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OVERCOMING ADVERSITY: Managing Teachers' Work-life Balance and


By: Mr. Edilberto Cruz

It highlighted that burnout is one of, if not the, strongest predicator of teachers'
intentions to leave the profession.

Burnout in teachers is comprised of three symptoms:

1. You feel emotionally exhausted

2. Depersonalisation (detachment like one is on "autopilot", person's sense
of individuality or selfhood has been hindered or suppressed
3. Reduced accomplishment

"Significantly we found that teachers who experience burnout are likely to

intend to leave the profession and more likely to do so than at any time in the
past 35 years."

What were the biggest challenges you faced this past school year?

1. Students behind where they should be 63%

2. Handling stress 48%
3. Assessment and evaluations 30%
4. Differentiating instruction 30 %
5. Helping Students with special needs 27%
6. Health and safety related to COVID 25%
7. Managing an inclusive classroom 14%

"It was apparent that because of the pandemic, not only are children behind in
their academic skills, but also in their behavior skills."


1. Too much paperwork - death by paperwork"

 possible solution

a. manage your paperwork as early as possible

b. consider asking your supervisor or a more experienced colleague for advice.

2. Bad time management - to make sure they manage the workload, it's helpful
for teachers to develop effective time management strategies.

3. Lack of Funding - foe example, through the inability to use financial

resources to invest in learning materials. (solution - creativity to develop
teaching plans that engage students. - also fundraising)

4. Difficult Students

5. Students' Family Problems - support students as they're going through

personal and family problems - relax and take care of yourself

6. Students Learning Preferences and Difficulties - some students learn

through reading and others prefer gaining knowledge by performing skills.

8. School Administration's Standards for Teachers - each school evaluates

teachers' performance differently, setting its own standards. Principals and
school administration may expect teachers to regularly engage in professional
training and improve their qualifications because it also helps the school score
better when government officials visit the facility and assess its effectiveness.

-To make sure you're ready to handle the school's requirements, you may
schedule a meeting with the administration representative to discuss what they
expect from you. Using communication this way is an effective way to start...

9. Educational Trends _ schools continuously adopt new teaching methods,

tools, standards and technologies. - seek help from your supervisor or school


Learning to overcome teaching challenges in one of various approaches you

might take to increase your chances of success in education.

1. Be a Role Model. - Always strive to treat your students fairly. - clearly

state your expectation - offer your help - set positive example and
position yourself as someone to whom they may look up to.
2. Prioritize Safety - when you're engaging students in activities, always
prioritize their safety.
3. Exercise Flexibility - a teacher's who's flexible easily adjusts to their
student's moods, abilities and levels of knowledge - if you find that a
learning strategy you've using has been unsuccessful, never hesitate to
4. 4. Set Clear Classroom Rules - even if becoming a fun teacher is your
goal, remember to set and stick to clear rules in your classroom. - Clearly
explain those expectations and be consistent in applying them.
CLINIC) 0 to reduce stress and cope with the inevitable stressors of everyday


1.1 AVOID - Create Distance. it is possible to escape some of the minor

stressors that tend to trouble people: take control of the stress that fills your
day by finding ways to ways to make the situation better. - create distance
between you and something that causes stress. If a co-worker continually
irritates you, create physical distance between the two of you.

1.2 AVOID - Traffic and Commuting - Gaining an understanding of traffic

patterns may help you avoid the stress off your commute. Learn when to leave
home or work early in order to avoid the stress entirely. Add in a good audio-
book or podcast and your commute could become one of the most anticipated
parts of the day.

1.3 AVOID -Catching Stress - if you find the worries of co-workers are
beginning to cloud your brain space, set boundaries for topics of conversation
that aren't 100% work-related or highlight the finer parts of your days.

1.4 AVOID - Taking on Too Much - It is easy to commit to extra leadership roles
within your department team, agree to take on extracurricular coaching
opportunities, or joining several staff committees. - Learn to say "NO".


2.1. Your Personal Dealings - Communicate clearly and let people know your
expectations. It can make a world of difference: Respectfully ask someone to
alter how they are treating you. Remember to use "I" statements when
addressing someone about how you feel. - State your limitations in advance.
For example, you can say, "I only have 5 minutes to talk."

2.2. Your Meeting and Planning Time - time is valuable, making wasted or
misused time a huge strain on your happiness and relationships with
colleagues. - In alignment with better managing your non-work hours, ensure
that your meetings and planning periods are productive by developing an
agenda and setting priorities for your time.

