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Now that I not suffer from osteoporosis I can

.reminisce at it as just a horrible – but distant – memory

.These days I run no risk of fractures or breaks within the way I did then. Thank goodness
.But at the time it had been no joke
I’d fractured my ankle stepping off a kerb. I hadn’t slipped or stumbled. I just put my foot
.down normally and therefore the ankle gave way
My health practitioner was worried that such an easy act should end in a fracture so she sent
.me for a bone density test
.My t-score came back as -2.9
Which meant not only were my bones becoming more fragile… they were wholly within the
.osteoporosis range
That was a heck of a shock. I mean, I ate alright – including many milk, cheeses and greens
which are the absolute best sources of calcium. I didn’t smoke, I always felt okay – I
?considered myself to be a healthy person. So how on earth did I find yourself like this
.Naturally, I wanted to quickly be obviate this condition. But more surprises followed
.’The first surprise was checking out that there’s no such thing as an osteoporosis ‘specialist
.There’s no particular health care provider you attend once you find you've got the condition
And so one reason that osteoporosis care isn’t exactly great is because nobody within the
.profession actually ‘owns’ the condition
Depending on your own GP’s judgement you'll be treated by an endocrinologist, a
gynecologist, a rheumatologist, an orthopaedist, a geriatrician or a physiatrist. Plus, possibly,
Second surprise was that there are drug treatments for osteoporosis – as we'd expect – but
.they’re long-term, unreliable and riddled with side-effects
.I don’t mind admitting, i used to be very upset once I acknowledged I had osteoporosis
The possibility of further fractures or breaks scared me, to be honest. And I’m not ashamed
.to mention that, albeit I had supportive family and friends, I felt very alone with the disease
I joined some support groups so I might be with people like me. But a number of the news
.coming from them was very discouraging

The surprises kept on coming

It was as i started my first course of meds that I acknowledged disturbing news about a
.number of the better-known osteoporosis drugs
Namely, if you ever come off these drugs then the speed of bone deterioration actively
Consumer Watchdog groups discovered that when you were off the drugs bone deterioration
picked up so severely that you simply could experience a broken bone with none physical
.trauma having caused it
This married up with stories I heard of individuals fracturing vertebrae because they
I hadn’t quite believed those stories… but they were being confirmed by consumer groups
.and other anecdotal evidence. I slowly realized this might be my future too

?Planning to be disabled
Knowing that osteoporosis would take an ever-increasing toll on my body was tons in touch .
The thought of ending up during a wheelchair because my pelvis or ankles had fractured
.once too repeatedly scared the daylights out of me
In fact, it had been a joke amongst some sufferers I knew that they were preparing to select
.out canes and walkers for his or her future selves
I didn’t find this funny in the least – yet they were only half-joking. numerous people with
osteoporosis went from able-bodied, mobile and healthy… to broken and wheelchair-bound
.very quickly

