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Submitted to: Dr. Tallataf Sab

Submitted by: Shahab Ud Din
Topic: Field Equipment
R/No: Sp18-Ers-005
Date: October 2, 2020
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Following is a list of all equipment that is likely to be needed in the field:

1. Geologists Hammer
2. Hand lens
3. Brunton compass or clinometer
4. Adhesive tape
5. Aerial photographs
6. Altimeter
7. Binoculars
8. Calculator
9. Camera, tripod, film, etc
10. Chemicals for staining rocks
11. Chisel
12. Color pencils
13. Pencil
14. Erasers
15. Field case for maps and photographs
16. Safety goggles
17. First aid kit
18. Gloves
19. Grain-size card
20. Dilute Hydrochloric Acid
21. Magnet
22. Maps, topographic, geologic
23. Mineral hardness set
24. Field notebooks
25. Rough pages
26. Pens, Permanent Ink Pens
27. Pocket knife
28. Protractors
29. Rain gears
30. Camera
31. Sample bags
32. Scale
33. Tape, 30-ft
34. Triangles, drawing
35. Satellite phone
36. Watch
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37. Boots
38. Hat
39. Back pack

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