2.3. Your Work-Life Balance - observe a work-life balance. Schedule your time
thoughtfully so you can enjoy your non-work life outside of school. - Instead of
taking your work home, staying up late into the night, and working through
the weekend, extend your school day by showing up a little earlier and
2.4. Your Financial Situation - Manage your finances. The education industry
in unfortunately not offering sky-high salaries, but there are a few options to
invest in yourself to improve pay overtime, including earning a master's degree
or obtaining additional certifications. - budgeting and investing to reduce any
financial strain.


3.1 Certain Situations - Some situations are beyond our control. Accepting
them can ease much of stress when avoiding and altering doesn't work. - Talk
with someone about how you are feeling. Call a friend, get a coffee...

4. Adapt - Changing your standards and expectations or stressful situations

can help you cope with stress. - Don't strive for perfection. Instead make
reasonable substitutes throughout your daily life. Choose dinners that are
easier to prepare and still make your family happy. - Don't replaying stressful
situations over and over in your head. Choose to focus on the positive aspects
of your life. Change your perspective by asking yourself iff the stressor will
matter in five years.




10 tips:

1. Assess Your Stress Level - when stress overwhelms you, the first step is
to assess the problem, observe your body's reaction, and recognize your
feelings. Determine if the source of your stress derives from something as
work or external factors.
2. Schedule Time to Respond to Your Stress. - Take control of your
situation by scheduling time in your routine to problem-solve ways to
reduce your stress. Prioritizing this time and practicing problem-solving
techniques to manage your stress can help build your confidence.
3. Establish Realistic Goals - as an educator, your days are composed of to-
do-list. Sometimes these agendas create worry if a task is not
accomplished on time or if it is never completed. To gain control and
overcome these fears, establish realistic goals that you can accomplish
with a realistic deadline. Feel empowered to alter your list...
4. Focus on What You Can Control - Making a lists of what you can and
cannot control creates a sense of balance and brings peace. Engage a
stress-reduction strategies, like meditation and breathing. -be proactive
and think positively - Recognize your strengths as an instructor and as
an individual.
5. Contact your Colleagues for Advice - your colleagues may be
encountering similar work-related stresses and have advice on how to
manage the stress.
6. Participate in Stress-Relieving Activities - When work is overwhelming, it
is easy to forget about participating in stress-relieving activities. For
example, journaling is a simple way to track your accomplishments.
Recording your thoughts and reflecting on your past can be a safe haven.
Whenever you review your previous days. weeks or months, you can see
how far you have come and begin tp build your confidence and self-
7. Prioritize Your Health, Family Time, and Quality Sleep - How you spend
your time reflects what is important to you. Take care of yourself with
daily exercise and healthy eating habits. Spend time with your family or
friends to bring balance to your personal life. Finally, get quality sleep to
manage your stress levels. The idea of sleeping less and working more is
misleading, even under normal circumstances. Remember, everyone
should try to get minimum of eight hours of sleep per day to be
8. Relax - Mindfulness exercise and peaceful environments are essential in
schools; but unfortunately, they are not always available. If you enjoy
quiet tea time or lunch break, then incorporate it into your routine.
Moreover, learning relaxation techniques, such as yoga and Tai Chi,
allows your mental and physical elements to connect. Brain patterns are
usually affected by underlying anxieties...
9. Do Something Different - When your symptoms of stress arise, do
something different to immediately ease your anxiety. Go for a bike ride.
Play a game you enjoy. Watch an interesting documentary. Engaging in
something else could quickly relieve your stress level and give you
control over a situation.
10. Determine Your Response - Allowing the issues to stew over time
may result in long-term physical and emotional consequences, If you
decide to respond to your administrators or colleagues to resolve your
stress, then make a plan. Clearly communicate your problem, the steps
you tried to rectify it, and what you need from them to solve it.


What can we do?

1. Work out your goals - Spend some time thinking about your goals and
priorities - personal, professional and family. Consider the short,
medium and long term. Small goals can act as stepping stones towards
the bigger one...
2. Make a list - get a notepad, diary, calendar or even the notes app on your
phone. Use this to keep a daily or a weekly list.
3. Prioritize the important tasks - Task can be grouped into four categories

 urgent and important

 Not urgent but important
 Urgent but not important
 neither urgent not important

1. Break tasks down into manageable steps - we can put off tasks when
they seen daunting large. For example, "update the senior high school
syllabi" can feel like a big undertaking. But you can try breaking it down
into smaller steps. Tackle them one at a time and enjoy the feeling of
satisfaction when you tick each one off.
2. Recognize and reward your achievements - reward yourself for achieving
tasks by doing something not related to work. This could be anything
you enjoy: a yoga class, relaxing with a book and special meal with
3. Rest up ahead of intense periods of work - If you have a particular period
of intensity and busyness coming up, such as an accreditation, be sure
to get adequate rest before the intensity hits. That way you'll head into
this busy period with a solid foundations, and you'll be more likely to
approach it calmly and confidently.
4. Value your time - Work out the cost of your time per hour. Are there jobs
that keep being put off and moved from the list because they are time-
intensive chores and things you just don't want to do. Work out how long
it would take you to do those chores and how much that would cost in
your time. Compare that with how much it would cost to have someone
do the chore for you.

