distraction-free work
environment that mirrors your school set up. Designate a specific space in your home as your
“work zone” and go the extra mile to make it conducive to studying. Eliminate as much
background noise as possible and make sure all of your study materials and school supplies are
easily within reach. By carving out a physical space that encourages productivity, students will
be able to shift gears from relaxation to focused work, even without leaving their bedroom.

2. Stick to a Schedule

Creating an outline for the day can help keep students accountable and ensure they are making
the most of their time. Build out your own schedule, including several hour-long blocks for
focused work as well as time for breaks and recreational activities. Once you’ve set an agenda
for the day, stick to this plan as much as possible. Aim to start working at the same time each day
to establish a consistent routine.

3. Think Big

Don’t lose sight of your long-term goals and aspirations. Particularly during the pandemic, some
students may feel discouraged or worry that their original plans are suddenly out of reach. While
some activities and opportunities will be modified temporarily, students should focus on making
the most of every experience. To keep your spirits high, look ahead 5 or 10 years into the future.
Envision the kind of career you wish to have and the goals you hope to accomplish. Jot down 3-5
different aspirations you have for your future self and reflect on what steps you will need to take
to make these goals a reality. Whenever you begin to feel discouraged or distracted, refer back to
these objectives to maintain your motivation and weave positivity into your workday.

4. Evaluate Your Progress

It’s important for every student to stay on top of their work and address any challenges that may
arise. Set aside time each week to reflect on your study progress and work habits. Review any
days that felt less productive and try to identify any distractions that may have hindered your
efficiency. Even the most dedicated students will hit roadblocks from time to time; what matters
most is your ability to identify these challenges and create new solutions.

5. Reward Your Hard Work

All students should have the opportunity to celebrate their achievements. Create a few
benchmark goals to work towards as well as rewards to accompany their completion. Whether
it’s a new independent reading book or an at-home spa night, add a few fun incentives to keep
motivation levels high.

While some students may find it particularly challenging to focus this school year, it’s important
to build productivity-boosting habits that you can utilize throughout the rest of your academic
and professional career. If you are looking for personalized guidance on sticking to a study and
college application plan, our team of experts can help you reach your goals.

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