Not the longer term I wanted

I have to mention , the thought of my future self shuffling along side walking aids frightened
.the life out of me
The knowledge that because the months passed my ever-weakening bones were making it
.more likely that i might again fracture an ankle or a hip or a vertebrae made me miserable
I searched the web for a few kind of method that might help relieve me of this dreadful
illness. I checked out acupuncture and reiki and every one kinds of stuff i might never during
.a million years have considered before
.I found nothing that offered even a glimmer of hope
And then, one day, standing in line at Walgreens of all places, I got lecture a person who
.changed my life
I was buying painkillers. He was buying hand soap. We were just chatting and, it seems , he
too had once suffered all the standard symptoms of osteoporosis. He’d had a terrible time of
.it too
.But he didn’t suffer one symptom anymore
He told me that at just one occasion his vertebrae were so badly affected that he’d lost half
. an in. tall
Over several years he’d skilled a cocktail of various remedies and pain-killers… and he
.enjoyed partial success with only one of them
Even so, his t-score – which measures bone density – was steadily worsening. More slowly,
.but still worsening
He’d patiently tried all the quality treatments and meds because he wanted to treat his
. osteoporosis properly. They hadn’t figured out
.But, within the end, something else had figured out for him. Spectacularly well
He’d been introduced to a natural health practitioner who already had fantastic success
.treating ‘untreatable’ conditions
Her name is Shelly Manning. Her expertise is in uncovering the core, underlying causes of
.an illness – the particular reason why we've an illness within the first place
In particular, she looks at the life-style factors that make that specific illness almost
inevitable. It’s always something we do this is that the initial, prime mover of the many health
.Keep in mind that osteoporosis doesn’t just happen. Something causes it
And it wasn’t pharmaceutical drugs that caused it. So it’s not pharmaceutical drugs that’s
.getting to undo it
.It’s lifestyle habits that get us ill. Simple as that
Shelly’s success is find out exactly which lifestyle habits have led to our illness – then
.creating a neat, easy to follow program that treats those root causes
.She’s the other of the many drugs-led treatments whose primary aim is to treat symptoms
.They plan to somehow tackle the disease at the surface – in order that it doesn’t feel so bad
But drug remedies for osteoporosis are bound to be toxic – and have a near 100% chance of
.manufacturing unpleasant – or unbearable – side-effects
.They even have a terrible track-record for actually resolving osteoporosis symptoms
Whereas Shelly Manning has created ‘The Bone Density Solution’ – a phenomenally
successful program that directly tackles all causes of osteoporosis – without requiring
.medications, treatments or medical bills
You didn’t fall ill by shooting up , and you won’t recover by taking them either. Shelly
.restores health by undoing the very behaviors that destroyed it within the first place
.Which is sensible , once you believe it
Over thousand success cases

Shelly has generated over thousand delighted customers – people like me who genuinely
.thought we’d end our lives in wheelchairs
It now doesn’t matter why your bones are steadily becoming weaker and more brittle – ‘The
.Bone Density Solution’ hits every possible cause
. And when the causes are gone… so are the consequences
The changes Shelly advises us to form are powerful – just the proper changes in only the
.proper ways – but they’re simple
Follow the instructions, be a touch patient… and, bit by bit, your bones can’t help but regain
.their full density and strength
I ordered ‘The Bone Density Solution’ the instant I got home – and began working on it that
.I not suffer osteoporosis symptoms any longer . and that i never expect to ever again

?Why does the program actually work

.’To restate the obvious: osteoporosis doesn’t ‘just happen

There are specific reasons for it. Doctors addressed the causes that they understood – but
.the causes they didn’t understand carried on uninterrupted
Until they knew what they were missing, they were never getting to be completely

How it works

Let me tell you ways her approach did on behalf of me what years of doctor’s treatments did
.not do

.I was conversant in both. My physician had suggested I join a gym and lift some weights
.Good advice? I don’t know – I certainly didn’t go anywhere near a gym
But Shelly shows simple ways of incorporating some effective osteoporosis movement into a
busy schedule – movement that toughens up bone whenever you are doing them.
.Movement that even I could do
.My physician also told me to eat less bad food and, especially , consume more calcium
. I did both. And it made no difference in the least
Although once I’d put Shelly’s program into action I finally understood why ‘eat more calcium’
.was, on its own, silly advice

Osteoporosis: the missing link

Some of the exercise advice given by medical professions is difficult to implement. i do know
.that – I never managed to follow any of it
Quite a little bit of the nutritional advice they provide is wide of the mark and, again, it’s
.vague, too general and hard to place into practice
In the rush to offer us drugs doctors lose sight of – or don’t even realize – the far more basic
.explanation for what's weakening our bones
.Because there’s a selected reason why we fail to shake off osteoporosis
.It’s because we aren’t tackling what fuels the disease within the first place

And what fuels the disease are these: too many of the foods that cause bone loss not
enough of the the foods that promote bone formation the incorrect balance of foods needed
for a healthy gut

The physical body is complex and therefore the route to keeping it healthy – and avoiding
disease – is complex. Yet in practical terms it all comes right down to eating more of the
.proper foods and fewer of the incorrect ones
Shelly gives us a comprehensive list of every . and a few very straightforward meal plans to
make sure we get as many of the great ones into our diet as possible. It’s really not difficult
. in the least
And while this guidance alone is best than anything I ever got from the other health
.professional… it’s the gut health advice that i think made all the difference