9 Types of Time Management Techniques: Achieving work life balance is

possible with effective time management.

1. Pareto Principle (a.k.a., the 80/20 rule) - created by the Italian economist
Vilfredo Pareto, this concept states that 20% of actions are responsible
for 80% of outcomes. For example, 80% of a company's sales comes from
20% of its clients. A person wears only 20% of his/her clothes 80% of
his/her time. 20% of our teachings delivers 80% of the information. 20%
of our lesson plans delivers 80% of the most important information.
2. The Pomodoro Technique - Created by consultant and time management
expert Francesco Cirillo, it is effective for boosting... Work on task until
the timer rings. If you suddenly realize you have something else you need
to do, write the task down on a sheet of paper.
3. Eisenhower Matrix - urgent important matrix - How it works - Organize
your task list into four separate quadrants.

a. do urgent and important tasks that need to be done in a right way

b. Delegate Urgent but not important tasks

c. Decide - these tasks are important but not urgent

d. Delete - Neither urgent nor important.

4. Parkinson's Law - "Work expands so as to fill the time available for its
completion." In other words, things become harder to complete when more time
is given to complete as the build-up to the task becomes stressful and
daunting. Here are some ways of applying it:

a. try working w/o a computer charger this will force you to finish a project
before your computer dies.

b. Get it done early. Instead of finishing an easy by midnight, try to get it done
by noon.

c. Set a deadline. Give yourself a set time to do something - and then cut it in

d. Limit time for tasks.

5. Time Blocking Method - Elon Musk. What's his secret? Time blocking. How it
works: From the time you wake up, assign each time block to allow...

6. Getting things done. - Helps you get things done by breaking down tasks
into actionable work items.

7. Rapid Planning Method - as a way to train your brain to focus on a vision of

what you want sp you can make it real.

8. Pickle Jar Theory - Helps you figure out what is useful and what is not
useful in your daily life. It allows you to plan tasks with time to spare and set
priorities for your day.

9. Eat that Frog Technique - Mark Twain Quote "Eat a live frog the thing in the
morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day." Start your
day by doing the most onerous tasks first and getting them out of the way.


management skills are vital to living a balanced life. Mastering time
management will set you up for a success in all areas of your life and will help
you avoid test anxiety when finals roll around.


Input III: Building Healthy Relationship and Developing Intra Personal Intelligent For
Better Team Collaboration

By: Dr. Aurelio O. Bermudez

Relationship - Connection between individuals or groups of people or entities

Why is relationship building important?

1. Human beings are naturally social creatures

2. Good working relationships give us several other benefits
3. Good relationships gives us freedom
4. Necessary if we hope to develop our careers
5. Need good working relationships with others in professional circle

Aspects in relationship building:

1. Trust - Be Transparent, Be Responsive, Use Caring, Be Sincere, Be Trustworthy

A. Reflective Trust: conscious awareness, understand and articulate

B. 7Impulsive Trust: unconscious form, more of a challenge

Other aspects in building relationships:

1. Mindfulness
2. Welcoming diversity
3. Open communication
4. Mutual respect

Maintaining Relationships at Work and Home

Symptoms of Work like imbalance:

1. No friends
2. Exhaustion
3. Workload increase
4. Absence
5. There are other effects of life work imbalance.

How to balance work-life relationships:

1. Set healthy boundaries that not damage your work and personal life
2. All work and discussions about work should take place in the designated zone
3. Know your roles
4. Prioritize your work and manage your time
5. Take time for yourself

How to build good relationships:

1. Develop your people skills

2. Schedule time to build relationships
3. Identify your relationship needs
4. Focus on your EI (Emotional Intelligence)
5. Appreciate others
6. Be positive
7. Manage your boundaries
8. Avoid gossiping
9. Listen actively