Inflammation and osteoporosis

The World Health Organisation states that chronic inflammatory diseases are the foremost
.significant explanation for disease and death within the world
In recent decades the amount of inflammation-related diseases has rocketed worldwide to
.the many millions
. In the US over 800,000 people a year die from disease
Heart conditions, autoimmune diseases, joint conditions, allergies, liver conditions, renal
.disorder , hyperthyroidism, arthritis… the list goes on and on
.And that list includes osteoporosis
A review of studies published within the ‘Journal of Endocrinology’ found that prime levels of
inflammatory markers within the blood stopped the body from remodeling – which suggests
.‘creating’ – new bone
. In healthy bodies bones break down then renew all the time. It’s an ongoing, natural action
But if you suffer osteoporosis then your break-down and renewal process has become faulty.
.You’re breaking down a touch more bone than you’re renewing
That deficit continues over time, steadily cutting down your bone density, resulting in
.fractures and breaks. Mine wont to be exactly like that
Inflammation may be a direct and indirect explanation for that faulty bone renewal process.
it's absolutely vital that it's properly and thoroughly addressed if we’re to revive our bones
.back to their healthy condition
No help from standard medicine

And what do our general practitioners do specifically about the inflammation explanation for

Not a thing. Not one thing. rather than repairing the broken breakdown/renew process of our
bones they still push remedies that attack symptoms – but which leave the causes firmly in
situ . It’s a losing battle

Inflammation is within the gut

.Chronic, ongoing inflammation isn't directly felt

Instead, it’s experienced through anybody – or more – of the various diseases it gives rise
I mentioned a couple of earlier: heart condition , high vital sign , organ diseases then on. And

?So how can we address inflammation so as to stop it ruining our bone health

The key to preventing inflammation within the first place is to stay the gut healthy. A healthy
.gut is, literally, a healthy body and mind
.Tackle gut health and everything changes – and it changes quickly

Gut health

And this is often what the world’s leading researchers have now confirmed: poor gut health
.may be a primary explanation for widespread body inflammation
.And gut health is directly suffering from the bacteria in your gut
.Yep, bacteria
The word ‘bacteria’ always sounds a touch dangerous once we first hear it. Yet bacteria are
.simply unicellular microorganisms – neither good or bad in themselves
.And what we all know is that an excellent many bacteria are literally excellent for us
In fact, the bacteria in our guts perform life-giving tasks that our body is unable to try to to for
itself. A shortage of excellent gut bacteria is directly implicated during a dozen common
.western illnesses
We would actually die without our gut bacteria! Shelly goes into a touch more detail about
.this in her program
But we all know that an unhealthy gut environment means the amount of excellent , life-
enhancing bacteria is just too low. And when this has been happening for long enough it
.causes ongoing, low-level inflammation
In fact, poor gut health is what underlies tens of many cases of inflammation-based disease.
.this is often scientifically confirmed the planet over
The inflammation is low-level but it persists year after year after year… and does its damage
.slowly but surely
A healthy gut – which basically means bacteria that are fed many good, varied food – may
. be a gut that doesn’t provoke inflammation in the least
.In other words, it’s a gut that does no harm anywhere within the body
Inflammation and osteoporosis

.As my gut gradually regained its proper functioning body inflammation faded away
.And so the causes of my bone problems faded away with it
.A gut-friendly diet is super easy
.The foods that do most good are available in local supermarkets – and there’s many them
The two keys to regaining a healthy gut so as to tackle inflammation are: first, know which
foods are essential to gut health. Second, to eat the proper quantities of them within the right
We also reduce a couple of items that aren’t helpful – but we don’t ban them. The list of
foods that don’t help us is brief but it does include a few that are generally thought of as
.It’s important that we all know – and once we do know then it’s plain-sailing from there

Job done

I know i might never have turned my health around if I’d cursed with the quality medicine
Modern medicine simply doesn’t address this inflammatory route in the least . Yet that’s now
.known to be where all the damage starts
The Bone Density Solution’ gets to the guts of the matter. It undoes the very things that ‘
.cause the illness within the first place
And that’s why my bones are now solid, strong – and that i expect they’re getting to stay that
.way for the remainder of my life