11 Steps program in building healthy relationships

1. Build Relationships one at a time - Fortunately or unfortunately, there are no short cuts.
Sending out a newsletter helps you keep in touch with lots of folks, but it's no subsitute
for getting to know a real person.
2. Be friendly and make a connection - This may seem self-evident, but a friendly word or
smile can make someone's day. Try to find something in common.
3. Ask people questions - People love to talk about themselves and about what they think. If
you ask people about themselves and then take the time to listen attentively, they can
become your fast friend.
4. Tell people about yourself - People won't trust you unless you are willing to trust them.
Tell them what you genuinely care about and what you think.
5. Go places and do thins - when asked why he robbed banks, the robber replied, 'because
that's where the money is." If you want to make friends, you have to go where the people
6. Accept people the way they are - you don't have to agree with them all the time in order
to form a relationship with them. No one likes to be judged.
7. Assume other people want to form relationships too - underneath the crabbiest looking
person is often a lonely soul hoping someone will make a crack in their shell.
8. Overcome your fear or rejection - Most of us suffer from a fear of rejection, and there's
only one thing to do about that: get over it. If you want to form relationships, plan on
being rejected some of the time.
9. Be persistent - people are often shy and suspicious. It takes a while to win trust.
10. Invite people to get involved - People want to become part of something bigger than
11. Enjoy people - if you genuinely enjoy people, others will be attracted to your attitude.
People will more likely to be around you.
What if the relationships get messy?

1. Take time to listen to each other - This is not always easy. Each person should take some
time to listen w/o interrupting, while the other person talks.
2. Put yourself in others shoes
3. Look at what is true about what the other person is saying - see if you can correct the
situation. If you need to apologize, go ahead. It may feel horrible, but an apology can
often help a relationship get back on the track.
4. Separate emotions from reality - everyone has emotions that surface intermittently.
People often say things they don't mean when they are in the middle of an emotional
upset. Allow time and space for people to feel their emotions before you try to work
things out.
5. Continue to appreciate and respect each other - even though it may be difficult, focus on
the positive aspects of the relationship. If you model appreciation, the other person will
often follow.
6. Speak from your heart - as you try to unravel the difficulty, keep focused on what you
and the other person care about the most: the goals of the project, each other, the
community, etc.
7. Don't give up your principles - don't sacrifice what you believe in just to make a
relationship work.
8. Hang in there when things get hard - You can take some breathing room, but try not to
give up on the relationship altogether. When things are toughest, there are important
lessons to be learned.
9. You can act independently to improve any relationship - even if the other person or group
of people is acting rotten, you can act in a way that is positive, respectful, constructive,,
and thoughtful. This may surprise people, and they may follow your lead.

Keep it Healthy and Alive!

What is Intrapersonal Intelligence?

Intrapersonal intelligence - is the intelligence of the self

 allows people to effectively manage their lives. they can set goals and achieve them . they
can regulate their emotions, deal with stress and solve problems.
 is a valuable asset in any situation where self-awareness and self-control are important. It
can help manage stress, solve personal problems and make decisions.

Few things to do to develop intrapersonal intelligence:

A. Spend time alone - great way to develop intrapersonal intelligence. when we're by ourselves,
we're more likely to engage in introspection and reflection.

B. Keep a journal - one of the best way to develop intrapersonal intelligence is to keep a journal.
writing about your thoughts and feelings regularly can help you to better understand yourself and
your motivations. - can help us to become more aware of our thoughts and emotions.
C. Seek out new experiences - one of the best way to learn about oneself is to seek out new
experiences. By trying new things, we can expand our horizons and get a better sense of who we
are and what we want in life. We can also learn more about how we react to different situations. -
exploring new experiences is an excellent way to develop intrapersonal intelligence. (experience
is the best teacher)

1. Seeking new experiences sparks creativity - Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple once
said, "Creativity is just connecting things."
2. New experience can relieve stress - one of the best way to combat stress is to keep your
mind, body, and heart busy with an activity or experience that you enjoy.
3. Take up gardening - connect with nature (gardening reduces cortisol levels, a chemical
our body produces in response to stress)
4. Exercise indoors or outside - studies shows that exercise is very effective at reducing
fatigue, improving alertness and concentration, and enhancing overall cognitive function.
5. Manage Stress through positive self-talk
6. Get more sleep
7. Practice mindfulness - pay more attention to the present moment

Mindfulness of teachers:

1. Mindfulness helps us to understand our own emotions better

2. Mindfulness helps us communicate more effectively with students
3. Mindfulness helps us set up a positive learning environment
4. Mindfulness helps us strengthen our relationship with our students
5. Mindfulness helps us us when we need to
6. Mindfulness helps us build community

Link for tomorrow:

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