Osteoporosis magic delivered in 14 habits

Despite how incredibly well this program works ‘The Bone Density Solution’ isn’t actually a
.’health ‘miracle
Shelly is just using what the simplest US and European research institutions are uncovering
. over the last 10 years approximately
.Her program just tweaks our day to day lifestyle back to health

…But these tweaks are just the proper ones

.They ensure we've maximised what helps us – and minimised what hurts us
Which means that growing bones become increasingly strong and abundant, not
.increasingly weak and brittle
And the reason this program is very easy to truly do is because Shelly sets the entire thing
.call at 14 small steps
.Take on a replacement step a day – or one step every few days
There’s no rush. Whichever habits you introduce first, your bones will many thanks – almost
. immediately
.I succeeded, one easy day at a time
.All I had to try to to was begin
.And once I’d begun, things took care of themselves
?And now

I had two bone density tests within the first few months after starting Shelly’s program. I
could see with my very own eyes just how effective these bone-strengthening measures
.My goal is usually to urge a T-score of -1.0 or better
.a sign of completely healthy bone density
.may be a sign of strong bones 0

…is becoming superhuman 1+

.The first weeks of Shelly’s program got me from – 2.9 to dead on – 1.0
.I would have settled for that
These days I even have my bone density measured once a year – just to make sure I
.haven’t slipped
My T score has improved a touch further – I’m at +0.5 now. which can mean my bones are
.stronger now than they need ever been in my life
.Now, does this mean my osteoporosis is gone? Well, I don’t know
.What I do know is that I control my symptoms now – instead of my symptoms controlling me
.Shelly’s program is my normal daily habit now. I don’t even believe it
.And it delivers such excellent results that I expect to possess strong, reliable bones forever
Which is strictly what I had hoped for once I first acknowledged I had osteoporosis all those
.years ago

?And you

Once we realize our bones are thinning then it’s clear we’re either on a route to osteoporosis
.– or we’ve already arrived
But the condition doesn’t stand still. which suggests if it’s not good now it’ll become bad in
.time… then very bad thereafter
It’s a future I wanted to avoid quite I’ve ever wanted to avoid anything in my life. Crutches,
wheelchairs and therefore the possibility of becoming bed-ridden thanks to immobility… it
.makes me shudder even now
.Don’t let this be your future
.You deserve better. The people that care about you agree
.You can start repairing your body’s natural bone creation process this minute
Shelly’s solution is out there immediately . There are overflow thousand happy clients now –
therefore the program itself is fully guaranteed. ( Click here, get your copy and begin turning
!this thing around ). you'll be so glad you did

Tackling osteoporosis while we will

.Remember, osteoporosis may be a condition of degradation . It gets worse, in other words

The sooner we intervene, the better it's to revive bone health then live life because the
.healthy person we would like to be
The later we intervene, the longer it takes. and therefore the more likely we’re getting to find
.yourself with a fracture or break that completely upends our lives
So the time really is now. With Shelly’s ‘The Bone Density Solution’ the time can, in fact, be
roughly 4 minutes from now. you'll quite literally start saving your bone health within the next
. jiffy
.It makes no sense to go away it. the matter is true here, right now
.So is Shelly’s solution
And reclaim your .) Get it now, start making the difference you would like immediately(
. healthful life another time

The point of no return

There is some extent at which the fractures and breaks during a person’s body become
.irreversible. Yes, the bone heals… but it isn’t restored to its former self
.There’s about 300,000 hip fractures per annum within the US
About half the people that experience one will never walk unaided again. About 15% need
. long-term medical care
.Tragically, 1 / 4 of them are going to be dead within a year
The man who introduced me to Shelly’s program – the person I spoke with at Walgreens all
those years ago – had spent years trying to rid himself of osteoporosis. He’d suffered
.considerably before he finally tackled it properly
He couldn’t undo all the damage to his spine because it had gone too far. So while he was
grateful to possess finally halted the damage he was still paying the worth for having
.addressed it so late
.Don’t do that to yourself
Shelly guarantees her results. And you would like those results. you'll get them – starting
. immediately
and finally address your bone health while) Order ‘The Bone Density Solution’ immediately (
you continue to have time to urge it right

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